Love Thy Enemy (Red Stone Security #13)(10)

“I’m good, promise… Has my work been suffering today?” She’d been on autopilot all morning and now felt really guilty. If she’d been slacking she’d make up for it tomorrow.

He blinked. “What…no. Jeez, Dominique. I’m talking to you as a friend, not your boss. You’re on top of everything as usual. I just want to make sure you’re okay. With what happened to Raegan I think we’re all a little on edge. I just wanted to make sure things are good.”

“I swear I’m fine. I…would you mind if I left work an hour early today? I skipped lunch, so—”

“Just go now. I’m about to clear out anyway. We can afford to sneak out early one day.”

The truth was, this week was one of their slower ones. All his guys were on long-term security jobs for the next month so her duties were standard and she could do them in her sleep. That would change in a few weeks when the guys started moving to new contracts. Still, it felt weird to leave early, but she was going to do it. For her sanity, she needed to. “I really appreciate it.”

Once he’d returned to his office she shut down her computer and headed out. Instead of leaving, she rode the elevator up a few floors to Lizzy’s floor. To her surprise, Lizzy’s assistant got her in to see Lizzy almost immediately.

“Hey, chica. What are you doing up here?” Lizzy was stretched out on a chaise lounge with her laptop next to a window instead of sitting at her desk. And she was wearing yoga pants and a T-shirt.

“Is there a new dress code I don’t know about?” Dominique laughed as she headed over to the chaise and perched on the end of it.

“Ha ha.” Lizzy was sitting cross-legged and slid her laptop to the side. “I can’t go to the gym after work so I ran up and down the stairs during my lunch break. Just haven’t had time to change and since I don’t have meetings today I’m staying comfy.”

Dominique figured that Lizzy could pretty much do whatever she wanted, and not just because she was married to Porter. The woman was one of their online security experts and a more than decent hacker. In fact, Dominique had heard some of the guys call her scary good. Something she was really hoping for right now. “That’s a little insane.”

Lizzy shrugged. “If I don’t let the energy out, I go insane.”

“Fair enough… Can I ask you a favor that you can’t tell your husband about?”

Lizzy’s expression turned serious. “Depends on the favor.”

“It’s not work related. I just…need to know where someone is right now. I need to talk to him and it has to be in person.”

Lizzy frowned, absently pushing back a loose strand of her long, dark hair. “Why not call this person?”

She could. Heck, she probably should. But no, this needed to be an in-person conversation. Dominique needed to see Ivanov’s face, gauge his reaction. “It’s…personal.” Dominique was friends with Lizzy but she never forgot that Lizzy was also her boss’s wife. Shaking her head, she stood. “I know I’m putting you in a weird position and that I’m asking you to invade someone’s privacy. Can we just forget I asked—”

“Who do you want to track down?”

She shifted from foot to foot, debating if she should just leave, but she really wanted to know where he was. And to talk to him right freaking now. “Viktor Ivanov.”

Lizzy blinked in surprise. “Is this about Raegan?”

“Not remotely. Nothing to do with her, the club, or work. It’s very personal. This is his number.” She held out a sticky note she’d scribbled the number on earlier.

Lizzy gave her a mischievous grin. “Personal, huh?” She pulled her computer back into her lap and her fingers started flying over the keyboard at an alarming pace.

Dominique wanted to correct her, to tell her not personal in the way she implied, but held her tongue as Lizzy worked. When she started to move around to see what her friend was doing, Lizzy shook her head.

“Uh-uh. Just sit down while I work. Plausible deniability, my friend. If you don’t see what I’m doing, you can’t admit to any wrongdoing.” She didn’t glance up once as she said it, her expression almost gleeful.

“Are you breaking the law?” It was a dumb question. Of course Lizzy was. Dominique had heard the rumors, knew that Lizzy could pretty much hack anything. It was the whole reason she’d come to see her.

Lizzy just snorted then grinned. “He’s at one of his hotels.” She rattled off the name and address, but Dominique already knew where it was.

She’d lived in Miami her whole life and knew the city well. “Thank you.”

Lizzy didn’t look up, just typed in a few more commands. “Looks as if he’s currently in the ground-floor restaurant. East side. Well, his personal cell phone is. I’m assuming it’s with him.”

Dominique blinked. “You’re terrifying.”

“Thanks,” Lizzy said, looking up. “Are you in trouble?”

“No.” She felt like a mess though. “It’s just personal. I promise.”

Lizzy slid her computer to the side and stood. “What I know about Ivanov isn’t much, but I’ve heard enough that he’s a dangerous man.”

She nodded. “I know.”

Katie Reus's Books