Frayed Silk(25)

Clearing my throat, I lift my gown and walk out into the garage, Leo following close behind and unlocking his car on the way. I climb in when he opens the door for me, a bit caught off guard by the act, then adjust my dress and clutch in my lap while he climbs in the other side.

I’ve always loved riding with Leo; the trust I have in him as he speeds around the curves and works the car to his every whim is implicit. Watching him drive, or do anything with his hands, makes my blood heat to a steady simmer in my veins. But tonight, I just stare out the window in the awkward silence and try not to inhale his familiar scent of expensive cologne and spearmint that’s filling every inch of his Aston Martin.

“How’s work at the shelter going?” he asks as we approach Rayleigh.

I’m startled by the question, by the interest, and I don’t try to hide it as I straighten in my seat. “Um, good. Busy, as usual.”

He nods and changes gears as we turn down the avenue that leads to the Hedgington Hotel, where the gala is being held.

“What about you? You’ve been gone a lot this week.” I look over at him and notice the way his jaw subtly clenches.

“Yeah, got a lot of shit going on.” He shrugs, but the visible tension in his shoulders doesn’t allow them to move much.

We pull into the hotel and join the line for the valet. Feeling a lot braver than usual tonight, I let my eyes skim over his gray fitted suit. He’s wearing a charcoal gray dress shirt underneath, but I notice that he ended up ditching the tie, opting to unbutton the first few buttons of his shirt instead. I bite my lip as heat gathers low in my stomach. But now isn’t the time. It’s never the time, I remind myself. Gone are the days when I could suffer through these events with a smile on my face. I’d mentally undress my husband all night, knowing that I’d be peeling his suit off him as soon as we got home. Looking at him now, though—well, it feels like a tease. A heart twistingly, unbearable tease.

He’s my husband, yet it doesn’t feel like I’m allowed to have him anymore.

I check my clutch and close it just as Leo gets out and rounds the car to open my door for me. His hand is held out for mine, and I hesitantly take it, absorbing every inch of warmth that I can from the simple touch as he closes the door. He releases me but then tucks my arm into the crook of his elbow, leading me around the car and up onto the sidewalk to hand the valet our keys. Right, appearances, I think darkly to myself.

I blow out a breath, my eyes flying over to the valet when he says, “Sweet ride, man.”

Leo merely nods, but my heart comes to a crashing halt in my chest as I take in Jared, dressed in a valet uniform, red vest and all. His green eyes are on me, and even though he winks, I’m not fooled. I see the way his corded throat swallows, the way his jaw clenches, the way his eyes dart back and forth between Leo and me before he stalks off to take Leo’s car.

If Leo noticed anything, he doesn’t make it known as we walk inside and join our friends and his colleagues for a few drinks before dinner begins. I’m both nervous and bored to tears but enjoying the delicious roast lamb, if nothing else, as Lydia Donald and her husband talk our ears off over dinner. When the auction begins, and everyone quiets, I’m petrified that the pounding of my heart is about to start echoing in the large room we’re sitting in as I wonder where Jared is right now. I glance up at Leo, only to find his eyes are already on me.

“You look beautiful,” he murmurs quietly. “Then again, you always do.”

My heart warms, and I stare at his lips, his slightly plump, delicious to kiss lips. I miss them. But then he glances away, and I suddenly feel cold again.

After the auction finishes, I drag myself to the bathroom for a reprieve and to text Clare to ask about the kids. I pause in the hallway on the way back out as her message comes through, saying they’re fine and have just fallen asleep.

“Blondie.” His voice is quiet but close.

Tucking my phone away, I turn around to find Jared at the end of the hall, leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets. I look around quickly and spying no one else nearby, walk over to him, stopping a few meters away as his green eyes devour every inch of me.

“You look like you need a good ravishing, princess.”

I smile, my cheeks flushing as my eyes fall on his mouth. His mouth that was between my legs just three days ago.

My teeth sink into my lip while I lean a shoulder against the wall next to me. “Shhh. You work here, too?”

“Sometimes they need the extra help for fancy events such as this, and the tips are nothing to sneeze at.” He smirks.

“They … they let you? After your history with cars?” I can’t help but ask.

His shoulder tilts into a half shrug. “What they don’t know won’t hurt them.”

I watch him for a moment, noticing the way his eyes seem almost sad.


“Dahlia.” Leo’s deep voice cuts me off as it sounds from the opposite end of the hallway behind me. I turn and find his blue eyes like ice as they dart back and forth between Jared and me.

Looking back at Jared, I see him glaring at my husband.

Well, fuck.

“I’ll see you on Tuesday?” I offer timidly to Jared, who finally drags his eyes from Leo long enough to nod at me with furrowed brows. I turn and walk back down the hallway, Leo falling into step beside me as we head back to our table. He’s halted by Hugo, a work colleague, and I’m grateful for it. I excuse myself, needing a drink—or three—and head to the bar just as everyone starts milling around and the noise levels pick up again.

Ella Fields's Books