From Darkness (Hearts & Arrows Book 3)(106)
Karla Sorensen, your support through rewriting and rereleasing this series has been as vital to me as air and coffee and chocolate. No amount of Julia Quinn paperbacks can ever repay you for that.
To my beautiful and lovely beta beauties—Thank you for taking time out of your lives to give me feedback on this story. I’m gonna name you all now, so you’re all officially in a book: Parrish Walsh (sisterfriend extraordinaire), Summer Hartshorn (easy lover), Tanya Cook (the admin to my ass org), Melissa Lynn (the darkness), Lisa Bryk (the Andi to my Janice), Zoe Streicker-Howard (Freya+Candice 4ev), and Nadine Colling (the original fangirl).
And to my readers—Thank you so much for your love and support. It means the whole world to know that I’ve touched even one of your lives. Words can’t express how appreciative I am for each one of you.