Once Upon a Thriller (Nancy Drew Diaries #4)(8)
“I thought I saw the curtains flutter when I knocked on the door, but I could have been mistaken,” I told them, shaking my head.
“What now?” Bess asked.
“We get back in the canoe and then head back to our cabin,” I replied with a shrug. “And we try to figure out why Lacey O’Brien or whoever that was on the beach earlier refused to help us. If that was her, no wonder she has a terrible reputation in town.”
George bit her lip thoughtfully. “It was pretty rude,” she agreed. “Maybe the fire was set to sabotage her book signing—she may have enemies right here in Avondale.”
At that moment, a small motorboat with two men aboard headed toward the shore. I could see the words AVONDALE POLICE stenciled on the hull.
“You folks okay?” one of the men shouted. “We received a call that a canoe had capsized in the storm. And that trespassers were on this property.”
“We’re fine,” Bess called back. “Just cold, wet, and exhausted.”
The boat pulled up to a small dock, and the second officer climbed out. He was much younger than the first and had dark brown hair and eyes. More importantly, he was carrying an armload of thick, heavy blankets.
He walked across the beach and handed one to each of us.
“Thanks!” Bess said, a smile crossing her face. “I haven’t been so happy to see a blanket in a long time.”
He smiled back at her, blushing slightly and revealing two enormous dimples. The sun peeked out from behind the clouds for a second. Bess lowered her eyes and her cheeks reddened. It was all a little ridiculous, considering what had just happened to us.
George rolled her eyes.
The other officer started talking. “Ladies, I’m Sheriff Garrison. I’m relieved you are all okay, but you must have known how dangerous it was for you to be on the lake with a storm of this magnitude. And trespassing is a serious offense in Avondale. What were you doing here, anyway?”
“The storm came up suddenly and we headed for the nearest shore. Then we tried to get help from the owner of the cabin. We didn’t mean to trespass.”
“I understand, but the ‘No Trespassing’ signs are there for a reason. The owner of this cabin likes her privacy and is very wary of any strangers who could be stalking her,” said the sheriff.
Bess spoke. “We really didn’t mean anything by this, sir. We promise to steer clear for the rest of our visit. I apologize for all of us.”
The sheriff nodded. “I will let you off with a warning—this time. But if I hear another complaint about you three, I’ll bring you into the precinct. That’s a promise.”
He walked away and started talking on his phone, leaving us with the younger officer. We were speechless. How had this weekend taken such a disastrous turn?
He smiled. “I’m sorry my uncle was so rough on you guys,” he apologized. “But folks in Avondale really take their privacy seriously. I’m Ian Garrison, by the way. I’m interning over the next couple of months for the sheriff’s office. It looks like you could use help getting back to wherever you’re going. Right?”
I nodded. “We’re heading to our cabin on the southeast corner of the lake,” I explained. “I think we’ll be fine. But if you’re going in that direction, we wouldn’t mind the company.”
“We’re heading that way too. Just consider us your police escort.”
“Nancy,” I replied as I took his hand. “And that’s Bess and George.” I pointed to my friends.
“Nice to meet you all,” he said.
George and I portaged the canoe down to the shore, Bess carried the paddles, and we climbed in and pushed off. We got back, slowly but surely, the motorboat officers watching our every move.
By the time we got back to our cabin, the weather had cleared. And I couldn’t believe it, but it was close to dinnertime. What a day it had been.
“Can we get you anything to drink before you leave?” I asked Sheriff Garrison.
“No thanks,” he replied. “I have to get back. But remember, stay out of trouble while you’re here.” Then he smiled and said, “But barring an emergency, Ian here is done for the day.” He gestured to his nephew.
“That would be great, thanks,” Ian replied with a shy smile in Bess’s direction.
Sheriff Garrison took off, and Bess and I went into the kitchen to get the drinks.
As I sliced some lemons to add to a pitcher of iced tea, I said to Bess, “I was hoping you might be able to pump Ian for some info on the fire.” I smiled at her in what I hoped was a winning fashion. “You know, since he seems to really like you.”
“He does not,” Bess protested. “But I’ll ask a few questions if it helps.”
We headed back out onto the porch with the ice-filled pitcher, four glasses, and some snacks.
“This is great, thanks. So, where are you all from?” Ian said.
“River Heights,” George replied. “We’re just up here for the weekend.”
“What do you think so far?” Ian asked.
“The lake is beautiful if you can manage to stay in the canoe,” I joked. “And we got to check out Avondale earlier today as well. That bookstore fire looked really terrible.”
I glanced at Bess to see if she would take the lead.
Carolyn Keene's Books
- The Red Slippers (Nancy Drew Diaries #11)
- The Magician's Secret (Nancy Drew Diaries #8)
- The Clue at Black Creek Farm (Nancy Drew Diaries #9)
- Strangers on a Train (Nancy Drew Diaries #2)
- Sabotage at Willow Woods (Nancy Drew Diaries #5)
- Mystery of the Midnight Rider (Nancy Drew Diaries #3)
- A Script for Danger (Nancy Drew Diaries #10)
- The Sign in the Smoke (Nancy Drew Diaries #12)