Love & Gelato(84)

Thank you to my lifelong friend/family member/fairy godmother, Laurie Liss. I’ve been so lucky to have you in my life and feel even luckier to have you as my agent. I simply couldn’t love you more than I do. Thank you for believing in me.

Thank you, thank you to everyone at Simon Pulse, and in particular my brilliant editors Fiona Simpson and Nicole Ellul. This story could not have happened without you. Thank you for being enthusiastic about Lina and Ren, telling me what was and wasn’t working (in the kindest way possible), and for helping me to find my voice. I honestly don’t know how to thank you for helping me write a book I love. So just thank you.

Thank you to my friends at the American International School of Florence—in particular Ioiana Luncheon, the real live girl who grew up in the Florence American Cemetery. I’ve obviously thought a lot about you and your runs through the cemetery over the years. Thank you for your help with translating and getting all the facts straight. You were awesome. (Also, an apology to the current groundskeeper at the Florence American Cemetery. I was just the tiniest bit overexcited about my visit and really didn’t mean to set off the alarms or ruin your family dinner. I pretty much want to die every time I think about it.)

Also, a heartfelt thank you to the fourteen-year-old boy who asked me on a date while I sat working on my novel in the Millcreek Library. I was having a tough writing day and you totally turned it around. Also, I forgive you for yelling, “She’s OOOLD!” to your friends. I’m sure you didn’t mean that.

And best for last, thank you to my husband, David Thomas Welch. You are immensely talented, kind, and strong, and I have relied on you so much. Thank you for believing I could do this even when I didn’t. Thank you for all the extra carrying you did to allow me to fulfill my dream. Thank you for listening to every crazy direction this story could have gone and for allowing Lina and Ren to hang out in our home like they were real people. (They are, aren’t they?) But most of all, thank you for choosing me. This December will mark thirteen years since I sat in your car and worked up the courage to say, “Um, hey. Do you maybe want to hang out for a little bit longer?” I’m so glad you said yes.

Jenna Evans Welch's Books