Love and Let Die (Masters and Mercenaries #5)(58)

She’d been so close and now she was cold. She was spread out for him, but the chill in the air was just another sensation to be had, one that would go away the minute he covered her again.

Ian shoved his leathers down and off, kicking his boots from his feet at the same time. His magnificent cock came into view. She’d never seen one bigger, might run if she did because he could do some damage with that massive weapon.

He stared down at her. The light from the seemingly hidden source cast him in harsh relief, making his features harder, more masculine. He was all male, and she would never completely understand what drove him. She would never be able to fathom exactly why he’d chosen her, why she was the one who could take that masculinity and soften it just enough that he wasn’t always alone. She couldn’t understand it, but she would fight for her rights. She was his natural mate. She’d known it from the moment he’d taken her.

That had been the first night she’d been complete. She’d been more than just Charlotte Denisovitch, victim and pawn. She’d been whole and real and someone new and shiny.

That moment couldn’t have been lost forever.

It couldn’t have been something he hadn’t shared with her. But it did seem to be something he feared sharing again.

“Is something wrong, Master?” She kept her voice quiet, free from emotion. “Did I move? Should I present my poor backside again?”

A little smile curled his lips up. Yes, that was what she needed. “No, Charlie, for once, you’re behaving. Was it hard not to come?”

Ah, the dirty talk. He craved it. He loved to force her to say dirty stuff. “Yes, Master.”

He stroked his cock but made no move to cover her. He just stared down, but there was a slightly softer look on his face now. “Why was it so hard? Tell me about it.”

Because he wanted to hear just how good he was. Vain man. “Because your fingers felt so good. They were big inside me, but not anywhere as big as that cock of yours.”

“All these years, you just jacked off thinking about me?” There was a challenge in that question, but it was one she could match.

“I don’t think I would call it jacking off. I think that’s more a male thing. I masturbated thinking about you. I tried to hold off, but the dreams would get to me. I would dream and you would be there, touching me, holding me down and having your way with me. You would take me any way you wanted, anywhere you wanted, and I was helpless to do anything to stop you.”

Yeah, that was doing something for him. If it was possible, she thought his cock hardened further. “Because I tied you down?”

“Because I wanted you so badly I would do anything to have you, Master. Anything to please you.”

“Would you?”

“Yes.” She hadn’t worked her ass off for five years, dodging bullets along the way, to deny him sexually. “Anything you want, my Master.”

She could make him the promise because she trusted the man with her life. He’d never brought her any pain that hadn’t enhanced her pleasure. He’d never taken her to any place but pure paradise when it came to making love.

“I’m clean, Charlie. I just had a physical.”

He was really going to f*ck her. God, how long had she waited? “I’m perfectly clean, too. No sex since you. I swear my fingers don’t have any STDs. I thought about buying a vibrator once, but I figured you might object.”

She’d found one online that was just shy of his size. She’d planned on calling it Ian, but she’d been a little afraid she might end up being way too attached to an object.

“No one is using a vibrator on you but me,” he said, proving her first instinct right. “I mean it. While I’m topping you, I control the orgasms. If I catch you playing with a pocket rocket, you won’t come for a very long time. Now, pay attention. Are you on birth control?” The question came out of his mouth in a low growl.

It was right there on the tip of her tongue to tell him yes. She’d meant to start, but a million things had to be taken care of and she’d let that little detail slip away. She’d needed time to recuperate from her gunshot wound and then she didn’t want to waste another minute before she got back to Ian. And there had been a little notion in the back of her head that everything might go better than expected and he might not want her on birth control. It had been a stupid idea, but it now left her with a choice.

She could tell him yes and he would take her without anything between them. When she’d come to him the first time, she’d known she would sleep with him, known that was her job. Before the op, she’d taken a shot promised to protect her from pregnancy for three months. He would believe her. He would think she just stayed on it all the time. If she got pregnant, he couldn’t leave her behind. He would have to keep her. A child could bind them together, could make it impossible for them to really be apart.

“I’m not, Master. You should wear a condom.” She couldn’t lie to him. Not ever again. She owed him, and she wouldn’t keep him with another set of lies.

He cursed and walked to the small wardrobe against the side of the west wall. He drew it open, revealing that there weren’t clothes in this particular closet. There were boxes of toys and restraints, bottles of lube and rows of condoms. He tore one free and sheathed his dick, grabbing a bottle of lube before closing the door again.

Lexi Blake's Books