Making the Cut (Sons of Templar MC #1)(73)

I didn’t reply, as the men all shouted a chorus of hellos, grunts and chin lifts.

“Well hello there Tyson, seems I missed quite a show, let me know when your next rearing for a fight would pay to see that.” Buck, one of the older members who I had become friendly with yelled at me.

I gave him a wink back. “You will be first to know Buck.”

I laughed good naturedly as some of the men give me a few more jibes.

Cade sat us down at a table where Lucky was ploughing through his breakfast. I poked him in his muscled arm.

“I wonder who had the big mouth and told the guys about my little incident that happened like ten minutes ago, *.” I declared playfully.

Lucky grinned at me mouth full, gross what was it with men?

Cade pulled me closer to his side. “If I hear anyone talking about my woman in any way that is more than PG I will rip their balls off.” He said forcefully to the group, glare in his voice. I let out a slight giggle as he kissed my nose.

“Hungry baby?”

“No but I would murder for a coffee.” I replied with seriousness, thinking back to the precious java I dropped earlier.

Lucky who has finished his mouthful shouted. “Ooh she’s threatening murder now, someone get her a coffee, quick.” He smirked at Cade who leaned over and punched him in the shoulder.

“Not another word.” He told him evenly.

Lucky saluted him with a smile, rubbing his arm getting back to his breakfast.

“Coffee.” Cade smiled at me.

One of the Sweetbutts (Lucky explained to me that the hangers on, girls who f*cked different members of the club were called this) stopped and placed her hand lightly on my shoulder before quickly pulling it away, glancing at Cade.

“I’ll get your coffee Gwen, how do you take it?” She asked, taking me by surprise.

“Um no its okay I can...” I started to reply, but Cade interrupted me.

“Black two sugars, I’ll have one too.” He told her, barely looking up.

She nodded at him and turned to get our coffees.

I spun to Cade. “I have legs Cade, I am quite capable of getting my own coffee.” I informed him snippily.

“That ain’t the point babe, it’s a respect thing. You are my Old Lady, they need to know their place, which is below you. Libby was doing what she should, showing you respect.” I eyed at him disbelievingly but his face was serious.

“That’s ridiculous.” I stated.

Cades gaze turned hard. “That’s how the club works babe, get used to it.” His tone communicated that the subject was closed.

I pursed my lips itching to argue, clearly I had a lot to learn. Libby came back with our coffees, placing them in front of us, obviously knowing how Cade took his.

I smiled at her. “Thank you Libby.” I said sincerely, if I had to let them run around after me, at least I could be nice.

“That’s okay Gwen.” She smiled nervously and walked away.

I leaned into Cade who was in the process of piling his plate.

“So do many of the men have Old Ladies?” I asked genuinely interested.

“Nope.” Cade replied. “Me, Steg and Ranger.” He nodded towards an attractive man in his mid forties who I hadn’t met yet. He was sitting at another table one arm around a very pretty woman, probably early thirties with long blonde hair. Their position similar to the way Cade and I were sitting. The blonde caught me looking and grinned, I gave her a friendly smile back.

“I’ll introduce you later, Ranger and Lizzie have been off on some school trip with their kids or some shit, that’s why you haven’t seen them round.” He explained through mouthfuls. Well at least my man didn’t talk with his mouth open.

“How come there are so few of you with Old Ladies?” I questioned, looking around at the men, at least 15 of them were milling around, three was not a very high number of men with women.

Cade regarded at me intensely. “Takes a special kind of woman to be able to handle this life. Also takes a special kind of woman to make us want to settle down. Got more than enough bitches willing to offer up their *, not any of them Old Lady material.” A crude explanation but still kind of sweet. I leaned in and kissed Cade on the cheek. An intense gaze passed between us, and I wondered if he was thinking about what I said last night. He couldn’t verbalize an ‘I love you’ but at least I knew he cared about me a lot. I tried to convince myself that was enough.

“I’m going to use the ladies room.” I informed him, standing.

“I’ll take you.”

“Its okay honey I think I can manage on my own.” I gave him a look before turning to walk into the clubhouse. After using the facilities (they even had a specific ladies room) I checked my reflection to make sure I didn’t look like a total disaster. Surprisingly I didn’t. I just looked…happy, even though I wasn’t covered in makeup or clad in my designer clothes, I felt confident. I guess Cade did that to me. I turned to walk out, coming face to face with Evie.

“Shit!” I jumped, hand on my chest. She directed a scathing look at me.

“You scared me.” I told her, choosing to ignore the glare.

“You should be scared darlin, you don’t belong here, doubt you will be able to handle this life. Sooner you figure that out the better.” She stepped closer, trying to intimidate me. I refused to move, refused to let her make me feel inferior. I leaned into her.

Anne Malcom's Books