Paper Princess (The Royals #1)(22)

“Lydia, Ginnie, Francine, this is Ella.” Valerie waves a hand between us, then leads me away from the Pastels before they can even open their mouths. “You ever wonder if some people are born without brains?” she asks me. “Proof of it right there. Girls give new meaning to the word airhead.”

I’m not going to lie—I’m enjoying the introductions, or rather, the gossip that comes with them. I do notice that nobody says much more than a muttered “hello” to me, before shifting their gazes to the Royal brothers to check their reactions.

“All right, easy part is over,” Valerie says with a sigh. “It’s time to slay the dragon.”

“The dragon?”

“My cousin. AKA the Queen Bee of Astor Park Prep. Be warned—she’s crazy possessive about the Royals. I’m pretty sure she’s hooked up with all of them, even the twins.”

Speaking of the twins, we pass Sawyer on our way to the pool area. I know it’s Sawyer because he’s wearing a black T-shirt, and earlier I heard Gideon call the white T-shirt-wearing twin Sebastian. A petite redhead is draped around Sawyer, trailing kisses along his neck, but his gaze stays fixed on me as we walk past.

“Little Royal’s girlfriend,” Valerie tells me. “Lauren or Laura, something like that. Sorry, I’m not knowledgeable about the sophomore circles.”

But she’s knowledgeable about almost everyone else, it seems. For a girl who likes to hide in the corner, Valerie is a bottomless well of gossip, but I guess that’s the best way to gather information, watching from the shadows.

“Brace yourself,” she warns. “The claws might come out.”

The claws in question belong to a gorgeous brunette in a silky green dress that barely covers her thighs. She’s draped on a plush lounge chair like she’s Cleopatra or some shit. Her friends take up similar poses, each one in similarly skimpy dresses.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, and I turn my head to find Reed and Easton sliding through the French doors. Reed’s eyes lock with mine. His tongue comes out briefly to moisten his bottom lip, and my heart does an irritating flip. I hate this guy. He’s too attractive for his own good.

“Jordan,” Valerie greets her cousin. “Awesome party, as always.”

The brunette smirks. “I’m surprised to see you out and about, Val. Don’t you usually like to cower in the attic?”

“I decided to live on the edge tonight.”

Jordan studies her cousin’s flushed cheeks. “I see you have. Drunk much?”

Valerie rolls her eyes, then tugs me forward. “This is Ella. Ella, Jordan.” She points a finger at each of the other girls and rattles off names. “Shea, Rachel, Abby.”

Only one of the friends spares me a look—Shea. “You met my sister earlier,” she says coolly. “Savannah.”

I nod. “Yeah. Cool chick.”

Shea narrows her eyes. I think she’s trying to figure out if I’m being sarcastic or not.

Jordan speaks up, her almond-brown eyes gleaming. “So. Ella. Callum Royal is your new daddy, huh?”

I notice the entire backyard has grown silent. Even the music pouring out of the living room seems to have quieted. I feel everyone’s eyes on us. No, on Jordan. Her friends’ expressions are almost gleeful.

I brace myself for an attack, because obviously that’s where this is leading.

Jordan sits up and crosses her long legs seductively. “What’s it like, sucking old man cock?” she asks.

Someone snorts. A few titters tickle my back.

My throat tightens with embarrassment. These people are laughing at me. I realize the Royals had gotten to their friends, probably long before I showed up. Nobody here ever planned on giving me a real chance.

I’m horrified to feel tears stinging my eyes. No. Screw that. Screw Jordan and screw all of them. I might not come from a family who “deals in hotels,” but I’m better than this bitch. I’ve survived more than she ever could.

I blink, pasting on an indifferent expression. “Your dad’s not bad, if that’s what you’re asking, but I find it super creepy that he wants to pull my hair and have me call him Daddy. Is everything okay at home?”

Valerie snickers.

A shocked gasp comes from one of Jordan’s friends.

Jordan’s eyes blaze for one brief moment before the mocking glint returns and she lets out a husky laugh.

“You were right,” she calls out to someone behind me. “She’s trash.”

I don’t need to turn around to know she’s talking to Reed.

Beside me, Valerie’s features tighten. “You’re a real bitch, you know that?” she tells her cousin.

“Better a bitch than a casual,” Jordan answers with a grin. Then she waves a hand at us. “Get out of my sight. I’m trying to enjoy my party.”

We’ve been dismissed. Valerie turns on her heel and I follow, but when we reach the doors, I veer away from her and march up to Reed.

His blue eyes reveal nothing, but his jaw twitches slightly when he sees me.

“There. I’ve done my Royal duty,” I mutter to him. “Come find me when it’s time to go.”

I brush past him without looking back.

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Erin Watt's Books