Here Comes Trouble (Nothing Special #3)(83)
Curtis shivered hard as Genesis gave him a lingering kiss behind his ear, before backing up with a devious grin.
Dear lord. How will I stop myself from behaving like a tramp? “Drive carefully, Gen.” Curtis said before Genesis got to the door.
“Six days, beautiful,” Genesis said softly, right before he let the door close.
Meet Our New Savior and Team Member
When Curtis came out of his room shortly after Genesis, the boy looked like he was in love. They all stood in the hallway, laughing as a blushing Curtis made his way down to them. It was actually quite cute. New puppy love. Curtis needed a wonderful distraction to keep his mind off all the crap that had gone on these past few months.
Green wasn’t worried. Genesis swore he was going to behave with Curtis and Green believed him. But he was strictly welcome on a trial basis with Ruxs. He prayed Genesis didn’t screw up. He had very little time for more Ruxs damage control.
Day swung his arm over Curtis’ shoulder as they walked down the hall. Mock whispering to Curtis, “I can see ya got it bad, Curt. It’s understandable. It’s something about those damn Godfrey men.”
Ruxs flipped Day off when he turned to him. God just kept walking, a hint of a smile breaking his usually serious face.
“Guys the exit is this way,” Curtis said stopping at the end of the hall.
“There’s someone we need to see first,” Green said, continuing the way everyone else was walking.
Curtis caught up to him and didn’t wiggle away this time when Green put his arm over his shoulder and drew him close as they walked. He’d come close to losing his son, he needed to hold him nearby for a while.
They all stopped at a closed door in the post-op surgery wing of the hospital. Ruxs was at the nurse’s counter asking some questions. Green saw him flash his badge and the lady looked through a file and pointed to the door.
Ruxs walked back to them. “It’s all good.”
Green knocked on the door and tiptoed in. He pulled Curtis along with him. “Knock, knock,” Green said, all of the guys filing in behind him.
“Holy shit! What are y’all doing here?”
“I came to pick up my very alive son, thanks to you. And since you were here, I thought I’d bring your new bosses by for you to meet.” Green stepped to the side. “Lieutenant Godfrey, Lieutenant Day, and the very serious looking gentlemen behind Ruxs is Sergeant Sydney.” Green motioned at the shocked man in the hospital bed. “Guys, this is Officer Michaels.”
Michaels sat up tall in the bed and Day extended his hand to him. “We really appreciate what you did. You risked your life for us and it won’t go overlooked. You could’ve killed yourself crashing that car into him like that. It’s unfortunate it had to end that way, but one of my detectives and a kid could’ve lost their lives if you hadn’t intervened. I just wanted to come by and personally say thanks.”
God stepped up closer to the bed, his large arms crossed over his chest. “Ruxs and Green have said some good things about you. I’d heard about you before you did what you did last night. Trust me, not too many things impress me. But you did.” God shook Michaels’ hand. “I looked through your file. You’ve done good work, and I noticed all your commendations for marksmanship. I could use another sniper, but most of all I could use a man with balls. You pass the detective’s exam, you’re on my task force.” God turned with Syn and walked out the door.
Michaels’ radiant blue eyes gleamed under God’s approval. His broad chest puffed out with pride and Green was happy for him.
“I’ll send my assistant Vickie over to talk to you and she’ll set the exam up,” Day informed a still stunned Michaels. “Think you’ll pass it? It’s tough.”
“I’m positive I will. I just needed a ranking officer to make the recommendation for me to take it.” Michaels beamed.
“Good,” Day said heading towards the door.
“Lieutenant Day. My leg. I broke it in two places.” He motioned to the large cast on his right leg that started mid-calf and went up to his upper thigh. “The doctor said they were clean breaks. With PT it’ll heal fine and I can go back to full duty. But, um. It’ll take about six months,” Michaels said, looking Day in the eye. “But once it’s healed, I swear I’ll be an asset, lieutenant.”
Day didn’t hesitate. “Heal up, detective. We got a spot for you when you do.”
When Day stepped out the door, Michaels whooped loud enough for the whole hospital to hear.
Ruxs, Green, and Curtis sat there with the brave officer for a while longer. Talking with him about the benefits and the un-benefits of working for God and Day. But it would be impossible for Michaels to be dissuaded. He’d wanted this from the first time he’d met them. When they got up to leave, Curtis thanked him several more times and promised he’d come back and visit him again in a few days.
Green held the door for Curtis and Ruxs, waving one last time. He stopped right before the door closed. “Are you dating anyone, Michaels?”
Michaels sharp blue eyes stared back at him. “Not at the moment.”
“Just warning is all. The ladies have a hard time dealing with our job requirements. A few of the guy’s wives do all right, but it’s tough on them. We have long, grueling hours and are often in dangerous situations.”