My Addiction (Club Desire #2)(44)

“I’d like to check out those two spots on your back before I leave, if you don’t mind. I want to make sure they haven’t gotten worse.”

She shifted in her chair as if testing out the sensitivity of the two areas. “They don’t hurt as much today. That liniment is great stuff.” She lowered the footrest of the recliner and then leaned forward in her seat so she could open her robe and shrug it off until it fell around her waist.

She was naked beneath the robe other than a thong. So the action freed her luscious breasts, distracting Dex for several moments.

When he realized he was clenching his fists to keep from reaching out to cup the delectable mounds, he forced his mind back to the business at hand. He studied the two areas on her back that had taken the brunt of the flogging yesterday. Both were still a shade darker than the other marks, but Kate didn’t wince when he touched them.

He ran his hand down her back and then stopped himself when she shuddered under his touch. He had no business getting Kate keyed up right now when he wasn’t willing to finish what he started. She needed to rest, and the list of things he wanted to do with her didn’t currently involve rest.

He allowed himself to run his fingers through her thick hair, but he resisted the temptation to grab a handful and pull her head back to expose her long neck.

“They look better. Are there any other spots that are painful?”

He leaned forward so he could see her face.

She shook her head. “No. Just the normal ‘day after’ tenderness. But nothing like those two places were last night.”

“Good. You’re looking much more alert, Kate. How do you feel?”

She stayed silent for a long moment, taking stock before answering. “Better. I think a shower will get me back to my normal self so I can knock out some work.” She licked her lips, and his balls tightened, reminding him of another thing on his list for her. He would love to have those beautiful lips wrapped around his cock. But not until after she rested.

“Will you be at The Dungeon later?” she asked with a sensual smile.

Dex fought not to blurt out an answer. He didn’t want to sound too eager, even though he definitely was. With any other sub, he wouldn’t be reacting this way. He’d known instinctively when he first met Kate that she could be dangerous to him, personally. “I should be there at some point this evening. I’m not sure when yet.”

He wanted to tell her not to go there without him. Not to play scenes with any other Dom. To mark her fully as his. But at least he wasn’t so far gone as to let any of that pass his lips. Even if she weren’t a suspect in an active investigation, none of those things were wise this quickly after meeting her.

Not that Dex didn’t believe in love at first sight, or at least strong connections at first sight, but even under normal circumstances he was more cautious than that, letting things unfold in their own time.

The fact that he was as drawn to Kate as he obviously was both surprised and concerned him. He wasn’t sure what he would do if she was involved in the terrorist plot. He wouldn’t be so foolish as to let her off or look the other way. But it just might break his heart if things kept going in this direction between them.

“Kate. Promise me something.”

She turned to him, her large green eyes now sharp and aware, even though there were still dark circles under them, a telltale sign she needed more sleep. “What?”

“No flogging this week. You need to heal fully before any more impact play.”

Some darker emotion flashed across her face, but he couldn’t put a name to it, and it was gone before he could study it. Finally, she gave a single nod. “That’s probably best.”

He reached out and laid his hand on her shoulder. “I’ll see you later. If not tonight, then tomorrow.”

She nodded, but the expression on her face told him something was wrong.

He took her chin between his fingers and turned her to face him again. “Kate. What’s wrong?”

She hesitated, and he knew whatever she said was going to be at best a half truth, but if she didn’t trust him enough to tell him, he wasn’t going to press her. He had done everything he could to make sure she was all right.

“I’m still tired. I think a nap and a shower will get me to a point where I can at least get some work done. Then I can decide if I feel up to going to The Dungeon tonight.”

Dex thought back over their exchange and couldn’t see anything he had said that would hurt her, or even bother her. But he knew that something had. “Are you sure you’re all right? I want to make sure before I go.”

This time there was no sign of the darker emotion. Maybe he had imagined it?

“I’m good. Great, in fact. I haven’t felt this good in ages.” She smiled, and the tightness in his chest lessened.

He leaned in and brushed a kiss across her lips.

Chapter 13

As soon as Kate closed and locked the door behind Dex, she slapped her palm against her face. “Stupid girl,” she scolded herself aloud. “You have no business being upset because Master Dex assumed you would go to The Dungeon and play with another Dom.”


She was disgusted with herself for having those thoughts. Neither of them was restricted from playing with others. For him to assume she might was only natural, considering he knew she’d had multiple Doms before he arrived.

Cassie Ryan's Books