In other words, Megan would be a marked woman.

I watched her walk to the bathroom and I made a decision right then.

Tonight… I was cashing out of this life…

Megan let out a scream and I lunged for the bathroom. She had her mouth covered and was jumping up and down.

The pregnancy test was negative.

I couldn’t bring myself to remind her that it could have been early. That in another week or so it could be positive. That the tests were always as early accurate as the box said.

But I let her have her moment.

She hugged me tight and we both ended up jumping.

“It’s stress,” she said. “You know? Just stress.”

It was like she was trying to convince herself.

“Okay. Just calm down. Try to take it easy and focus, Megan. If you don’t get your…”

“I’ll be fine,” she said.

She looked like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

Next thing I knew she was grabbing her bag, downing the entire glass of wine, and saying she had to go.

She kissed my cheek and said, “Please keep this between us. Promise me, Ana.”

“Of course,” I said. “Megan, if you’re not happy, then do something. Don’t jump bed to bed. If you get yourself too deep…”

Megan reached up and wiped at my eye. It hurt a little and I winced. “Look in the mirror, Ana. Okay? If you’re not happy… then you do something.”

She left me standing there with a lump in my throat.

For the record, two days later, she got her period and her dirty secret remained intact for a long time.

Megan also left the second pregnancy test on the table. I hurried to hide it in the bathroom, not knowing I would need it sooner than I ever thought possible.

I went to my bedroom and got my shoebox of cash. I sat there and counted up every last dollar and dime, coming up with a figure that was way too short, but just enough to make the dream tempting.

I looked around the room and knew I could pack up a couple bags and just go.

So that’s what I did.

I was out. I was done.

Yeah, the memories of moving into town played through my mind. Climbing out of the truck and seeing Knox for the first time. Him helping us move everything into the apartment. The way he talked to his friend about me - on day one - showing me that he had interest. Not to mention all the wild times…

But I was done.

No more taking hits from anyone. No more Knox just popping up when he felt like it to check on me. My heart had been twisted up so tight it was dangling by a small thread.

I had my bags on my shoulders, the money all tucked away. My keys were in my hand and I mentally thought about how I’d call my landlady to ditch the apartment. Oh well to her. I had to protect myself. I had to save myself. I didn’t want to end up like Megan, you know?

I got to the door and opened it, freedom just a foot away.

Yeah, freedom was just a foot away… but not the kind I was hoping to find.

The freedom in front of me right then came with a name.

And I spoke it.


He ripped the bags off my shoulders and moved into my apartment like he owned the place. He slammed the door shut and locked all the locks, including the chain which I never used before. There was blood on his face and I knew it was his. He looked like he’d been roughed up pretty bad. The anger flowed across his face but his eyes were a completely different story.

I realized he was wearing his leather cut again. I hadn’t seen him in a Reaper’s Bastards MC cut in a while.

What the f*ck is going on?

I couldn’t find the words to ask him that.

His hands grabbed my hips and he walked me back. I’ll admit it - there were dozens of fantasies I had about Knox and a good chunk of them started just like this. Him showing up and just ravaging me.

I kept walking back until I hit the dining room table. His hands moved to the back of my legs and he lifted me up, putting me on the table. He pulled at me, bringing our bodies together. Through his jeans I felt him. I. Felt. Him. His huge cock getting bigger by the second. The f*cking apartment was so hot and steamy I expected the smoke alarms to start beeping.

One hand slipped around to my back and he came forward to kiss me. A sensible person would have stopped Knox from kissing me, but there was no sense with him. He scrambled my brain, my heart, and everything else in my body. He activated needs that I never knew I had.

We started to kiss and the intention was very clear.

He was here to f*ck me.

His left hand grabbed at the bottom of my shirt and his hand explored. I felt his strong, outlaw fingers cup over my breast, squeezing, sending a warm pulse down through my core right to between my legs.

His other hand touched my face, gently stroking my cheek as he kissed me harder. Of course, it was the wrong side of my face and, of course, he started to press harder.

I fought the urge to jump back from the pain but I couldn’t control it.

The second I winced and pulled away, our moment was done.

Knox eased back and looked right at my face.

I saw his eyes go wide and I knew he knew.


“Why are you wearing so much makeup?” he asked.

I just stared.

“And your bags… you were taking off?”

Jaxson Kidman's Books