Love and Let Die (Masters and Mercenaries #5)(114)

The king bowed slightly to her and then made his decision. “I have been working with a very smart scientist. He trained in England and the US. When he came home to Loa Mali, he requested an audience with me. He said he wanted to do something for the world. Something to change everything. This, I was interested in. For the last seven years, I’ve been funding him and giving him a space to work in secret. We’re close to a working prototype.”

The hair on the back of his arms started to stand up. This was it. This was what Nelson wanted. “How are you going to change the world, Your Highness?”

“We’ve found a way to run a combustion engine on salt water.”

Bingo. Fuck. Yes, that would certainly be worth going to war over. And this was bigger than Ian had thought. “Your Highness, we’re going to need to get you to a secure location.”

“What?” King Kash held his hands up as if trying to force the world to slow down. “What are you talking about? I am perfectly safe here. This is my boat. I have my security guards around me. I don’t see how I would be safer somewhere else.”

A massive boom sounded through the air, a crash of sound that could be felt against the skin and the sea. This time the boat rocked as large waves started pounding it.

Ian grabbed his earpiece. It was time for backup again. “Simon, what do you see?”

“Not much. There’s a ton of smoke coming from the west. But it’s too far to see what’s on fire. Wait, Knight says there’s news on the radio. A big explosion. Some oil rig off the coast of Loa Mali.”

Fuck. Fuck. And mega f*ck. He turned to the king. “Tell me the research wasn’t being done on your oil rig.”

The king’s mouth dropped open. “I thought no one would know we were working there. I had special rooms built.”

Sean cursed. He’d put his earpiece back in as well. “Your rig is gone.”

If Nelson blew the rig, then he was planning on taking the boat. He would have to get those documents. Either he already had them or he was about to assault the yacht.

“I have more bad news, boss,” Simon said, his voice low. “You’ve got company. Off the starboard. Looks like two fast-moving boats. They’re coming from the west. The same direction as that explosion. I don’t think they’re coming for tea, Tag.”

Ian ran to the right side of the ship, away from the shoreline. Sure enough, there were two boats moving toward them, and there was no way for him to mistake them for anything but what they were.

Somali pirates. He could just bet who was playing the pirate king today.

Chapter Eighteen

Charlie felt her heart nearly stop as Ian took her hand. Everything had gone wrong, and she wasn’t even sure what the hell had happened. One minute the world was fairly calm and the next it was all going to Hell in a hand basket. Around her people were rushing either toward the stairs or to the side of the boat where they could watch the damage about to happen.

“We have to get you someplace safe, baby. I don’t want him to know you’re here.” He started leading her down the steps to the lower decks. He pulled her hard, forcing her to look away from the water view where she could plainly see ships coming toward the starboard side of the yacht. She’d counted two medium-sized ships, all with full crews and, she suspected, full armaments.

“He already knows I’m here. Can’t we outrun them?”

The king shook his head. “We’re too big. These are Somali pirates. They’re quick and efficient in these waters. They’ll be on us in a minute.” He barked out orders in Hindi, and four armed guards showed up.

They stepped up to the side of the boat and began to fire, raining down bullets on the incoming boats.

The world became a cacophony of gunfire as the guards began to defend the yacht. Ian dropped down, hauling her with him and covering her body with his.

The king was on one knee beside them. Chaos seemed to have taken over the boat. Feminine screams were punctuated by volleys of staccato gunfire. She managed to peek out from under Ian’s arm and saw one of the guards being peppered with bullets, his gun falling, arms flying back before he dropped to the deck and the blood began to flow.

Nelson was here. God, he was here and this time he wouldn’t pretend to kill her. This time he would try to kill them all.

“We need to get to the speedboat,” Ian said, his voice the only calm thing in the world, it seemed to Charlie.

The king shook his head. “No. I must get the research. All will be lost if I don’t get my computer. If he’s taken out the rig, then this is all we have left. I have Internet on the boat. I can at least send it out. I have to do this. This kind of technology could save the world.”

She could feel how tense Ian was. He turned to the king as he spoke. “I don’t care about saving the f*cking world right now or giving it a freaking gift. I care about getting my wife off this floating tomb.”

Sean had a P90 in his hand. He’d grabbed it from the fallen guard. “I’ll take him. You get Charlie off the boat.”

“Sean,” Ian started.

A world of willpower was plain on Sean Taggart’s face. “No. I’m taking Nelson out. I’m doing it for my wife and my daughter, and you can’t stop me, brother. There are other ways off this boat and I’ll find one. Go.”

Lexi Blake's Books