Dragon's Lair (Wind Dragons MC #1)(8)

I look down. “I have to go, okay?”

“Just remember what I said about him.”

“Fine, warning noted,” I say, sliding into my car. Eric walks off, and I drive my ass home.


Five weeks later

Dr. Reeves walks in, sitting down in his chair. He’s a kind man in his fifties and has been my doctor for a few years now. I’m pretty sure he keeps his lollipop jar stocked just for when I have an appointment.

“I need drugs, doc,” I tell him. “And lots of them.”

He doesn’t smile at my antics like he usually does. “You’re pregnant, Faye.”

I blink slowly. “I don’t think so.”

Now he fights a smile. “This test says you’re definitely pregnant.”

I look around the room, hoping for someone to jump out and tell me that this is a prank. “I don’t understand.”

His lip twitches. “When’s the last time you had sex? And when was your last period?”

“I have never had sex without a condom,” I blurt out, wringing my hands.


“I guess, about six weeks ago.”

With a criminal.

“Condoms aren’t a hundred percent you know,” he reminds me calmly. My mind flashes to a certain episode of Friends, and I suddenly feel like yelling out that they should put that on the outside of the box.

“You remember what happened when I went on the pill,” I tell him. I tried it for a month, and it didn’t agree with me. I put on weight and felt like shit. Dr. Reeves said we could try another one, but I just said I would use condoms. Eric and I always used one, even though he tried to talk his way out of it a few times with the infamous ‘I promise I’ll pull out’ line.

Yeah—not a chance in hell.

“I wasn’t criticizing you, Faye, but you are pregnant,” he says kindly, pulling out some brochures from his drawer.

“I see,” I say, staring into empty space.

And I did see.

I saw my career and my life plans crashing. Evaporating. Vanishing.

Disappearing right before my eyes.

“You have options,” he says, sliding the brochures to me. But I don’t. I don’t have options, and my life is over. My parents will kick me out, my education is going to take a backseat to changing nappies, and the baby’s father is an outlaw biker. This kid doesn’t stand a chance. I’m pro-choice, but I could never have an abortion. That’s just not me. I stand up, the sound of the chair scratching on the floor filling the silent room.

“I’m keeping it,” I announce. Everyone else be damned.

Doc has a talk with me, gives me a book to read up on, and tells me to get some folic acid and other things. I leave the doctor’s in a daze.

A plan starts to form in my head.

First of all, I need to save money.

Then me and my baby are out of here.


I’m four months pregnant when I start to show. And that’s when everything goes to hell. My parents find out and tell me to leave. No second chance. No discussion. My mother just tells me to be gone by the end of the day. My father looks sad but doesn’t dare go against her wishes. They should have never had a child. I’m going to make sure I’m a way better mother than she ever was. How predictable of them. I always knew they would cut me out of their lives the moment they found out. I pack up my belongings, ready to leave. Luckily I have been saving every cent during the last few months, preparing for this moment. I even cashed in some of my gold and sold everything I could, even my PS4. I don’t need all those things. What I need is a plan for the future.

Just as I throw the last bag into my car, Eric pulls up in his obnoxious car. Not someone I want to see right now. Maybe even the last person on the face of this earth, but such is my life.

“Where are you going?” he asks as he storms up to me. He frowns when he sees all my stuff in the back of my car.

“Taking a little holiday,” I say in a tone that lets him know I’m not in the mood for his shit.

He grabs my arm. “What the hell is going on?”

I lose it. Months of hiding, stressing, and crying all burst out of me. “I’m pregnant, and I have nowhere to go so I’m leaving town. Now get the f*ck out of my way!”

He stands there, frozen, his mouth open in shock. “You were going to leave town without telling me about my baby?”

I can’t help it. I laugh. It’s more nervous laughter than anything else. I probably sound psychotic.

Eric and I hadn’t had sex in a month when I slept with Dex. There is no way the baby is his.

“Baby isn’t yours Eric, don’t worry about it,” I say, pulling out of his hold.

“The f*ck?” he growls, his face going red in anger. “Who did you sleep with?”

Typical male. Of course that would be all he cares about.

“Too many to count,” I reply, opening the door. I still and turn to him. “I guess I’ll see you around.”

Or not.

“You don’t have to leave,” he says, still looking confused and hurt.

The pain radiating from him makes me hurt too.

“There’s nothing left for me here anymore Eric,” I say softly, letting him look into my eyes and see the truth.

Chantal Fernando's Books