Night Study (Soulfinders #2)(40)
“Why not?”
“Master Magician Irys Jewelrose discovered him, and he was arrested and extradited to Ixia.”
“Was this before null shields were readily available?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Send another agent to infiltrate the Council. Have him or her obtain a null shield to block the magicians. I want daily reports.”
“Yes, sir.” He hoped Yelena wouldn’t find out. As the Liaison, she’d worked hard to develop a civil and respectful relationship between Ixia and Sitia.
“When is Yelena planning to return to Sitia?”
An alarming question. And the Commander didn’t use her title. “Unknown, sir.”
“She is a Sitian and a magician and is no longer welcome in Ixia. Send her home with the Sitian girl.”
Surprised, Valek lifted his gaze. He could argue the same thing about Owen and his friends, but the Commander’s cold stare sent a warning signal. Was Ambrose in control, or was Owen directing the man’s thoughts? The magic detector hadn’t flashed. Yet Valek suspected these orders were from Owen.
Valek sensed he teetered on a dangerous edge. “Permission to speak, sir?”
“Yelena is unable to use magic, sir. She will be a target in Sitia if she returns.”
“Why didn’t you tell me about her this morning?”
Valek toppled off the edge and landed right in the middle of trouble. He suspected the Commander already knew about Yelena and had been testing him. “At the time, I believed it was more important to warn you about Owen. After that, I didn’t have the opportunity.”
“I see. Will her magical powers return?”
“Unknown, sir.”
“Do you intend to marry her?”
Where had that come from? “Yes, sir.”
The Commander tapped his fingers on the desk. “If she agrees and remains here, then she must cut all ties to Sitia and become my Sitian Adviser. If she is unable to do so, or if her powers return, then she must leave immediately. Understood?”
That it was harsh? And that there was no way in hell she’d agree to cut all ties? Oh yes—crystal clear. “Yes, sir.”
“Good. You’re dismissed.”
Valek turned to leave. When he reached the door, the Commander called, “Valek, if I discover you didn’t have the opportunity to inform me of other important issues, I will add your name to Colonel Qeb’s execution list. Understood?”
“Yes, sir.” Valek left.
He navigated the throne room with his thoughts whirling from his meeting with the Commander. His threat made it clear that if he caught Valek disobeying orders or taking matters into his own hands, Valek would be terminated. Unnecessarily severe. Owen must be influencing the Commander, but the magic detector didn’t flash. Valek would have to investigate despite the threat. He’d just have to ensure he didn’t get caught.
However, he needed to keep up appearances. He spent the next couple hours doing damage control, informing Gerik and Onora that his earlier orders about Owen were no longer valid.
“Report to my office in the morning to begin your training,” he said to Onora. “Gerik, you are to remain on the Commander’s detail.”
He found Maren doing bo staff drills with a group of young women. She started them on another drill and he called her over to explain.
“We’re not to do any investigating. Understood?” he asked.
“What happened?” she asked.
“Commander’s orders.”
She tapped a finger on her chin. “Little Miss Assassin ratted you out, didn’t she?”
The possibility had crossed his mind. “I need you to find an agent who can infiltrate the Sitian Council.”
“That’s gonna be super hard. The Councilors are all wary of new people. When do you need the agent in place?”
“The sooner the better.”
“Even harder. We might have to settle for bribing someone already on the inside.”
“As long as the information is accurate. Stop by my office tonight with a couple suggestions.”
“Okay, boss.” Maren returned to her students.
Valek arranged for Reema’s escort. The girl wouldn’t be safe until she left Ixia. Then he searched for the power twins. Ari and Janco played cards with Reema in the dining room. From the groans and pile of coins in front of Reema, he guessed the little scamp had won many hands.
Janco threw his cards down in disgust. “That’s it! I’m tapped out.”
Reema grinned and raked in more coins. “Do you want to play, Uncle Valek?”
“And go broke? No, thank you.”
“Awww. You’re no fun.”
“Did Yelena tell you about going home?” he asked.
Her good humor dimmed. “Yes.”
“I’ve assigned two of my most trusted men to escort you.”
She perked up. “Ari and Janco!”
“No, sorry. I need them.” Did he ever.
Once again she deflated.
“You’ll be leaving in the morning, and you’ll ride horses so you can get home faster,” Valek tried.
“Horses are fun,” Janco said.
“I guess.” She fiddled with a coin.
Maria V. Snyder's Books
- The Marriage Lie
- The Lovely Reckless
- The King's Traitor (Kingfountain #3)
- The Gangster (Isaac Bell #9)
- The Drifter (Peter Ash #1)
- The Dollmaker(The Forgotten Files #2)
- The Billionaire's Touch (The Sinclairs #3)
- The Abyss Surrounds Us (The Abyss Surrounds Us #1)
- Take the Key and Lock Her Up (Embassy Row #3)
- Swing (Landry Family #2)