Forever (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale, #5)(86)

Mina shook her head. “There’s no need anymore. The curse is broken.”

“Oh, yeah.” Ever’s wings slowly dipped in sadness.

Nix threw his arm over her shoulders and nudged her gently. “You can always be my guardian.”

Ever gave a wry smile, but she was still sad. “I just thought that we make such a good team. It can’t be over.”

Mina turned and picked up the Grimoire from the throne behind her. “It’s not. There are still hundreds of rogue Fae that can’t be left to roam free on the human plane.” She handed the book to Ever.

Ever’s hands trembled as she held the book. “I can’t take this. I’m not a Grimm.”

“Grimm is just a title. Think of it as a job description,” Teague said. “And as I’ve proven, those can be loosely followed. I think you’ll do just fine. You’ll make a phenomenal keeper of the Grimoire.”

Ever ran her fingers over the gold lettering and opened up the pages. Her wings fluttered in anticipation. “I’m in, as long as you’re sure you don’t need me.”

Mina smiled. “I’ve got my very own Reaper to protect me.” She nudged Teague, who placed his arm around her waist in affirmation. “Although as a Grimm with the Grimoire, you may need a Godmother.” Mina looked at Nix who seemed to balk at the idea.

“Nope, huh uh. I’m not going to do it if I have to be called a Godmother.” He puffed out his cheeks and drawled in a thick accent. “You can call me the Godfather.”

Ever rolled her eyes.

He grinned and winked.

Mina smiled. Her best friends were up for the challenge. She knew that Ever and Nix would look after Nan and Brody. The Godmothers, once they were reestablished, would help Ever as well. She hated that she was unable to help over there in the world she loved so much, but the Grimoire would be in very capable hands.

Mina let out a deep breath. “I’ve waited so long to be free of the curse. And now that I am, I can’t continue the quest. My story is done, but your story, Ever… is just beginning.”

The End.

Chanda Hahn's Books