Fighting to Survive (As the World Dies #2)(4)

“Huh?” Bill looked toward her.

“Nothing, Bill. Just talking to myself,” she answered with a forced smile and sat up. She put out her cigarette on the roof and sat with her elbows resting on her knees.

“Gotcha. I find myself doing that, too.” Bill's big round face grinned at her, then he returned his gaze to the street.

Katie stared down at the hunting boots she wore. They had been given to her by the sweet old man who had run the hunting shop were they had taken refuge in that first terrible night. Clad in jeans and a tank top, she felt far away from the tailored and perfectly-coifed prosecutor persona she had worn for years. But, she had to admit, the jeans and tank top fit who she really was; a no-fuss girl with wavy blond hair and big green eyes who liked to wear comfortable shoes and casual T-shirts.

Standing up, she pulled the tank top down over her belly and walked toward the edge of the roof. The hotel loomed over the construction site that was full of makeshift blue tarp tents. The elderly and the few surviving women with children were asleep in the city hall, but the younger people were tucked into tents. The nights were growing warmer and warmer as the summer unfurled.

“Got one down on the far corner, but I can't get a bead on it,” Bill said to her.

She looked to where he pointed and caught sight of a figure swaying back and forth near an empty building on the far side of the fort walls. A lamppost and tree partially blocked it from view.

“I think it got its foot caught in the sidewalk cracks. It's really uneven there.” Bill sighed and stared at the zombie sadly.

Katie didn't say anything. There wasn't much to say. A lone zombie was usually a pretty sad sight from a distance. The mutilated form always spoke of a terrible ending to a human life. But the second it saw you, it was the most horrible thing you had ever seen. Its eyes would flash wide and its mouth would open to reveal terrible teeth as it reached toward you and let out a horrible shriek.

“Hey,” Travis' voice said from behind them.

She turned to see him walking from the stairway. He was wearing a dark T-shirt and jeans. She felt an inward pang of desire that she tried hard to ignore. She couldn't help herself, but his broad shoulders and curly hair made her want to touch him. Setting her lips tightly together, she looked away from him. She couldn't betray Lydia's memory.

“Hey, Travis. What's up?” Bill stood up and tugged his shirt down over his beer belly.

“I think we're going to go ahead and take the street next to us tomorrow. It's getting hotter and with June hitting soon, it's only going to get worse. We need to get into the hotel, but we need our people safe and out of the way.”

“Taking the Dollar Store over?” Bill waved toward the side street that they had yet to claim into the fort.

“Yeah. Can't put it off anymore. 'Sides, with the Panama Canal working, we can risk closing off that street.”

Katie could feel Travis glance toward her. She folded her arms over her breasts to try to steady herself. She felt so lonely tonight. She wanted him to hold her, but she feared what that may lead to.

“I figure you'll wanna go in, so if you want to go get some sleep, I can take over,” Travis said to Bill.

Bill thought this over. “Did you get sleep?”

“Yeah. I'm good. We'll head in around nine or ten.”

Bill glanced at his watch. “I could use about four hours of sleep.” He handed the rifle to Travis.

Travis took it awkwardly. He wasn't very comfortable with guns, but he was trying.

“Catch you later, Katie,” Bill said, patting her arm as he headed off.

“Sleep well, Bill!” Katie called after him.

Then she was alone with Travis.

“Did you sleep?”

She finally looked toward him and nodded. “Did you? Or did you lie?”

“I slept enough,” he answered, and shrugged. He took Bill's place and immediately saw the tangled up zombie. He frowned when he realized he didn't have a clear shot. “Is everything okay with you?”

“I'm fine,” Katie assured him.

“Ralph dying and Nerit coming here seems to have shook you up,” he said. He looked at her worriedly.

The two elderly people who had taken her and Jenni into their home above the hunting store that first night had come up against ruthless men that had killed Ralph before Nerit, his wife and former sniper for the Israeli army, took them out.

“I'm fine. Really,” Katie stepped away from him, deciding it was time to go. She wanted to cry again and she wanted him to comfort her.

“Katie,” he said softly, reaching toward her.

“I'll catch you later,” she said, and briskly walked away.

When she reached the stairs, she hurried down the steps and put as much distance between her and Travis as she could. Once down in the hallway of city hall, she leaned against the wall and felt tears fall down her face as she gave into her pain and wept.

4. The Lonely Guard

Travis wanted to follow Katie, but he couldn't. Guard duty was a serious thing. The zombies were sparse of late, but they all knew how quickly that could change. Every time they felt they had secured their area, more of the walking dead would come wandering out of the landscape to screech and moan at the walls.

Rubbing his face with one hand, Travis let out a long breath. He had seen the torment on Katie's face, had wanted to comfort her, but knew she wouldn't let him. Perhaps things had gone too far when they had shared that kiss not too long ago. Immediately, she had withdrawn from him and there was nothing he could do but wait and let her work things out.

Rhiannon Frater's Books