Jubilee's Journey (Wyattsville #2)(45)

“That’s a very pretty dress you’re wearing.”

“I got five more,” Jubilee answered, “and I got panties with—” She stopped when she saw Olivia frown and shake her head. That had been the plan. Jubilee was to watch Olivia—a nod meant it was okay to answer, a shake of the head indicated she shouldn’t answer. So far, so good.

The first few questions were about the missing aunt, and Olivia nodded for each one. When Mahoney got to the part where he asked how she came to be sitting on the bench, she forgot to look at Olivia first and blurted out, “Paul told me to wait there.”

Olivia’s head was going back and forth like a tennis ball when Mahoney then asked if Paul was her brother. Jubilee saw Olivia’s head shake, turned to her, and asked, “Why ain’t I supposed to say Paul’s my brother?”

Rolling her eyes wearily, Olivia was pushed into saying, “Of course you can say Paul’s your brother. You should always tell the truth.”

“Oh, okay.” Jubilee stopped looking at Olivia’s nods and shakes and answered the rest of the questions. When Detective Mahoney asked if it was a customary thing for Paul to leave her alone that way, Jubie narrowed her eyes and said, “He don’t never leave me alone!”

“Why do you think he left you alone this time?”

“He had to do a job so we’d have money.”

“Were those Paul’s exact words? Did he say he had to do a job?”

“Yes!” she answered angrily. “He saw the sign!”

“What did the sign say?”

“It said working was for a lot of money.” Jubilee’s eyes began to fill with tears. “If you find Paul, tell him not to do working. I don’t want a sleeping room and good food.”

Ethan Allen spoke up. “If you’re figuring Jubie was in on that robbery, you’re figuring wrong. She didn’t have nothing to do with it.”

Mahoney asked several more questions. By then Olivia had given up trying to steer the conversation one way or the other, so Jubilee told the story pretty much as it happened. As he sat and listened it seemed the girl grew smaller, more vulnerable with each word. Even from clear across the room, he could see she spoke the truth—but he had yet to find out the brother’s intentions.

By the time Mahoney stood to leave, Clara had scribbled five pages of notes and Fred had used up the entire roll of film. Ignoring both of them Mahoney walked over, knelt down in front of the girl, and lifted her hand into his.

“Jubilee,” he said, “I’m going to do everything possible to find your brother and your Aunt Anita.”

Before he left the building, Mahoney knew he had no choice but to keep the promise he’d made to Jubilee Jones. Unfortunately, it probably meant tangling with Hector Gomez again.

Olivia Doyle

I should have realized Jubilee is too young to be devious, and Detective Mahoney is too smart to be fooled. I can’t be angry with the child, because all she did was tell the truth. I’ve always believed the truth can’t hurt you, but times like this I find myself doubtful.

If Jubilee’s brother was involved in the shooting, I’m hoping he’s the one who got away. Seeing a person you love go to prison would shatter the heart of a grownup; I can’t begin to imagine what it would do to a tiny little thing like Jubilee. I think it would be better for her to believe Paul ran off and is safe somewhere else than to know he’s locked up behind bars for shooting a man. I pray before any of this comes to pass Mister Mahoney will find this Aunt Anita so Jubilee can be with her. If a child has someone to love them, a family to call their own, hardships are easier to bear. If not easier, at least they’ve got a caring shoulder to cry on.

I suppose every nickel has its shiny side, and the shiny side of this one is getting rid of Jim Turner. Unfortunately, there’s also a second side, and right now it’s warning me that people like Jim don’t give up. They make you think they have, but if you could see inside their head you’d discover they’re just thinking of another way to come at you.

I’d like to believe I can stop worrying he’ll come knocking on my door again, but the sorry truth is that I’d better start worrying about finding Anita so Jubilee will be living with her when Jim finally comes up with something else.

Verdict Before Trial

As soon as Mahoney settled himself in the car, Griffin asked how it had gone. Mahoney shrugged and didn’t answer for several minutes.

“After thinking about this,” he finally said, “I believe we’ve got to get involved.”

“It’s not in our jurisdiction,” Griffin warned. “We’ve got no authority.”

“I know.”

“The kid got to you, didn’t she?”

“Yeah.” Mahoney nodded. “But as I said before, there’s a lot going on here.”

Griffin turned onto the highway and headed for the ferry. Tomorrow was another day.

That evening Jack Mahoney took his wife and all three kids out for ice cream. After that they stopped down at the dock to do a bit of fishing.

“You’re being awfully patient with the children this evening,” Christine said. “Did you have an especially good day or something?”

Bette Lee Crosby's Books