Mister Hockey (Hellions Angels #1)(49)
“You got these?” Breezy slowly reached out and took the bouquet. “Really?”
“I’m not good talking about my feelings. But I want you to know how proud I am of you. You did it. You really did it this time.”
Breezy stared, stunned. Had she choked on a piece of birthday cake because it sounded like Mom was expressing pride. In fact, she was tearing up despite the fact she wore mascara and expertly applied eyeliner.
“I know that there were times when I wanted you to be more like . . . me . . . rather than like you. After you lost your job, and right after you bought the house, I was worried. I’d even spoke to Jim about cashing in on a CD to help you with the mortgage. I was going to tell you today.”
“Thank you, Mom. Really. But that’s not going to be necessary. I’ve got a good loan, but the fact you wanted to help me means the world.”
“Itsy Bitsy Books. What a cute name.”
Breezy gave a small shy smile. “You used to sing me the “Itsy Bitsy Spider” when I was little, remember? And you’d always tickled me when singing the ‘down came the rain’ part.”
“To hear you laugh. You had those dimples. Oh, and that adorable laugh. This new step has taken courage and guts. I’ve been wrong to dismiss you. Wrong to think that you were settling. Granny won’t admit it now, but when I was younger, she thought my dream of figure skating was unrealistic. She advised me to go to secretarial school.”
“Yes.” Mom grimaced. “Trust me. She’s mellowed with age. Your aunts could tell stories that would turn your hair gray. But never mind that. Let it go and let it be.”
“That’s very Buddha of you.”
“Therapy. It’s a new thing that I’m trying. I just want you to know that I am proud of you. That I don’t always have the words, but there is love for you here.” She pressed a hand over her chest. “And you can bet that Itsy Bitsy is going to be a success.”
“You really think so?”
“Honey, you’re my daughter. Once you find your passion, you chase it and let nothing get in your way.”
Breezy bent and breathed in the blossoms, they smelled sweet and fresh, like hope.
Chapter Twenty
Breezy still had one more dragon to slay if she wanted a shot at getting her fairy tale.
“Where do you want to do this?” she asked her sister that night, after they got back to her cottage following Granny’s party.
“Let’s try your kitchen table.”
Once seated, Neve got out her audio recorder. After some fiddling, she nodded. “Ready, Freddy.”
Breezy reached for her glass of water and took a long sip.
“You don’t have to do this,” Neve repeated for what must be the thousandth time.
“No. I do.” Breezy took one more gulp. Her stomach hurt. Talking was scary, but it was the only way. If Jed didn’t want to listen to her talk, she had to veer from usual channels, because at the end of the day, having a deep and meaningful talk with cardboard Jed wasn’t going to accomplish anything.
If he heard her words maybe they’d burrow into his heart and put down roots. Help him believe her. Help him realize that what they shared was beyond anything she knew leading up to it.
“Okay I’m ready when you are.” Neve fingered the record button.
“Let’s do it.”
Neve leaned in. “Hello and welcome to another edition of Sports Heaven, with me, Neve, Denver’s favorite Angel, although once you get a load of my special guest that could be up for debate.
“Lots happening the past few days in Hockeylandia, namely the huge shake-up on the Hellions roster with Captain Jed West announcing a sudden retirement from the game. Unconfirmed sources cite the reason is due to a health issue, likely a cumulative of head injuries and a desire to leave the sport to proactively protect his handsome noggin.
“Predictably, this has kicked up quite the fuss among pundits about the dangers of CTE or chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a progressive degenerative disease of the brain found primarily in athletes with a track record for repetitive brain trauma like concussions or repeated blows to the head.
“But throughout the story, another person has slipped into the spotlight. A woman who was with Jed when the news broke out. An ordinary woman who has weathered an extraordinary situation of media and scrutiny.
“A woman who I’m proud to call my sister.” Neve blew her a kiss. “Thanks for talking with me today, Breezy,” she said.
“Uh. Hi.” Breezy leaned in and spoke to the mic like it might jump up and bite her on the chin.
“Never expected to have you on my show.”
“That makes two of us.” An awkward silence lingered. Breezy’s blood pressure began to creep up, her cheeks flushing as a tight band of pressure spread across her chest.
“Listeners out there might appreciate hearing how you’re a yuuuge hockey fan. Want to fill people in about the Hellions Angels?”
Breezy started off a little slow, unsure and mumbling as she shared how the Angel women love the game and it has become the compass in their family, the one thing they can all agree on.
“So true,” Neve laughed. “I don’t normally get personal on here, but I think it’s fair to say that hockey is the glue that holds our family together. Why, I don’t even see you guys much during the off-season.” She leaned in, her face getting serious. “This is funny stuff, but you’re on the show for a more serious reason. You were in a relationship with Jed and he thinks you are the leaker of the story. So today it’s time to set the record straight.”