Highland Hellion (Highland Weddings #3)(72)

“I’d think ye would disagree with Adwin on the matter of being raped as something to be dismissed.”

Marcus’s grin faded. “Aye, I do.”

“So ye understand why I took her back to McTavish land.”

“That’s a matter that has been laid to rest,” Marcus responded.

“No, it has nae,” Rolfe responded. “Do ye think I enjoy reprimanding her? Would ye have me allow her to place herself at risk? What manner of husband would that make me?”

“A dead one,” Marcus informed him. “By my hand. I promise ye so.”

Rolfe snorted. “Then ye understand why I can nae find peace with her trading herself for me.”

Marcus slowly shook his head. “Nae, ye’ve got it wrong, lad. It was yer father who put ye both in the position of having to deal with Morton.”

“It was me duty to see the man. A son’s duty.”

“Aye, and yet ye chose to shield Katherine from him,” Marcus continued. “Ye forget, I know something about that meself. I could have wed her as a child, when Morton tried to press her on me, but I reasoned with meself about the fact that she was too young to take to me bed. Aye, I might have placed the good name of me father and me clan before me own decency, telling meself I’d bed her once and she could simply come to terms with it as more than one bride has been forced to do. Brenda Grant might have refused to help her, too. Lord knows, Brenda has taken her fair share of abuse in this life and did nae need to be the one to face Morton when the man discovered both meself and Katherine gone.”

“Another reason Katherine must learn to mind me.”

“Everyone has a choice in life,” Marcus explained slowly. “Katherine made the decision no’ to live in fear. I let her train to build her confidence. So, ye’ll have to understand that I will no’ allow ye to crush her. If ye can nae come to terms with the fact that she stood by yer side and it is her nature to do so, I’ll take her home to MacPherson land.”

Rolfe stiffened, feeling every muscle he had tightening. “Ye will nae.”

Each of the three words came out in a clear warning. Marcus wasn’t a naive man when it came to such things. He stared straight at Rolfe, taking his measure.

“Do ye recall how ye felt when I took Helen from ye?”

Rolfe’s question caught Marcus off guard. The man growled, and Rolfe grinned at him.

“I can see that ye do.”

“What point are ye trying to make?” Marcus asked.

“Was yer union any more settled than mine is?”

Understanding dawned on Marcus. He shook his head reluctantly.

“So do nae threaten to take Katherine from me,” Rolfe warned him softly. “We’ve no’ had the time to learn to trust each other, and here on the road is no’ the place for us to be settling things between us.”

“So ye’re thinking I am going to allow ye to take her into yer stronghold while she is miserable?” Marcus asked. “I can nae do that, lad. She’s dear to me, make no mistake about that.”

“Be careful about letting me father hear ye say that,” Rolfe replied. “He’ll be pressing ye for a dowry.”

“If Katherine were content in the union, I would gladly provide it.” Marcus drew in a deep breath and let it out. “I’d no’ have Helen without Katherine. Many might say Katherine was simply a pawn caught in the scheme, but I do nae care about the details. I believe in gifts from God.”

“Katherine is as much mine,” Rolfe stated clearly. “I will nae allow ye to take her, and before ye argue further, know I am staying away from her because all I want to do is kiss the hell out of her.” Rolfe shot Marcus a knowing look. “No’ exactly a fitting thing under our current circumstances.”

Marcus growled at him, low and deep.

Rolfe didn’t take it from him.

“I recall the way ye had Helen cornered on a riverbank.” Marcus stuck a finger out at him in warning, but Rolfe only smirked. “So taken by her that I snuck up on ye.” He snickered at the memory. “I’m no’ going to lie. That tale has done me name well.”

Marcus popped his knuckles and made a fist that he sent smashing into his opposite palm.

Rolfe stopped toying with the man and sent him a hard, serious look. “Do I strike ye as any less taken by Katherine? I defied me father to wed her. Only once before have I ever willingly committed such defiance against him.”

There was a long silence between them. Marcus contemplated Rolfe, searching his gaze for long moments before he nodded.

“I believe ye, lad.”

“So, ye’ll be telling her no,” Rolfe clarified, “when she comes to ye looking to go home with ye?”

Marcus closed his eyes. “Aye.” He opened them, granting Rolfe an unguarded glimpse into his thoughts. “It will tear something inside me to do it, and I’m warning ye”—Marcus pointed at him—“I will be checking back to make sure she’s settled to her satisfaction.”

“I expect no less.”

Marcus shook his finger at Rolfe before he left. Rolfe stood for another few moments, realizing just how uncertain he’d been of the outcome of his conversation with Marcus. Satisfaction moved through him in a slow wave that left him with a growing sense of urgency to reach McTavish land.

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