Demons Like It Hot (Demons Unleashed #2)(12)

“Kalli sure picks the best time to stock up on supplies,” said Lucia.

“What about Gerardo? Can’t he do anything?”

“You know as well as I do that angels aren’t supposed to use their powers on humans. Looks like we’re the next line of defense.”

“Bloody hell.” Rafael turned to lock gazes with Lucia. “I really don’t like leaving him alone with her so soon. But I’ve seen some of your irate customers.”

Lucia stuffed the phone back in her pocket. She turned to her friend, sternness etched across her face. “We’re not finished talking.”

“I figured as much,” said Serah, as she steepled her fingers, hunched her shoulders, and allowed soft sigh to escape.

Matthias’s mind reeled. Angels? Here in Connolly Park as well? Angels and demons, congregating in one area? This did not bode well. Something big was brewing. Something he didn’t want Serah to be a part of. He wanted her safe, protected. He would not fail her.

It was his fault she was in this mess. Had he not delivered her into the Infernati’s clutches, they would have never found out about her powers. He’d signed her death warrant. He wished he’d signed his own instead.

“Gerardo’s only a guardian angel. No worries, buddy.”


“The tension in your jaw. The narrowing of your gaze,” Serah said with a shrug. “It’s pretty much written all over your face.”

Then again, she was a Pure-Blood. From what he’d heard, they were excellent at reading expressions, even those of people they barely knew. Matthias struggled to rein in the churning emotions boiling to the surface, realizing again that they weren’t complete strangers.

Serah crossed her arms, her gaze adamant. “He’s harmless.”

Not good enough of an answer in his book. “Angels, even those of the guardian variety, don’t usually socialize with demons.”

“She needed guidance. He saw no one guiding her, so he stepped in.”

“How nice of him.”

In his previous dealings with angels, he’d learned to avoid them at all costs. But now, since he was training to be a Paladin, that would have to change. After all, he’d need an angel’s blessing. Was it worth it? He snuck another glance at Serah. She twirled a corkscrew curl around a pink-tipped fingernail. Hell yes, it was. And when he was done, he’d erase himself from her memory again. Too bad he couldn’t erase her from his.

“Gerardo was a blessing.” Lucia raised her chin. “And one damn good stylist. Angels aren’t that much different than Paladins.” She flashed Matthias a smile. “Relax. Today’s his last day. He’s being reassigned.”

“That’s mildly comforting,” Matthias muttered.

Lucia shrugged. “We both want to keep the Infernati from taking over.” With that she looped her arm in Rafael’s. “We’ll have to continue this conversation later.”

“If you need anything, you know how to reach us.” Rafael flashed a surreptitious glare. “Take care of her, Ambrose.”

“I will.”

“Good.” He led Lucia to the door. “I could always travel there, you know.”

“Yeah, that’s a great idea,” Lucia muttered.

“Good point. That swirling ice storm could scare the bejeezus out of your clients.”

“No kidding,” Lucia said with a smirk.

“Call me if you need anything.” Lucia allowed Rafael to escort her out the door. The door slammed behind them with an ominous thud.

“Guess I’m stuck with you.”

Matthias’s heart clenched. He ground his teeth. He should be relieved that she wanted nothing to do with him, yet it only filled him with regret. “I cannot let you out of my sight.”

“I hope you don’t plan on joining me in the shower. That would be awkward.”

Matthias struggled to control the beating of his heart. Just the thought of water rushing through her dark cascade of curls and down her lush, naked body sent more desire ripping through him. He needed to get her out of his system. Fast, before he exploded. No, he didn’t plan on joining her in the shower. That would be too dangerous.

“There’s no need to worry, Matt. It’s okay to call you Matt, right?” There was no mistaking the challenge in her glare. Bloody hell and Hades.


“Gerardo. Like Lucy said, he’s being reassigned.” A forced smile spread across Serah’s lips. “I’m planning his going-away party. I really can’t have any unwelcome interruptions.”

“I didn’t ask for this either, Ms. SanGermano. I have better things I could be doing with my time.” Like trying to forget he’d almost delivered her to her death.

He wished he had the ability to turn back time. He’d do things differently. Too bad time travel wasn’t one of his demonic talents. He’d gladly go back in time and tell them no—even if it meant losing one of his own.

Chapter 5

Wow. She thought those words would have brought relief, but they had the opposite effect. All she was to him was an inconvenience. Then again, she, herself, had just said the same thing about him. What was it about this guy that sent her sensors into hyperdrive? Regardless of the aura of danger that surrounded his not-so-frequent moves, another, more-mysterious aura shimmered deeper in him, leaving her utterly intrigued.

Sidney Ayers's Books