Killer Frost (Mythos Academy #6)(44)
Because this might be the last time I ever saw them. Eagle heads, lion bodies, wings, tails. The statues looked
the same as always, if a bit fiercer today, with all the bits of snow clinging to them, as though they’d been rolling around in the fine white powder.
“Well, guys, this is it. For better or worse.” Silence.
By this point, all of the other kids had disappeared into the buildings, and I was the only one on the quad. My stomach clenched at the thought of what I was about to do, but I knew there was no going back.
“Wish me luck,” I whispered.
The gryphons didn’t respond, not really, although it seemed like they dipped their heads to me the slightest bit. That, at least, made me feel a little better about things. Like I could actually pull this off. Like I could steal the candle and use it to rescue Grandma Frost.
Like I might not doom us all in the process.
I nodded back at the gryphons. Then, I sucked in a breath, went up the stairs, and stepped into the library.
Instead of going in through the main double doors, I stayed in the hallway that ran around the building and went over to one of the side entrances. The door was open, and I slipped through to the other side. I could have strolled down the center aisle, but that was a sure way to let everyone know what I was up to. So instead, I slid into the stacks and eased up so that I could peer out into the main part of the library.
Sol’s candle stood in the case in the same spot as before. In fact, the glass was so smooth and shiny that it didn’t look like anyone had so much as approached the artifact, much less put their grubby hands on the case. Of course, they wouldn’t. None of the other kids would have any interest in a half-used candle, unless they were Reapers and knew how important the artifact really was. Even then, they’d wait to see if I’d deliver it to Vivian, before trying to steal it themselves.
No one was sitting at the study tables since all of the students were supposed to be in class right now. Excellent. That would make this easier. I didn’t need someone to pull up that stupid phone app that practically everyone had on campus, the one that let them track me all around the academy, and give away my location. That would be a good way to bring Linus and all of the other Protectorate guards down on top of me before I even got close to the candle.
But the library wasn’t completely deserted. Aiko was here, along with two other Protectorate guards. Aiko sat at one of the study tables close to the candle, reading through a graphic novel. The two other guards patrolled through the stacks, moving from one section of the library to the next, and looking supremely bored all the while.
I slid back into the shadows and crept through the stacks until I was standing in the section that was closest to Raven’s coffee cart. It too was deserted, given the early hour, and the old woman was nowhere to be seen. Good. There was one more artifact I needed in order to put my plan into motion, and I didn’t want Raven spotting me and wondering what I was up to.
Being as quiet as possible, I hurried over to the appropriate aisle and walked down it until I came to a case sitting in the middle, one that housed a small silver box with a large, shimmering opal set into the top of it. I glanced at the card that was propped up next to the box, although I already knew what it said, since I’d dusted this particular case more than once during the months I’d been working in the library.
The Dreambox of Morpheus supposedly belonged to the Greek god of sleep and dreams. It is thought that Morpheus stored some of his dream dust in the box, and that he would blow the dust into the faces of his enemies in order to make them go to sleep so he could pass by them undetected . . .
It wasn’t enough that I had a key to unlock the case that housed the candle. I also needed some way to get past the Protectorate guards in the library, and the box was my solution. Because if the guards were all asleep, then they wouldn’t see me take the candle—or try to stop me after the fact—and I had to steal the candle and get off campus with it before anyone sounded the alarm.
So I drew in a breath, pulled Janus’s key out of my jeans pocket, and slid it into the padlock on the case. The lock clicked open, as easily as if the key had been made specifically for it, and the box was in my hand a second later. My psychometry kicked in, but the only vibe I got from the box was a sense of supreme and utter calm, as though I had closed my eyes and was sleeping peacefully. Hopefully that’s exactly what the Protectorate guards would feel when I used the dream dust inside on them.
And now, it was time to take out those guards.
So I squared my shoulders, gripped the box a little tighter, and headed in the direction of the first guard.
I moved from one bookcase and one shadow to the next. For months, I’d grumbled about having to work my shifts in the Library of Antiquities, especially since I wasn’t getting paid. But now, I was grateful for all the time I’d spent here. The Protectorate guards might be bigger, stronger, older, and more experienced warriors than me, but no one knew the library like I did, except for Nickamedes. So I was able to slide from one aisle to the next, all the while drawing closer and closer to the first guard.
He never even saw me coming, and I waited at the end of a bookcase until he stepped past, heading toward the next aisle over. He finally spotted me lurking there out of the corner of his eye. His hand dropped to the hilt of his sword, and he turned to face me.
He frowned when he realized that I was the one standing beside him. “Hey, shouldn’t you be in class right now—”