Frayed Silk(32)

“Bike,” he mumbles into my neck, pressing warm kisses over my cold skin.

“You rode a bike that quick?” I rear back.


Wow, I’ve never seen him on one. He wraps his arms tighter around me, and as I place my palms on his dry shoulders, I realize how wet I am.

“Holy shit, I’m soaked.”

He grins down at me. “Yeah? I knew it didn’t take much, but shit, Blondie.” He slams the door closed and moves me back toward the bed.

I slap his shoulder. “Oh, my God, you’re impossi—”

He cuts me off with his lips, and I open mine right away, needing the warmth of his mouth as I shiver in my wet clothes. He swirls his tongue over mine then sucks my bottom lip into his mouth, slowly releasing it and pulling back to grab my blouse.

“Let’s get you out of these.”

I don’t object and let him tug it over my head then his hands are unzipping my fly. I step out of my ballet flats and watch him bend low to tug the wet denim from my legs. Once removed and in a wet heap on the floor, he grabs the side of my panties. As he’s slowly pulling them down my legs, I’m reminded of the event over a week ago when I saw him with my panties in his back pocket.

“Where are my panties?” My breathing quickens as he trails his fingers over my legs, kissing my thighs until he reaches the apex and licks a line over my folds then places a soft kiss on my mound. He stands, removing his clothes while he answers me. “You saw that, did you?”

I watch his abs contract as his shirt drops to the floor. His hands move to his jeans, unzipping and lowering them over his impressive manhood that’s tenting his black briefs.

I nod. “Me and probably countless others.”

He smirks, walking over to me and undoing my bra. The straps slide down my arms, but his eyes stay glued to mine as he reaches up to gently untie my damp hair from its ponytail holder.

“Did your husband see?” he asks softly.

I frown as my blond locks fall around my shoulders and chest. He steps back, raking his gaze over every part of me as his teeth sink into his bottom lip.

“Yeah, I think so.”

He doesn’t bother to hide the delight in his eyes, which scares me a little. “Jared …”

“Shhh.” He tugs me into his bare chest and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck, loving the feel of his warm skin pressed against my cool body. I bite his lip then lick it, enjoying the way he groans immensely. Pulling away, I shove him toward the bed.

“Sit down,” I tell him.

He tilts his head, narrowing those green eyes, but does as he’s told. I lean down onto my knees, grabbing the elastic of his briefs and tugging. He leans up to help me, and I pull them down over his feet, throwing them to the floor.

His fingers grab my chin, tilting it up to meet his eyes. “You don’t have to …”

“Shhh.” I grin then finally get my first good look at him.

He’s long, thick—probably almost as big as Leo. The thought doesn’t bother me. In fact, tingles dance their way down my spine as excitement courses through my veins. I wrap my hand around him and squeeze gently, earning me a hiss. He curses softly when I lean forward and take a long lick up his length before taking as much as I can of him into my mouth. His hands slide into my hair and gently tug on the tangled strands as I keep bobbing up and down.

“Holy shit …” His rough voice only makes me take him deeper as I pick up the pace. My hand wraps around the velvety base and then moves down to gently knead his balls. He curses again and pulls my head off him.

“What?” I wipe underneath my lip.

He just shakes his head, grabbing my arm and saying, “Get on the bed. I’m not coming in your mouth when what I really want is to get inside that sweet pussy.”

My nipples tighten almost painfully at his words. I climb onto the scratchy sheets of the bed, and he digs into his jeans pocket for what I’m guessing is a condom.

Can I seriously do this? Have sex with him?

It’s not a matter of not wanting to. My body is singing in desperation for it. But my heart thuds painfully fast as I think about the only man who’s ever had me in that way.

Jared climbs back over the top of me, already sheathed and kisses his way up my legs. My eyes close as all thoughts of guilt and uncertainty float away into the deep recesses of my mind thanks to the feel of his lips and hands as he spreads my thighs open to lick up my center. His tongue spears my entrance, dragging the evidence of my arousal up to my clit where he sucks gently then swirls his tongue around it. He repeats the action, and I suddenly can’t stand feeling empty anymore.

“Jared.” I grab his hair. “Please …”

He lifts his head, moving over my body and staring down at me as I feel his hard length graze through my wetness.

“You’re so beautiful.” His nostrils flare, his eyes darting over my face then down to my breasts.

My brows lower. “Jared …” We can’t make this anything serious, I want to say. It has to end at some point before one of us gets hurt.

He leans down to trail kisses over my collarbone and neck, working his way up to my ear. “That selfish fucker can’t keep you. Not when I want you the way I do, not when I feel myself falling faster every damn time I see those brown eyes of yours.”

Ella Fields's Books