Kissing in Cars (Kiss and Make Up #1)(10)

"Not a whole lot, not a whole lot." He looks around nodding his head, taking in the foyer. "Start a new job this Thursday, so I guess I shouldn't say nothings up, right? Right?" His voice elbows me in the ribs. Like, 'yuck yuck let's share a chuckle.' Only I don't chuckle.

But Jenna does.

For real Jenna?

Politely I ask "Oh yeah, where at?"

"I'll be flipping burgers at Bub's Grill. The pay is shit but I need a job that's flexible with my practice schedule." He shrugs.

"Yeah, I can imagine," Jenna says. "You guys are having a great year. I'm surprised you even have a job."

"My dad said he'd kick my ass if I sat around scratching my balls when I didn't have practice, so it's not like I had much of a choice." Dean's eyes are roaming around the room and it looks like he's casing the joint. Suddenly his phone beeps and he immediately pulls it out like his life depends on it, flips it open and begins texting.

Great. Weird and rude. What a pleasant combination.

We're spared from any further conversation by the arrival of Kayla McQueen: Volleyball star.

"Hey guys!" She bounds in thru the open door and greets us all enthusiastically. I stare at Dean and Kayla standing next to each other in the entry of my house. Wow they're tall. I mean, I'm no shorty myself, but they tower over me.

"Wow you guys are both so tall," I blurt out. Crap, why would I say that outloud?

"Duh...." This from Jenna (remind me to thank her later for that).

And now things just get awkward.

"Okay, so... let me just take you down the hall to my dad's office. He's been waiting." I lead them into my fathers' office, to which he's added an extra table and chairs in a temporary meeting spot. "Dad, first arrivals are here." I announce. My dad gets up from behind his massive desk and walks over with this arm extended, greeting Dean and Kayla with a shake of the hand before turning to me.

"Thanks sweetheart." My dad puts his arm around me then. "I'm only waiting on the boys from the hockey team, so once they get here you're off the hook." He kisses the top of my head, and shoe's me on my way.

Wait, what?

The boys from the hockey team?! Ugh, of course they're going to be here - they play in the sports complex almost all year long. Why didn't this occur to me before?!

Before I can let it sink in, the doorbell chimes again.

I race to the powder room in the hallway, flip on the light and stare into the mirror to assess the day's damage. After getting home from soccer practice, I didn't give much thought to my appearance and had tossed on gray Jenna's Secret PINK sweat pants with a purple tank top. My hair is still damp from the shower I took over an hour ago, and of course I have not a drop of make-up on.

Groaning, I make my way down the hall.

My angst skyrockets at the same time my spirits immediately deflate.

Because when I get to the foyer it's not who I'm expecting - and hoping - to see and I think my shoulders sag in disappointment. Yes, they actually sag. For the last arrivals from the hockey team are Derek Hanson and Adam (something-or-other), a couple of Sophomores I don't really know too much about and not Weston McGrath.

Jenna however, is neither phased nor disappointed and is flirting up a storm in the entry hall.

"Oooh Molly, come see who's here," she chirps in a flirtatious voice.

I saunter over as casually as I can. "So guys, you're the chosen ones, hey?" My brain is in overdrive, asking me over and over 'why isn't Weston here, why isn't Weston here, why isn't Weston here? I mean, not to be Captain Obvious here but I really want to know why he's not here!

"Chosen ones for what?" Adam scratches his head, not getting my question.

Jenna sighs loudly and rolls her eyes. "Where is Weston?" she asks, cutting to the chase and pouting (and by the way, when Jenna pouts, she literally sticks her bottom lip out).

Derek's brow wrinkles, and I can't tell but I think he's irritated. "I don't know, I'm not his babysitter. He's probably at home getting iced up and shit. Why do you even care, dude?"

"Oh em gee, did you just call me dude?" Jenna is utterly affronted, and I just stand there watching the exchange with wide eyes.

Very entertaining.

"Why? Does it bother you - dude?" Yup, Derek is totally irritated. He and Jenna stare each other down until finally Jenna turns up her nose and stomps loudly out of the room.

Well, as loudly as someone can stomp in socks on a tile floor.

"What's her problem?" Adams asks tossing his head at her retreating form.

"Yeah, what the hell," Derek adds. "What a bitch."

I snort. "Oh lord, where do you want me to start?" It would take me a year to point out all Jenna's triggers to pissing her off (being called dude is apparently one of them), and quite frankly, we don't have that kind of time. Obviously.

I shake my head to get the feathers out of my brain, and let my hand lilt in the air. "Whatever. Anyways, let me get you to my dad's office. You're the last one's here."

After dropping Derek and Adam off, I shuffle off in my fuzzy slippers to find Jenna up in my room lying flat on my bed with one hand holding open the latest issue of Teen Vogue, the other hand propping her chin up.

Sara Ney's Books