Defiance (The Protectors #9)(50)

My body began to react to the memory and how much I’d loved the way he’d manhandled me. At the same time, he’d been so incredibly gentle.

I shook my head as I took in the rest of my appearance. My lips were glistening and swollen from all of Vincent’s kisses, and there were grass stains covering my entire body. There was blood, too, but I knew it wasn’t mine. At some point Vincent’s injured hand had likely started to bleed again, and he hadn’t noticed or cared. The sight should have sickened me, but it didn’t.

Knowing how badly he’d wanted me…

Finger-sized bruises marred my skin, too, and I couldn’t help but run my fingers over them. Who would have thought having such an aggressive, dominant lover would have made me feel so safe and wanted…needed?

My eyes fell to the streaks of cum that my clothes hadn’t soaked up, and I was instantly reminded of the powerful orgasm that had held me in its grip for so long. Even now, I wanted it again. I wanted Vincent to walk into that bathroom and wrap his arms around me.

God, when had I become so needy?

Anger surged through me and I stepped towards the shower. I needed to just forget this night had ever happened. It had been a terrible mistake, and now it was over. This whole thing would be over soon and I could go back to my life. I’d spend however many days it took for Vincent to figure all this shit out and get rid of the guy trying to kill me, and then I’d go back to being Nathan Wilder, budding politician.

Yeah, that’s what I’d do.

Fuck Vincent St. James, and fuck all this shit he’d made me feel.

Nothing had changed.


Chapter 18


Jesus, how the fuck had I let this happen?

I dropped my head against the tile wall as I tried to make sense of what I’d just done. I’d fucked a man…no, a goddamn virgin…in my backyard under the cover of falling darkness, not caring one whit about what had been going on around me. Hell, the whole world had ceased to exist the second I’d buried myself inside of Nathan’s beautiful body.

And God, that orgasm…

I shook my head. I could still feel the aftereffects of the damn thing. I was physically exhausted, and the pleasurable sensation that lingered beneath my skin warred with my mind about how incredibly stupid the whole thing had been. Nathan was a client. A goddamn favor!

I winced as I remembered the sob that had torn free of his throat when I’d tried to help him do up his pants.

I’d been such an ass just to pull out of him like that and pretend the whole thing hadn’t happened. Or that the orgasm hadn’t done something to me I’d never felt before.

Not even with David.

Guilt tore through me at that, and I sent David yet another silent apology.

I’d never felt particularly guilty for sleeping with guys after losing David, because it had just been cheap sex that hadn’t meant anything. Hell, it was the same thing as when I jacked off on my own. I’d been taking care of a biological need and nothing more.

I shook my head because none of that shit mattered. Even if I wanted to start something with Nathan – and I didn’t – it wasn’t even an option. Not with the life I led.

And most certainly not with his.

The man stood for everything I hated.

So why wasn’t that enough to have me calling up Ronan and telling him to get someone else to figure all this shit out? It certainly would have been the smart thing to do.

I placed my hands flat against the tile and let the water slide over my back. My skin stung where Nathan had scratched me as he’d clung to me. It hadn’t been enough to draw blood or anything, but I’d seen the angry red marks up and down my back and even on my ass where he’d grabbed onto me. The man was incredibly responsive, but damn, when he wanted something…

I cursed the smile that crept across my mouth.

I was so preoccupied that I didn’t even notice the cool air at first. When I did, I knew where it was coming from and I knew there was no threat to me.

At least not the kind that I knew how to handle.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Nathan standing just outside the shower door, his hand still on the handle. His eyes were plastered to my back. He was still a mess with his hair sticking up all over the place and his body covered in stains. I should have been horrified to know I’d gotten some blood on him, but the sight turned me on.

God, I was a sick bastard.

I waited to see what he would do, because truth be told, I was stunned to see him standing there, completely naked and very much turned on if his hardening dick was anything to go by. His eyes shifted to mine and I slowly turned around. I’d already been hard, but seeing him standing there with the proof of how well I’d loved him still lingering on his body, sent me to a whole other level. I was certain he’d run when he got a look at me, but the hunger in his eyes had me second-guessing myself. I’d been so sure he’d go hide out in his room like I was, and we’d pretend this whole thing had never happened.

We both hung there for several long seconds and then he was stepping into the shower, a look of determination in his eyes that had all my cylinders firing.

The shower door snicked into place as he held there for a moment and then he was pushing into my arms, his mouth seeking out mine. Despite the promise I’d made to myself that I wouldn’t touch him again, I instantly wrapped my arms around him.

Sloane Kennedy's Books