Fighting to Survive (As the World Dies #2)(33)
Taking Katie's arm in her hand lightly, she turned it this way and that. Her keen eyes examined the brutal purple and green bruising. No puncture. No broken skin. No wound.
Stepping back, she nodded.
For a second, she let herself feel the pure joy that that came from knowing that she would not have to release Katie from this nightmare world, but then she shoved it away.
For there was work to be done...
“Let’s move on,” Nerit said firmly and turned on her heel and started up the stairs to the ballroom.
5. The Top of the World
Travis wasn't sure he could even breathe anymore. Seeing the zombie lurch out of the darkness to fasten itself on Katie had been one of the worst moments of his entire life. In fact, he was pretty sure this day was responsible for all the worst moments of his life.
From the dining room massacre to Jenni's appearance on the balcony and everything in between, he had felt his hold on his emotions slipping. He had not experienced the sheer horror of the first days as Katie and Jenni had until today. The zombies had always seemed so far away and impersonal. But today, there was no denying their absolute power to terrify and destroy when there were no barriers between the living and the dead.
Moving slowly up the stairs after Nerit, he struggled not to hate her. She walked in silence, her head up, her gaze sweeping back and forth, shoulders relaxed, but ready. He resented how she was so hyper-aware of all around her and how coldly she dealt with situations that made him feel ready to shit his pants. And he hated how easily she killed those they called friends once the worst has happened and they were on their way out of this world.
Yes, he had offered to kill Jenni when they had all thought she was a zombie, but that had been to spare Katie. Even now, he wasn't quite sure he would have pulled the trigger. Well, if she had lurched toward them to kill Katie, he probably would have. But all this death and killing was far removed from how he was raised. It did not come naturally to him like it did to Nerit or the others.
Frustration ate at him as he looked back toward Katie. She was walking with Jenni. Both of them were favoring injured limbs and wore bruises on their faces. He desperately wanted this to be over. This day was made all the worse because of his feelings for Katie. He not only lived in terror for his own life, but for hers. Every moment that passed that they both survived, was nerve-wracking. He felt he could not relax. Could not enjoy that they had made it this far. If he lost her, it would devastate him. His was madly in love with her and he knew it made him a bit crazy, but he couldn't help it.
Stepping up off the stairs into an enormous foyer, he was startled by the sunlight pouring through high windows. The storm had moved on and was now receding over the hills. The marble floors shone beneath a fine layer of dust and the ornate gold-gilded metal ceiling with all its fancy designs gleamed overhead. An enormous chandelier sparkled and threw diamonds of light all around.
“It's beautiful,” Jenni sighed.
Roman goddesses were tucked into alcoves and plush red velvet couches adorned a few walls. Bouquets of dead flowers adorned a few small tables. The foyer stretched out to French doors that lead out onto a patio that encircled the entire top floor. To their right were two doors marked as restrooms.
They did quick, efficient sweep of the gleaming bathrooms. Empty.
“When we are done, I'm so using the ladies room,” Jenni said firmly.
Nerit motioned to the ballroom.
The doors to the ballroom were open. The old fashioned, short-legged chairs with the plush velvet seats were neatly stacked against one wall.
Nerit lead them into the enormous room with its ornate fireplace and high vaulted ceilings. Chandeliers sparkled overhead. Heavy red curtains were drawn back from the windows to let the sun pour through gauzy white organza sheer curtains.
“Perfect for a wedding,” Jenni sighed.
“It's what it was used for in the old days,” Curtis said.
Jimmy just grunted and trailed along behind them.
Travis looked back at Katie. Even bruised and looking exhausted, she was beautiful. Standing in this huge room with her, he wondered what it would feel like to take her in his arms and dance with her.
“Let's check the patio,” Nerit said.
Travis looked around at all the opulence of the room and felt slightly overwhelmed by its elegance. It was almost too much.
Nerit opened the doors to the patio and stepped out slowly.
A beautiful Roman gazebo stood over a glittering pool of blue water. An enormous patio stretched out to the stone railing that surrounded it. Travis walked slowly over to the rail and looked down to see a maintenance walkway tucked down out of view with a safety net extending outward around five feet.
To stop suicides, he decided.
Katie leaned over the rail to look down, then looked out toward the fading storm. “It's really beautiful up here.”
He smiled. “I was thinking the same thing.” He loved the way the sun was glinting off her curls. He wanted to touch them, but refrained.
“Keep alert,” Nerit barked.
He frowned. Katie poked him. “She's just good at her job.”
“Yeah,” he said, almost resentfully.
They spread out and looked around. There really wasn't a place to hide up here.
“The elevators will be our last concern once the power is back on,” Nerit said as they walked around the building.
Rhiannon Frater's Books
- Rhiannon Frater
- Pretty When She Kills (Pretty When She Dies #2)
- Pretty When She Destroys (Pretty When She Dies #3)
- Pretty When They Collide (Pretty When She Dies 0.5)
- Siege (As the World Dies #3)
- The Last Mission of the Living (The Last Bastion #2)
- The Last Bastion of the Living (The Last Bastion #1)
- The First Days (As the World Dies #1)
- Pretty When She Dies (Pretty When She Dies #1)
- The Living Dead Boy (The Living Dead Boy #1)