Dark Temptation (Dark Saints MC Book 2)(43)


He barged into my life all swirling ink and rippling muscles. This outlaw bad boy is the kind of guy I’m supposed to stay away from. I figured what harm could one ride on the back of his Harley do? I’ve had my life mapped out for me since the day I was born. I can’t help it sometimes I want to cut loose and have a little fun. But one smoldering look, one touch from Zig Wallace and he became my world. He thinks he’s protecting me from something, but only I know it’s the other way around. The truth will either set us both free or burn everything to the ground.

Excerpt of Dark Honor

It was the kind of place where men like me don’t belong. I grew up in a trailer park on the outskirts of Port Azrael, Texas. I had to help put food on the table for my mother and two little sisters from the time I was ten years old on. Sometimes I could do it by earning an honest buck, most times, there was nothing honest about the way I survived. This place? All I could see was money and privilege. No. These kids had no idea what kind of world existed down the street from Mommy and Daddy’s country club.

The Salt Cedar along the lake bed had already turned amber. The tiny little campus overlooked Lake Meredith, just outside of Amarillo in the Texas Panhandle. It was quiet, clean, voices raised in laughter as a clock tower on the hill rang out four chimes.

I stayed in the shadows, leaning against one of those tall cedars. I took a long drag of my cigarette then snuffed it out in the heel of my boot. Signs on every building warned this was a smoke-free campus. They also didn’t allow anything with an engine down the narrow, cobblestone streets of the campus proper. The only thing missing was a life-sized picture of me with a damn line through it. I wasn’t wanted here.

As soon as the clock stopped chiming, the doors of the nearest building opened and fresh-faced college kids streamed out. Some of them talked to each other, but most of them had their faces glued to their phone screens or earbuds in. Shit. A bunch of over-educated rich kids here on their trust fund dime. They couldn’t even bother to have real conversations.

Though I’d put out my cigarette, the smell of it lingered long enough to earn me a few wrinkled-nosed stares from kids heading across the lush green, manicured lawn. August in Texas and we were in the middle of a drought. My stomach turned thinking what a damn waste of water it was just so these spoiled brats could walk on green grass.

I tucked myself further into the shadows, not wanting to draw even more attention than I’d already garnered. This was a recon mission, after all. It wouldn’t do me a damn bit of good if my mark saw me right out of the gate.

I’d left my cut behind. For now, I was just some out of place thug hanging around where he shouldn’t. I doubted that any of these dipshits would appreciate the gravity of my Dark Saints patch. The closest thing any of them would probably have to someone like me was what they saw on some fucking t.v. show. Bunch of idiots. They filed out wearing designer jeans and carrying leather bags that probably held thousand dollar laptops Daddy had paid for too. I wondered if any of them knew what it was like to work with their hands or get dirty.

Dirty looks. That’s what I got. That was fine with me. I wasn’t here for them. I was here for her.

She was in the last group of students pouring out of Houston Hall. I lifted my phone and tapped the screen. Her profile picture from her Facebook page popped up. In it, she was looking away from the camera, laughing with her eyes cast down and her fingers laced through her long, dark hair.

She was laughing now too as one of the girls next to her whispered something in her ear. At least the girl was having a normal conversation, not glued to a screen. My jeans got a little tighter as she walked my way. She still didn’t see me. With any luck, she wouldn’t.

Fuck. She was something else. Her profile picture didn’t do her justice.

Gina DiSalvo had the sweetest, roundest ass I’d ever seen. She wore black spandex shorts and a hot pink tank top like she was about to go for a run. Her tits bounced and her hair swung wide as she turned to talk to a boy coming out of the building behind her. Her toned arms hugged her books to her side and her ample tits threatened to spill out the sides of the black sports bra she had on under the tank top.

The boy quickened his step to catch up with her. He had blond hair and one of those hipster haircuts with his beard too long and a silver hoop earring dangling from one ear. He reached for Gina, running his hand along her arm to get her to stop. Her body language rang as loud and clear as the clock chimes. She didn’t want him touching her. The d-bag took the hint and shot her a smile. He was lucky. If he’d gone for her, I couldn’t say for sure whether I would have stayed hidden.

My ringtone damn near made my heart jump straight out of my chest. I clicked it off and held the phone up to my ear. I already knew it was E.Z., our club V.P. calling in to check up on me.

“You got eyes on Gino’s little brat yet?” he asked.

Gina stopped about ten yards in front of me. She still hadn’t seen me. She set her books down on a stone bench and lifted her leg to tie her running shoes. It put her ass in full view of the d-bag and made the blood rush to my head. Gina bent just enough that I got a clear view of her cleavage.

“Yeah. I’ve got eyes on her all right.” My pulse thrummed. Gina put her foot down hard. Her hair swung over her shoulder and she rounded on the d-bag. He leaned in and said something in her ear that made her wrinkle her nose and roll her eyes at him.

Jayne Blue's Books