Fear For Me: A Novel of the Bayou Butcher(68)

The dock bobbed lightly as the hot summer wind tossed the waves. Lightning flashed across the sky. The storm was finally rolling in.

The storm should have helped him. It would have covered his tracks. He would have slipped away again.

But the f*cking boat wasn’t there.

Snarling, Walker spun around. Shock and fury and fear battled inside of him. Fear—it had been so long since he’d felt fear. He wasn’t supposed to be afraid, not any longer. His partner had told him that, after the first kill.

We don’t have to be afraid of anything or anyone. They fear us. We’re the power. They’re the prey.

His feet thudded over the dock as he rushed back for the trees.

He partner had lied to him. Had sent him running for a boat that wasn’t there. Why? Why would he do that to me?

They were family.

Brothers of blood.

He froze, breath heaving, surrounded by gnarled trees. He’d heard footsteps. Rushing toward him.

They’re hunting me.

He was all alone. No partner. No help.

Just him. In the woods.

His fingers tightened around the knife.

He wasn’t going back to jail. He wasn’t finished. The circle wasn’t complete. Lauren wasn’t a beautiful, bloody doll.

It wasn’t over.

I have the power. He also had the big-ass knife.

The swamp seemed too quiet. Far too quiet. Even the insects had stilled. Anthony paused and glanced at Paul. The detective nodded and pointed to the left. The dock. They could both see the edge of the wood.

Anthony eased forward while Paul branched to the left a bit, still searching the line of trees. Anthony’s gaze surveyed the scene. No sign of a boat. No sign of Walker. But…

Wait. There was a sign of him. A shoe impression, just a few feet from the dock in the loose dirt. Anthony turned, body pumping with adrenaline, as he followed the impression. One step. Another. Another—


His head jerked up. It was Paul’s voice—Paul, who should have been close behind him. Anthony whirled and ran toward the voice.

He burst through the bushes and saw them. Paul was on the ground. Bleeding.

Walker—tricky SOB—he’d circled back and come up on Paul from behind. Paul was on the ground, blood dripping down his back as he tried to crawl for his weapon. Walker was lifting his knife once more—

“Freeze!” Anthony yelled.

Paul kept crawling.

Walker froze for an instant, his head lifted, and he locked his gaze on Anthony.

“Drop the weapon!” Anthony yelled. “Drop it now!”

Walker shook his head. “I won’t go back.”

“You don’t have a choice.” Anthony advanced on him. “Now drop it!” Or he would put a bullet in him.

Walker glanced down at Paul. “I have the power.”

He lunged for the detective.

Anthony fired his gun, sending a bullet straight at Walker’s heart. At the same moment, Paul rolled over and came up holding his weapon. He fired. His bullet hit Walker just seconds after Anthony’s.

Walker’s eyes widened as he stumbled back. The guy’s mouth dropped open and shock swept over his face.

The knife fell from his fingers. He fell back and hit the ground.

Anthony raced to him. He kicked the knife farther away. Two bullets were in the bastard’s chest, and Walker was coughing up blood as he struggled to bring in his last breaths.

Crouching and keeping his gun trained on him, Anthony said, “You aren’t going to be hurting anyone else.”

Walker tried to turn his head toward Anthony. “W-Weep…”

“What?” Anthony demanded.

“W-weepin’…wil…low…tree. T-tell…Lau…”

A gurgle ended the words. A rough rasp that was the last breath the Bayou Butcher would ever take.

“Is he dead?” Paul gasped.

Anthony’s heart slammed into his chest.

“Yeah.” About f*cking time. “The bastard is on his way to hell.” Try escaping that prison. You want hurt Lauren, you piece of shit. You won’t hurt anyone, not anymore. Anthony hurried back to Paul’s side. “Now let’s make sure you stay alive.”

Matt leaped out of the brush, breath heaving. A few moments later, Wesley appeared. They took in the bloody scene and saw Anthony working to stem the blood from Paul’s wound.

More backup arrived. Cops. EMTs. Paul was loaded into the back of an ambulance. He was lucky—the knife wound wasn’t lethal.

A survivor.

Judge Hamilton hadn’t been so lucky.

The ambulance’s siren screamed as Paul was driven away. Anthony watched the vehicle vanish, the knot in his gut still tight.

“You did it,” Matt said as the other marshal came to his side and slapped him on the back. “You caught the Bayou Butcher.”

“Killing him isn’t the same thing as catching him.” The Butcher’s last words replayed in Anthony’s head.

“It is to me.” Matt’s gaze was dark and steady. “Now he doesn’t get to torture anyone else. Our job’s done.”

The job of tracking down and apprehending Walker, yes. But what about the bastard’s partner?

The only person who knew the man’s identity was being zipped up into a body bag.

Cynthia Eden's Books