Love & Gelato(38)

X and I were standing in Piazza della Signoria looking at a statue by Giambologna called The Rape of the Sabine Women. The name confused me because it doesn’t match what’s going on. It’s of three figures: a man holding a woman up in the air and a second man crouching down on the ground looking up at her. There’s obviously something distressing going on, but the three of them are graceful, harmonious even.

I told X that I thought the woman looked like she was being lifted up, not hurt, and as usual he knew the story. When Rome was first settled, the men realized their civilization was missing one very important ingredient: women. But where to find them? The only women within striking distance belonged to a neighboring tribe called the Sabines, and when the Romans went to ask for permission to marry some of their daughters, all they got was a big fat no. So in a particularly Roman move, they invited the Sabines to a party, then, partway through the night, overpowered the men and dragged all the women kicking and screaming back to their city. Eventually the Sabines managed to break into Rome, but by that time they were too late. The women didn’t want to be rescued. They’d fallen for their captors and it turned out life in Rome was actually pretty great. The reason I was confused by the statue’s title is that it is mistranslated in English. The Latin word “raptio” sounds like “rape” but actually means “kidnapping.” So really the sculpture should be called The Kidnapping of the Sabine Women.

It was already late and I told X I needed to head home, but suddenly he turned to me and told me he loved me. He said it casually, like it wasn’t the first time he’d said it, and it took a moment for the words to seep in. Then I made him repeat it. He LOVES me. Carry me off. I’m invested.


Went to class this morning on about two hours of sleep. X arrived late, and even though I knew he’d probably gotten even less sleep than I had, he somehow looked perfect. He broke our act-like-friends-in-school rule and gave me a big shiny smile that anyone could see. I wish I could pause this moment and live in it forever.


Sometimes I feel like my time is divided into two categories: time with X, and time spent waiting to be with X. Since that night in Piazza della Signoria, things have been up and down between us. Some days we get along perfectly, and other days he acts like I really am just a friend. Lately I feel like he’s been overly cautious about keeping things secret. Would it be that big of a deal if everyone knew? I think they’d be happy for us.


When I left for Italy in June, six months sounded like an eternity. Now it feels like it’s slipping through my fingers. I only have a month left! The school director, Signore Petrucione, told me they’d love to admit me for another semester, and I would kill for a little extra time to study and be with X, but how would I make that work financially? And would it completely devastate my parents? Every time I talk to them, they bring up nursing school and I can hear that I’m disappointing them.

When I got home from class today there was a letter waiting for me from my parents. They’d enclosed two letters from the university telling me that if I don’t return for spring semester I will lose my spot in the program. I basically just skimmed the letters, then shoved them in my closet. I secretly wish it would just be over with.

Uh-oh. First signs of trouble. Like those minishakes you feel before an earthquake hits. What were they called? Tremors? I was definitely feeling them in these entries. He told her he loved her, but he wouldn’t let her tell their friends about their relationship? Why was he so adamant about keeping things a secret? She didn’t seem all that worried about it.

I lay back on my bed and covered my eyes with my arm. Young Howard seemed pretty hot and cold. Had he used the whole secrecy thing as an excuse for not really committing? Had she been way more into him than he was her? That was crazy depressing. My poor mom. But then how did that fit in with what Sonia told me about Howard being crazy about her?

I glanced at the photograph on my nightstand. I couldn’t stop thinking about that feeling I’d gotten at Ponte Vecchio. After she died a bunch of people had told me my mom would stay close to me, but I’d never actually felt that. Until tonight.

I rolled off the bed and grabbed Howard’s cell phone from the dresser.

“Pronto?” Ren sounded groggy.

“Sorry, are you asleep?”

“Not anymore. I saw Howard’s number on my phone and had a panic attack.”

I smiled. “I’ve commandeered his phone. He said I can keep it until further notice. So I have a question for you.”

“You want to know if I’ll take you to Space?”

I blinked. “Uh . . . yeah. How’d you know what I was going to ask?”

“I just had a feeling. And I’m way ahead of you. I texted Elena when I got home. She thinks her DJ buddy is working this week, which means we’ll get in for free. Want to go tomorrow? I can see if other people from the school want to go too.”

Yes. “Ren, that’s perfect. And thanks again for taking me to Ponte Vecchio.”

“And for introducing you to your new best friend? I think you set a new world record for most gelato ever eaten in one sitting.”

“I want to try for another record tomorrow. What was that last kind I had? With the chocolate chunks?”


“I’m naming my first daughter after it.”

Jenna Evans Welch's Books