Mister Hockey (Hellions Angels #1)(35)

“Oh yeah?” He tweaked one of her red-painted toes. “I fascinate you?” The bold vixen color killing him in the best kind of ways. He loved her big hair, her soft body, her polished nails. She was womanly, sexy, and yet . . . if she was going to probe him, take him out of his comfort zone—it could go both ways.

“You definitely do.” She nodded solemnly.

“Okay, okay, so you want to inspire the jock to read, I get it. But what about you?” He rubbed her feet, pressing hard on her arches.

“Mmm. That’s good.” Her eyes rolled a little, her lips parting as his massage deepened. “What about me?”

“You’re pushing me out of my comfort zones. How about you? What sports do you play?”

“Oh. Uh. Hmm.” Her lids flew open and she regarded him wide-eyed. “Does stocking shelves count?”

A chuckle rumbled through him. “Not letting you get off so easily.”

“I used to ice skate,” she said with a shrug.

“You skated?” That surprised him. In a good way.

Until her snub nose wrinkled.

“Honestly? I hated it. I mean, I love watching people skate, but my own legs and feet? They just don’t work that way. Neve was pretty good at it, way better than me. My mom coached us. I think she was hoping for more, but I let her down the most.” She shrugged with a grin. “What can I say? I’m a total klutz.”

Her lighthearted tone didn’t mask the flash of pain in her eyes.

“Breezy Angel.” He stared at her a long minute and then checked his watch. “I never thought I’d say this to you in a million years, but go put some pants on.”

“What are you talking about?” She sat back, drawing in her knees, giving him the briefest flash of her near perfect pink pussy. “Why?”

His mouth watered. He could forget everything, just wrap those sweet thighs around his neck, and lose himself in her.

But, fuck. No. He took a steadying breath. This was important, because she hadn’t just found her way into his pants, but also his heart.

Fifteen minutes later they were on the road, in his Land Rover. She was being a good sport despite the fact he hadn’t offered up a single detail of his plan. Her hair twisted into one of her high knots, a few wild tendrils escaping to brush the side of her neck, right at the place where her pulse fluttered—the only clue that she wasn’t as relaxed as she might seem.

When he exited onto the off-ramp, her hands dropped to her lap. Her head jerked as if wanting to glance over in his direction, but she didn’t allow it.

“We’re here,” he said, parking in an empty space, reaching for his Hellions ball cap.

“Hoo boy. I was afraid you might be taking me here,” she said flatly, eyeing the sign on the building. “Mile High Skate Center. This is where Mom used to give me lessons.”

“I figured as much. Most kids in the city do them here.”

“Just tell me straight.” She took off her sunglasses and ducked her chin. “Is it funny to you? I’m not kidding. I really do suck. And if you want to laugh then there are easier ways to—”

“Vixen.” He reached and cupped her chin, turning her face toward his. “It’s like what you said with the books.”

Her brows mashed. “I don’t get it.”

“You believe there is a reader inside me, just waiting to get out. It’s a question of finding the right story, the one that excites me, right?”

She nodded, confusion still plain on her face.

“Well it’s the same here with this. I think there is a skater inside you, but you need the right teacher.”

Good lord, Mile High even smelled the same, the damp rubber tickling her nose, the chemicals in the ice, the cold pizza from a birthday party set up in the corner. It was open skate time and zippy pop music pulsed over the speakers as kids flew past, and couples hand in hand.

While she got fitted for skates, Jed signed a quick autograph for a teenage girl behind the counter, one who clutched the scrap of paper he’d touched as if she’d sleep with it tonight, treasure his scrawled signature for all time.

Breezy had to smile, even as her fingers trembled while she tightened her laces. It hadn’t been all that long since she’d been the same way. And yet here she was, about to step into her worst nightmare, simply because Jed asked, because he believed he could make her enjoy this.

He was already laced up by the time she finished.

“This is ridiculous,” she muttered, hobbling toward him, ankles awkward. “Jed West at a kiddie open skate?”

He shrugged. “I like it. In fact, a couple of times during the year I come alone.”

“You’re lying to make me feel better.”

He took her hand, steadying her balance with a gentle squeeze. “One thing I won’t do is lie to you, Vixen. I started skating because it was so much goddamn fun. Coming here? It helps remind me of that part of it. Gets me out of my head. Loosens me up.”

They reached the ice. If she closed her eyes, she’d still be able to hear her mom screaming at her from the side. Focus!

“Ready?” He stepped out and gave her a gentle tug. “Keep your head steady and if you start to wobble, fix your gaze on a point in the distance.”

“Fair warning.” She licked her lips, joining him. “I’m going to make a total fool out of myself.”

Lia Riley's Books