Killer Frost (Mythos Academy #6)(34)
“What are you doing?” Vic asked.
“Checking to make sure my friends actually left.” “They’re just worried about you,” he said. “We all are.” “I know, but I don’t want to see them right now. Not when I know what I have to do next.”
“What does that mean?” Vic asked.
But I didn’t answer him. Instead, I turned away from the window, went over, and sat down at my desk. I looked at the photos of my mom and Metis; then my gaze flicked over to the small replica statue of Nike. I waited, but the goddess didn’t open her eyes and acknowledge me. I didn’t know if what I was going to do was the right thing or not, but it was the only chance I had to save my grandma.
“Uh-oh,” Vic said. “I know that look. What are you thinking, Gwen?”
I swiveled my chair around to him. “I’m thinking that if Linus Quinn won’t give me the candle, then I’ll just have to steal it myself.”
Chapter 12
Vic’s eye bulged so far out, I thought, it might actually pop right off the sword’s shocked face.
“What?! You can’t be serious!” he said, his voice rising to a near scream.
Nyx whined, as if the high pitch upset her. I winced too. Vic could shriek worse than, well, a teenage girl sometimes.
“You heard Linus,” I said. “He’s not going to give me the candle to give to the Reapers. They’ll kill my grandma if I don’t get them the candle. You know they will.” Vic sighed. “Of course I know that. But you need to think about what you’re doing. Like it or not, Linus has a point. You can’t risk making Loki stronger by giving the Reapers the candle. His injuries and broken body are probably the only reason that the Reapers haven’t
attacked the academy outright yet.”
“I know, and I don’t like it any more than you do. But I can’t leave Grandma Frost to the Reapers. I just can’t. If my mom were here, she’d try to find some way to save her. I know she would because that’s what Champions do—that’s what I’m going to do.”
“Okay,” Vic said. “Let’s say that you actually decide to go through with this insanity. Linus will probably put even more guards around the candle now. He’s sure to realize that you might try to steal it. So even if you do somehow manage to get your hands on it, how are you going to get out of the library with it?”
“Oh, that’s the easy part,” I said. “Because you’re forgetting one thing.”
“What’s that?”
I stared at the sword. “The candle isn’t the only thing in the library with magic. I’ve spent more time in that library over the past few months than Linus Quinn and all the other Protectorate guards put together. I know things they don’t. More important, I know about artifacts they don’t.”
Vic stared back at me. “You know you’re going to have to do this alone, right? Because you can’t ask Logan to help you with this. Or any of your other friends. Because if it doesn’t work, and they’re involved, then it’s not only going to be your neck on the line. It’s going to be theirs too.”
He was right. I couldn’t involve any of my friends. Not with this. I’d seen their reactions in the infirmary and then again out on the quad. They felt sorry for me, they really did, and they wanted to help me find a way to save Grandma Frost, but the threat of Loki getting stronger was one they couldn’t ignore. Maybe it was wrong of me to ignore it too, but my grandma’s life was at stake, and I was going to do whatever it took to save her.
Even if I had to sacrifice my friends’ trust—and
Logan’s love.
“I didn’t have any friends when I first came to Mythos, and I did okay,” I said, answering Vic’s question. “I can make it through this without them.”
No matter how much it would hurt all of us.
“Okay,” he said again, still trying to discourage me. “Let’s say you actually manage to steal the candle from the library, get off campus with it, and take it to Vivian, Agrona, and the Reapers. They’re not going to let you and Geraldine go, Gwen. You know that. As soon as he gets his hands on the candle, Loki will order them to kill you both.”
I got up, walked over, and plopped down on the window seat, pushing the curtains aside and staring out the window again. “I know. And that’s what I have to figure out—how to get us away from the Reapers and steal the candle back at the same time before Loki ever gets the chance to use it.”
Vic eyed me. “Well, wake me up when you figure it all out, Gwen. Because there’s no getting around it. If you don’t have an escape plan, you can’t risk taking the candle to the Reapers in the first place. Linus is right about that. You’ll doom us all, including yourself.”
I wanted to point out that we were all pretty much doomed anyway, since I still had no idea how to actually kill Loki, but I didn’t say anything. Vic let out another sigh, then slowly closed his eye. A few minutes later, snores started rumbling out of his mouth. Nyx curled her tail around the sword’s blade and settled down for her own nap.
I sat in the window seat and brooded.
As much as I hated to admit it, Vic was right. I couldn’t trust the Reapers to keep their promise and let me and Grandma go after I handed over Sol’s candle. I might be reckless sometimes, but I wasn’t completely stupid. So how could I get Grandma Frost and myself to safety? How could I swipe the candle right out from under the Reapers’ noses? Or at least come up with some way to rig it so that Loki couldn’t use it, couldn’t heal himself with it? I didn’t know the answers to my questions, and if I didn’t figure them out, then my grandma would die.