Dark Temptation (Dark Saints MC Book 2)(49)

Sawyer was our Prez, and now Steele was our VP.

Ridge, who’d been in charge of me when I was a probie, was now Secretary. It was funny the way the young guys I’d come in with were now moving up. Becoming leaders.

I guess that was what happened if you were good enough to be a Great Wolf. It wasn’t for everybody. And that was what put the great in it.

Ridge was scary, loyal, and didn’t joke around too much. Although he fucked women as if it was his job his actual job was keeping us in line Stone and me were coming up.

Ridge did his job for the M.C. well and if the noises I heard from the ladies in the back room were any gauge he did the other well too. I liked Ridge’s life philosophy.

Hot women, quick sex and no attachments. I knew there weren’t many women like Sawyer’s old lady or Stone’s hot new wife.

The only girl I’d ever spent any amount of time with lately was Dusty. Our bartender and that was fine with me. She was one of the guys.

The rest? They seemed to want to fuck anything in leather and turn around and fuck you over. Nope. Not for me.

I was happy and very unattached to any women but very attached to my club. I knew I was with good, tough, loyal badasses. They’d taught me all I knew since my probie days.

Larry, the old timer, was keeping his job as Treasurer. We were making a lot of bank these days and having Larry, who Sawyer trusted above all, keep the money locked up, made us all feel pretty secure.

Now I was Sergeant-at-Arms of the Great Wolves Grand City Motorcycle Club. Un-fucking-believable. I would have smiled, but I was on the bike. I wasn’t in the mood for a grill full of bugs.

I rounded the curve of a long empty country road. The spring was just starting to turn things green. I needed the air. I needed the freedom my bike gave me. Even if I was now a responsible officer of my club and ran a fucking business, the open road, even for an hour or two, was necessary. If I didn’t ride, I got “squirrelly” as Sawyer called it. It was my medication.

I was going to spend a day, maybe three, rough, out in the country, sleeping at a campground I knew. That was one thing my old man taught me. How to camp. I loved the grease and the engines of the Great Wolves Auto Body shop, but every once in a while I had to clear it out of my lungs. I had my best ideas on the road or in a tent.

The members understood. We all had days, sometimes weeks, where we needed out. Except for Sawyer. As the Prez, you were never out I guess.

The wind, the engine, the trees whipping by, all of it was my drug. I was enjoying it, and it was the perfect way to balance my new responsible life of running Great Wolves Auto Body. I was completely in my own head. That’s until I saw something on the side of the road. Something very out of place.

A cotton candy shaped puff of white caught my eye as it moved strangely forward along the side of the road. It was sort of hard to make out what I saw so I eased back on the throttle as I got closer.

It was a woman. And I had to close my eyes tight and re-focus them to be sure I was really seeing her.

She was running, pretty damn fast actually, for all the fluff that she was hauling with her. I scanned her from head to toe as I approached.

She had piles of blonde hair with flowers woven in and out of it. I could see white netting, lace, and sparkle covering her from the neck to her tiny waist, and then an explosion of white skirt. She was carrying it to the side, as her legs, covered in white fishnets, pumped fast. At the bottom of this wedding cake topper, gone rogue was a pair of muddy Converse tennis shoes.

Well, that explained how she was able to haul ass as fast as she was.

As I got closer, she made a break for the tree line and off the road. I’d probably spooked her, but I really did want to know what the story was. There was no one around for miles. Where had she come from?

As she scrambled to the woods, I called out.

“Hey, stop!” I lifted my helmet off my head. I watched her trip and take a tumble. I put my stand down and got off the bike.

“Stay away!” She yelled as she tried to get up, navigating her giant dress, which was now grass-stained. It was like a tangled fishnet around her legs.

I put both my hands up. I supposed my leather and current Mohawk hair style was not the most reassuring sight for anyone to see much less a sprinting, uh, bride? Yes. I was looking at a runaway bride here.

“Listen, Princess Buttercup. I’m not here to hurt you. Just looks like you need a little help.” She was looking down, her back to me, and she was still.

When she turned her head and lifted it to face me, I felt something very strange. She had gray eyes. I’d never seen that color of eyes before, and they looked very much like the eyes of someone being hunted. Panic was just under the surface. And she was thinking. It showed in her eyes and furrowed brow.

She looked up and down at me. Nothing about how I look was going to make her feel safer. That I knew.

“Are you a Great Wolf?” She asked me. Which was a surprise, odd that this little princess knew what a Great Wolf was, didn’t seem like it fit?


“I need a ride. Fast. Out of here. Now.” She figured out a way to stand up, despite the massive amount of white fluff pulling her down, and she looked me in the eyes again.

I moved from her eyes to button nose and perfect bow shaped lips. God this princess was like out of a book for sure. I still wasn’t one-hundred percent sure that this was real. Had I accidentally smoked something more than a little weed lately?

Jayne Blue's Books