Fear For Me (For Me #2)(81)
Lauren stepped closer and heard one of the men swear.
“Sonofabitch. Her hands are severed.”
Lauren’s body trembled. Anthony was there—always there—to steady her.
“Don’t, Lauren,” he said again.
It was her sister. She had to see.
She took another step.
Dirt. Roots, twisting through the dirt. And…bones. Bones darkened by the soil. An old red shirt, the edge of blue jeans…
A skull that stared up at her.
Something broke inside of Lauren.
She broke.
Anthony’s arms closed around her, and he held her tight.
He wanted to f*cking kill. Anthony barely held his rage in check as he watched Lauren make her way to the ME’s office. She’d gone to meet with the mayor in a closed-door meeting—just her, the mayor, and the chief of police—a few moments before, and he sure as hell hoped she’d ripped the dick a new one. They had their evidence now, and there was no way the mayor could shove the body under the rug.
The press would know what was happening. Anthony had already made sure of it with a fast phone tip to some of Lauren’s contacts. No one would forget Jenny Chandler or the other victims.
Lauren’s steps were slow, her shoulders sagging, as she headed toward him.
He caught her hand before she could open the door to the morgue.
“No, not yet.”
Dark circles lined her eyes, from pain, horror, and grief that were ravaging her. He wanted to take it all away. He wanted to find the bastard who’d made her hurt and destroy him. Death would be too easy.
The man needed to suffer, as he’d made Lauren suffer. And Jenny suffer. And all the others.
He glanced over his shoulder. He saw an empty room and pulled Lauren toward it.
“Anthony, what—”
His mouth took hers. He had to kiss her. He wanted her to feel something, anything, but sadness and grief. He wanted her to know she was alive, dammit, and there was still hope.
Hope for her. For them.
But he could taste the salt of her tears. He hated the taste of her grief. Lauren should know joy.
I will kill the bastard.
Her arms curled around him. Her lips parted, and she kissed him back with an almost desperate need.
Her body trembled, but she pressed tightly to him. Her nails sank into his arms as she rose onto her toes.
Her lips broke from his, just long enough for her to whisper, “Make it stop.”
He stared into her eyes. Saw the gleam of tears.
“I can’t breathe. It hurts so much. Just make it stop.”
He kissed her again. His fingers sank into her hair. He angled her head up so he could take her mouth. Her lips. Her tongue. There was desperation in the kiss, a maelstrom of lust and need. And fury. For what had been lost. For the dangers that waited ahead.
The nightmare hadn’t ended with the discovery of the body.
Would it ever end?
“I want to take you out of here,” he told her, growling the words when their mouths parted again. “I want you with me. I want to help you.”
“You have.” Her words were ragged.
His hold tightened on her. “Lauren…”
She pulled in another deep breath, and eased away from him. He could see her trying to school her expression, but she looked so damn fragile—breakable—that it tore into him. He wanted to stand between her and any pain.
Every pain.
But he couldn’t stop the agony she was feeling, and it drove him crazy. She wanted it to stop, she’d asked him to make it stop.
I will.
“I have to see the ME,” Lauren murmured. “I have to talk to him about Jenny.”
“I’m going with you.” He’d waited for her, because he’d be damned if he let her walk into that room of death alone.
She gave a small nod. “Thank you.”
Screw thanks. He caught her hand. “When we’re done, I’m taking you out of here with me. You’re not staying on your own.”
“I’ve still got U.S. marshal protection?”
“You’ve got me.” Always.
“Thank you.”
There it was again. He didn’t want her gratitude. Just her. As long as the killer was on the loose, Anthony didn’t plan on letting Lauren spend any nights alone. Walker had targeted her, so what was to say the second killer wouldn’t, too? With Walker’s death, the man might be jonesing for vengeance. Just like Walker.
He followed her out of the room. When he opened the door, he saw Paul heading down the hallway, making a determined march for the ME’s office. When Paul saw them coming from the darkened room, he paused. One brow lifted.
Anthony leveled a hard stare back at him.
Paul cleared his throat, then held open the door that would take them all in to see Dr. Death.
“We’re in the process of obtaining your sister’s dental records,” Greg said as he stood beside the carefully covered remains. “Once we have those, we’ll be able to see—”
“They’ll show it’s Jenny.” Lauren was certain Jenny was wrapped up in that bag. Lauren had never needed the icy wall she used to separate herself from others more than in that moment. On the inside, she was falling apart. No, splintering. On the outside, her hands were flat at her sides. Her body still.