Loving Nicole (Savage Brothers MC #3)(3)

Nicole collapses against me, angling so that her head can rest against my neck and shoulder. Her lips touch my jawline and chin before she settles against me.

“I’m pretty sure Heaven has angels singing, pearly gates, and golden streets…not your woman’s *, sweetheart.” She yawns against my skin.

Shit, I didn’t realize I spoke the words out loud. I kiss the top of her head. My hand rubbing the side of her stomach where our child is resting.

Every. Damn. Day.

Every day since Nicole has come into my life just gets better, happier, and fuller. I don’t even know how that shit is possible, but I am completely happy. Hell, I even yawn along with her. It’s no shame. My woman wears me out—in all good ways.

“That’s the reason it’s also the only heaven I want, Mama. An eternity without my woman’s *? Fuck that. You and I will make our own afterlife.”

She laughs I think. I can’t be sure because her lips are buried against the pulse in my neck and she yawns at the same time.

“You didn’t let me finish sucking you off again. I want your cum, Dragon.”

“I gave it to you, woman.”

“You know what I’m saying Dragon, don’t play dumb,” she says while her hand wraps loose around my stomach, she slides off my cock and wraps one leg over my hip.

“Told you Nicole, my boy ain’t about to taste my cum.”

“And I told you, that’s not how it works…”

“I heard you, but I think about it when you’re sucking me and I can’t let go. So, this is how I’m gonna play it.”

“I’m going to keep trying. One day you’ll be so far gone, you will give me your cum before you think about it. I just need to get more inventive.”

“Woman, I think you’ve tapped the market on inventive, unless you’re thinking about bringing another party into our bed.”

“I’d gut a bitch who tried to get near your cock. Hell, any part of you. Fuck, even our bed. I’d gut her and dance on her entrails.”

I laugh as I hear my words, words I’ve used come back at me.

“Woman, you’re starting to sound like me.”

“It’s a problem, but I deal with it. Back to the issue at hand though, another woman is not getting near you, hmmm, another man though…”

“I’d cut off his cock and feed it to him, then gut him and feed a piece of him to the vultures every f*cking day for a year.”

“So, I think it’s safe to say we’re not going to be having a threesome anytime soon.”

“Ever. Not f*cking ever.”

She laughs and I can’t help the smile that comes over my face.

“You know we might want to keep the whole entrails and gutting talk to a minimum, so Junior doesn’t hear. I’m pretty sure that’s more likely to happen than him ingesting daddy’s baby gravy.”

I bark out in laughter at that. Shit this woman kills me. I never laughed before her. Never.

“You are one wacky bitch, Mama.”

“My man, always so sweet and free-flowing with the compliments. Shut up Dragon, and let me go to sleep.”

“Go to sleep, Mama. I love you.”

“Forever,” she whispers against my neck.

“Forever Nicole, forever.”

In just mere minutes her breathing evens out and she sleeps. I just lie here, holding her close and enjoying this moment—like I always do. This is my time. My time for giving thanks to the man above for giving me Nicole and not taking her away. Time for me to just hold the one person in this entire world who will ever own me, except maybe our son and any future children.

Nicole and I are having a baby. A beautifully healthy baby boy. I close my eyes, my hand still moving along the side of her stomach. We’ve had two of those ultrasound things now and you can see the baby clearly. 3D or 4D, I’m not sure what they call it, all I know is it gave me a picture of our beautiful, innocent child.

I have the world. I have the world here in my hands. My woman and my baby—it doesn’t get any better than this. It’s all I never really knew I wanted, until now.

“Forever, Mama,” I whisper, as I slowly let sleep claim me. It’s not quite daylight and after a workout like that, I need to hold my woman and rest. I feel my son kick against my hand and fall asleep with a smile on my face.

Chapter 2


I’m used to waking up alone by now, but I always miss him. Dragon. I watched this movie once, a long time ago, about soulmates. It was a cheesy, corny movie but it talked about souls being separated when they are brought into this world and how they spend their entire existence here on Earth, trying to find their missing partner. I always loved the idea. I never dreamed it was real, but with Dragon that scenario doesn’t seem far-fetched. I find myself praying that my child finds his woman, the one woman who will complete him as Dragon does me—and good lord, if that isn’t a syrupy, sugary load of crap to be thinking about first thing in the morning. Dani’s right, pretty soon rainbows will be shooting out of my ass.

I pat my stomach gently and slowly get up. I’m hungry. That’s nothing new, I swear Junior has me eating everything that’s not nailed down. This morning he’s demanding bacon before I even get fully awake.

Jordan Marie's Books