Fighting to Survive (As the World Dies #2)(106)
Again, humans were kinda weird at times, but he loved their hugs!
“...and they took my Hummer and make me scrub floors and toilets! My nails are broken and there is not a decent manicurist around here! And you are doing nothing about this,” a woman's voice was shrieking from the stairwell. “And now Travis is mayor and you're nothing!”
Jack kept walking. He didn't like the woman who smelled too clean and always kicked him when no one was looking. He wanted a cookie not a kick.
The very stinky man was standing in another hall. He was holding up what he called a camera and talking to himself. Jack thought the man smelled great. He smelled of chickens, dogs, and yucky stuff. Jack wondered if he could roll around on top of Calhoun while he slept and get that great scent on him. But Jenni would probably throw him in the bathtub and give him a bath like she had when he had managed to roll around on a dead squirrel before she caught him.
Jack pushed past Calhoun and looked into the room. Travis was there talking to Pepe's man. Pepe's man had nice leather shoes that Jack wanted to chew on, but never got the chance. Peggy was there, too, and Jack looked around for her puppy. The puppy usually had cookies or candies. But to his disappointment, there was no human puppy with goodies in his pockets.
“... had just received a grant for community development. We were trying very hard to improve the city,” Peggy was saying.
“So,” Pepe's man said thoughtfully. “Most of the city is on septic tanks or rudimentary sewer systems.”
“Exactly. We didn't start actually zoning of the city until a year ago. It pissed off a lot of people, that's for sure. And we just started passing ordinances for new construction.”
Jack stared at Peggy as she talked. She must realize he needed a cookie.
Travis sighed. “We're dealing with an archaic system for the hotel and city hall. We'll have to come up with something soon. This isn't like a big city with a network of underground systems. Sewer will become an issue.”
Pepe's man frowned as he studied something on the desk. “It's better to start planning now before it is an issue. Now that we have most of the fort construction mapped out, we need to think long term.”
Jack decided to concentrate on Travis.
I need a cookie, Jack thought intently.
Instead, Travis patted his head and scratched him under his chin.
“Okay, so how we are going to make the fort sanitary and functional in the future? I would suggest that we began immediate inspection of any buildings we absorb into the fort so we...”
Jack gave up and left the office.
Walking into the lobby, he saw the human puppies playing hard. They were running around and screaming, but none of them even smelled like cookies.
Jack sat down, yawned, and looked around.
Katie walked up to him and leaned down to give him kisses. She wasn't smelly like the old man, but she smelled like a mother. He kinda liked it. Smothering him with kisses, she hugged him tight, then wandered off.
Still, there was no cookie.
Jack flopped down and began to chew on one paw, studying his surroundings. The human puppies may not smell like cookies, but maybe one of them would go get some. Yes, this was his best bet.
Nerit walked up to him, knelt down carefully, and patted his head. “You're a good boy, Jack.” She smiled and rubbed his ears.
As she reached into her pocket, his ears perked up and he thumped his tail.
With a smile, she slipped him an Oreo cookie and walked off.
Jack chewed it up, grinning to himself, then gulped it down.
Ah, now he could enjoy his day.
He stood up, stretched and headed out into the construction site. Maybe if he was lucky, they'd let him sit up next to the guard so he could bark at the loud, stinky dead things.
Yes, yes, that sounded good.
Too bad he couldn't roll around on them though...
3. Silent Night
What had once been dubbed the “zombie corral” was now a very nice, walled-in courtyard decorated in a thin film of fresh snow that glimmered with the reflections of the Christmas lights strung all over the fort.
Katie leaned against the rail of the guard post, looking down over the wall where children were being hustled back in after an impromptu snow fight. The tiny snowflakes were still falling, but she knew that by morning the snow would already be melting away. Snow never lasted long in these parts.
November had been a hard month. Construction had gone into over drive. It had felt like it had been non-stop until December 16th. They had reclaimed Main Street, the former zombie corral, and moved the trucks out to a new perimeter. Bit by bit they were spreading out, making things more secure.
Travis was working long hours with Eric to map out their future expanded fort. At times, Travis looked overwhelmed as he sat deep in thought. It was a lot to worry about. At times, it consumed him. But every night, when he held her, she could see that he was happy and at peace with her.
Katie looked up. More flakes touched her lips and cheeks. The sky was clear and beautiful. She sighed at the wonder of it.
Nearby, down in the street, Bill and Katarina were trying to build a snowman with Peggy and her son, Cody. It was a peaceful scene. It made Katie smile. In a few years, Katie and Travis would have a little one to build a snowman with. If things didn't go to hell...
No, she couldn't think like that.
Rhiannon Frater's Books
- Rhiannon Frater
- Pretty When She Kills (Pretty When She Dies #2)
- Pretty When She Destroys (Pretty When She Dies #3)
- Pretty When They Collide (Pretty When She Dies 0.5)
- Siege (As the World Dies #3)
- The Last Mission of the Living (The Last Bastion #2)
- The Last Bastion of the Living (The Last Bastion #1)
- The First Days (As the World Dies #1)
- Pretty When She Dies (Pretty When She Dies #1)
- The Living Dead Boy (The Living Dead Boy #1)