Last Ride (Wind Dragons MC #5.5)(27)

A great actress, or just a dumb girl believing anything a man tells her?

Either way, a little threatening couldn’t hurt. “When are you seeing him next?”

“We have dinner plans tomorrow night,” she says, swallowing hard, her lower lip trembling. “I ended things with Ronan over a psychotic kidnapper? I really know how to pick them.”

“Karma,” I mutter, stepping forward and pulling her up by the front of her T-shirt. “You don’t want to f*ck with me, Steph. Is there anything else you want to tell me?”

“Only that he’s behind you,” she whispers, looking over my shoulder. I let go of her and spin. Eric is standing at the door, watching us quietly. How did I not hear him? Probably because of all the loud fury blazing around my head.



“Picking up women you know are friends with the club. Who knew you had it in you,” I say, smirking at him.

“I got you once, didn’t I?” he fires back, making me cringe.

“I was young and stupid. I’m allowed to make one mistake in my life, right?”

“That mistake would be f*cking Dex after we broke up, not being with me,” he says, looking at Steph. “I like you. Don’t listen to anything she’s said. She just hates me because I cheated on her years ago.” He brings his eyes back to me, then adds, “Don’t you think it’s time to let it go, Faye?”

It hits me.

“You’re never going to stop, are you? Stupid plan after f*cking stupid plan, you’re making it your life goal to hate people who don’t even spare you a second thought because we’re too busy being happy. Or maybe that is why you hate us. Feeling a little left out, Eric? Like you’re a nobody? That’s probably because you are.”

He takes a step forward but stops. He probably remembers what happened the last time he tried to f*ck with me. “I let you live, Eric.”

“And that’s your weakness,” he sneers, gritting his teeth. “And I’ll use it against you, over and over again. You can’t kill me, Faye, and neither can Dex. But I have no problem taking the two of you out. I have nothing to lose, and the two of you have everything. Guess who has the upper hand here?”

Is he on drugs? I feel like he might be.

“I don’t understand why you hate us so much, Eric,” I say, pursing my lips. “I get it, you lost your mom, but so did Dex. Yes, you were closer to her, but she was his mom too. I know the two of you never really got along, but you’re still brothers. That should mean something.”

“Didn’t care he was my brother when he stole my girlfriend,” he snarls, gritting his teeth.

In this moment, I realize something in Eric has snapped. I don’t know what he’s been through, but he’s not in a mentally stable place, and somehow he’s decided that we’re the cause of his misfortune. Maybe because from the outside it seems like we do have everything—family, power, each other. What does Eric have? Nothing worth anything, as far as I can see. I don’t know how to fix this. I don’t think I can. This has nothing to do with us. These issues are his, and I’ve had enough of him trying to make them ours.

I decide to knock him out and take him home for Dex to deal with. I don’t want to kill him in Steph’s house, and to be frank, I don’t want to deal with this shit right now. I came here to be a good wing woman to Ronan—the last single man in the MC besides Ranger—and ended up in this situation.

I swear this shit only happens to me.

“I’m going home,” I announce, walking toward the door. When I pass him, he steps away, but I grab his head and smash it into the wall. Steph screams. I ignore her. One punch to the back of Eric’s head and he crumples to the ground.

Casual as ever, I turn to Steph and say, “Can you help me carry him to the car?”

Dex stares at his brother, then scrubs a hand down his face. “Tell me again, Faye, exactly how this happened?”

“He was starting some new diabolical plan! Getting Steph to infiltrate the squad, then he was going to use her for information and shit. He was at her house. I was at her house. I knocked him out and brought him here for you to deal with. But to be honest, it’s a lost cause. I think I should put him in jail. It’s the only way.”

“And what exactly are you going to pin on him? Your own kidnapping that you never reported?”

“I’ll pin something on him, don’t you worry,” I murmur, looking down at Eric in disgust. “How could Steph choose him over Ronan?”

“You know Eric; he can be charming if he wants to be. He probably gave her attention and compliments and all that other shit women love.”

“Dexter Black, romantic of the year,” I grumble.

Arrow and Irish walk into the room, and Irish whistles. “What have you gone and done, Faye?”

“Just a little fishing,” I reply, pushing my hair out of my face. “Caught myself something. But now it’s the men’s job to figure out what to do with it.” I dust off my hands. “I’m going to have a shower, then cuddle in bed with my kids. Good night.”

I go and do just that.

Let them solve the f*ckup that is Eric Black.


Chantal Fernando's Books