Mister Hockey (Hellions Angels #1)(41)
His lids grew heavy. A muscle twitched in his temple. “You’ve never done what?”
“Had a guy . . . you know . . .” She wiped a bubble off her cheek, let the pause speak for itself.
“You’re telling me that no one’s ever come inside that pretty mouth?” He nearly growled the words.
“Nope. But you can role-play Neil Armstrong.” She cocked a teasing brow. “If that’s your kink.”
He arched as she bent back, a splash of bathwater dousing one of the candles. For a moment, it almost extinguished her nerves too. But she had spoken the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. She had wanted to do this. At least to try.
And when it happened, the hot dizzy rush, she was swept away too. Glancing up as he spent himself, their gazes locked, his own flaming with wordless marvel. When he could finally speak he shook his head. “You fooled me good.”
She took a demure sip of wine. “How so?”
“I almost believed you. That it was your first time.”
“I was telling the truth.”
His pupils dilated. “Bullshit.”
She dropped the wash cloth she was rubbing against her neck and raised a hand. “On my honor. I’ve never swallowed.”
“Christ.” He rubbed his forehead. “I’ve never gotten head like that in my life.”
“You want to tell me about all the girls?”
“Shit. Sorry, no. I’m just saying you’ve got raw talent. A natural gift.”
“I’m not sure you should hint to a girl that she could turn pro with her blow jobs.”
“Fuck.” He hooked a hand around the back of his neck. “I’m blowing this hard.” His eyes opened wider. “Shit, that came out wrong. I meant to say . . .”
“I get it, I’m teasing.” She giggled. “And thank you. Being told you are a sexual goddess isn’t exactly a hardship. And imagine, if that was my first time, how good I can get.”
“I want to own you.”
“Can you afford me?” As their lips touched, electricity jumped down her spine. She wasn’t talking about money, but commitment. If he wanted her for more than a fling, it was going to come at a price.
The cost of her heart.
Soft jazz music drifted from the open door and he was hard again, his shaft rigid against her thigh.
He swallowed a growl. “Let’s get out and grab a condom. I want to have my way with you.”
“We’re good. I’m on the pill.” She slid down, opening her thighs so that his tip rested at her entrance. Pinpricks tingled over her arms.
“You sure?” His lips skated over her shoulder as he pressed in, not enough to enter, but to show he meant business.
“You heard me.” She traced a nail down his chest, digging ever so slightly into his rock-hard pectoral muscle. “And if you don’t quit being a gentleman, then I do declare that I’m going to stop being a lady.”
“Lean closer.”
She bit her lip, intrigued by the mystery, only to have him suck in the lobe of her ear, a part of her so sensitive that she cried out.
“Better. That leveled the playing field some,” he rasped. “So for the last time, you want me? All of me? Raw and in you?”
“That’s a little like asking if I want Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and the Fourth of July all at once.” The idea of having him, bare-skinned and inside her, was so intimate that she nearly moaned out loud.
“All right then.” He gripped her hips. “Careful what you wish for.”
Jesus. His brain stuttered while his vision went dark around the edges. He’d been inside Breezy before, lots of times now, and knew how fucking good it was in there. How tight. How hot. But this was different, and it wasn’t just the fact that he was bare. This was next-level connection. He disappeared inside her inch by slow inch, losing his goddamn mind while at the exact same time finding a whole new part of himself that he didn’t know existed. Deeper he went. And deeper still. With Breezy, there was always more to be discovered. Nothing was enough. He wanted in. Deeper and deeper. Until, God. Jesus, fuck. He was as far as he could get.
And he was in. All in. On every fucking thing where this woman was concerned.
This wasn’t the time, when he was buried to the hilt, to tell her he was falling for her. She’d think it was the sex talking. But the truth was that he felt his heart in his throat, and it was authentic and not a line, or some sort of sex-drenched garble. It was pure. And—
“You gonna keep staring or get to it and fuck me?”
She had a filthy mouth and he loved that too.
“God, Jed.” Her throat was rosy and her lips parted, reaching beneath, her fingers brushed his sac with featherlight strokes.
“You feel gorgeous, dirty girl.” That was an easier truth to get out than any midfuck L word. “I love being inside you.”
She smiled ever so slightly at that, then clenched him harder, milking his shaft, threatening to send him over the edge far earlier than he intended.
“Your pussy is so tight. I’m filling it the fuck up.” He drove into her like the world was ending, like this was the last time he’d ever be inside her. Ravishing. Dominating. Water splashed onto the tile. One of the candles flicked out.