Frayed Silk(38)

She shakes her head. “No, no.” She looks down, realizes she’s half naked, and cringes. “Shit, I’m sorry.”

I scoff. “Don’t be. If I had the house to myself, I’d prance around in my pajamas all day long. Makes sense to do what you please, I guess.” I try to make light of it.

She spots the coffee. “Oh, you’re a gem.” She picks hers up and takes a sip while eyeing the kitchen. “Seriously, you cleaned this disaster?”

“It didn’t take long,” I lie.

She laughs. “Don’t be stupid. It probably took you forever. I’d hug you, but I don’t know when I last showered.” She frowns. “God, I’m a train wreck, aren’t I?”

“Kind of, but hey”—I glance at her legs—“at least you’re a hot one.”

She laughs, and we move into the living room to finish our coffee. She dives for the chocolate, moaning while she chews. “You know, I don’t know what I’m so upset for really. I still have money, and I can do whatever I want.”

But her eyes glaze over with sadness anyway. I see it and ask, “Have you seen the boys?”

She shakes her head, her brown hair falling into her face. She leans forward and snags a hair tie from the coffee table. Tossing her head forward, she throws it all up into a messy bun and sits back. “Not since last weekend.” She rolls her eyes. “He’s giving me supervised day visits with them. How dumb is that?”

My nose scrunches with confusion. “So, what, they’re staying with him at the hotel?”

She nods. “He’s waiting for me to move out.” She grabs another piece of chocolate. “Good luck with that, douchebag,” she mumbles around the chocolate.

“Have you talked to him about it? It doesn’t make sense that he’d just make all these decisions and cut you out.” I know Dylan. Not overly well, but I’ve known him long enough to know that this isn’t him. He wouldn’t treat her this way. The man I know is a workaholic, but he’s also a family man who loves his wife and boys.

She sinks back into the couch. “Tell me about it. None of this makes any sense to me.”

We finish our coffee, and I grab our empty mugs to take them to the kitchen.

“I need to go. I have to get the kids in a little while. Will you be okay?” I walk back into the living room to find her still sitting there, staring at the TV screen that’s playing music videos. She leans forward to grab the remote and flips through the channels.

“I’ll be fine. Just going to try to wake up a bit more before I take a shower. I think it’s time I get in touch with my lawyer.”

I nod in agreement. “Sounds like a good idea. I’ll lock the door behind me.”

“Thank you, Dahlia.” She finally looks up at me. “You’re a good friend.”

As I drive home, I realize that maybe we’re all a little broken.

Some of us are just better at hiding the missing pieces.

“Okay, I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” I tell my mom.

“Tell my son that he’d better be home!” Taylor orders in the background.

“Yell in my freaking ear next time, why don’t you?” my mom grumbles at Taylor.

“Well, you never share. Serves you right,” Taylor remarks.

“Okay. Bye, ladies.” I laugh and hang up.

God, tomorrow should be interesting. They’ve only seen us a few times since our marriage took a long nosedive into failure. And despite knowing that something isn’t quite right, they haven’t meddled. Yet.

Leo got home late again last night, took a shower in the main bathroom, and went to bed in the spare room—again. Which hurts so damn much. We’ve never slept apart unless he’s been away for work. Not since we first moved in together in my second year of college.

I head to the living room, intent on working on the blanket I’d started making a few weeks ago before Lola comes over. I spoke to her briefly at school pick-up and told her about my visit to Fiona’s, but thanks to another bout of rain, she said she’d come over today so I can fill her in.

Pulling my basket out, I sit down and get comfortable on the couch just as my phone starts ringing again. Damn it. I get up and make my way back to the kitchen, missing the call by a second. I see Jared’s name come through on my missed call notification and chew my lip. I can’t bring myself to call him back. I don’t know what to do about him, really. I care about him, probably a lot more than I should, and yes, obviously, I’m attracted to him. But I can’t make any more waves for fear of the aftermath that’s still to come. I know I’ll have to break it off with him regardless, though. Not only was it not right to begin with, but my heart just isn’t in it. Not when it’s always belonged to Leo.

If there’s anyone who could make me forget that, though, even for a little while, it’s Jared.

But even after everything that’s happened, I don’t want to forget. I still don’t want to let go. Not just because we have a life together, but because he’s the only man I’ve ever wanted. It’s a shame it’s taken all this to realize that will never change. I’ll take the torment and the heartbreak in hopes that we can find our way back to who we used to be. Whether that makes me weak or not, I don’t care; love doesn’t just remove its hold on you because you want it to.

Ella Fields's Books