Crash and Burn (Back Down Devil MC #2)(15)

Avery looked around the room and remembered something she had told herself.

No more f*cking bikers…

“Yeah, right,” she whispered as she fell back to the bed.


Landon lit a joint, took two deep hits, and reached to pass it to Shay. The table wasn’t quite full, but Miller didn’t seem to give a shit. It was Miller, Blaine, Shay, Landon, Griffin, and Gaige.

“Where’s everyone else?” Landon asked.

“Jace is on a run with Nate,” Griffin said. “Working out some details for the fight.”


“We’ve got one about five miles north of here,” Gaige said. “Set up by Jimmy from the garage.”

“Jimmy,” Miller said. “Dirty f*cking prick. Must have run out of * money.”

“He’s charging ten a head to get in,” Griffin said.

“That’s f*cked,” Shay said. “Nobody will pay that.”

“Some *s will, because they think they need to,” Landon said.

“Whatever,” Miller said. “Right now we need to decide on the action. Our friend, Jonesy, is really looking for some serious cash to figure out this bombing bullshit. I’m not in the mood to f*ck around with him, so we need to clean up. Big time.”

“Well, what cash do we have?” Shay asked.

“Not much,” Griffin said. “Not enough to pay Jonesy and keep ourselves happy.”

“I’m out six bills today already,” Landon said.

“What?” Blaine asked.

“Had to take care of something with Pop.”

“Pop?” Blaine asked. “That old f*ck’s heart is still ticking.”

“What happened with Pop?” Miller asked.

“Personal,” Landon said.

“Does it have anything to do with that pretty number in your bed?” Blaine asked.

“Whoa,” Shay called out and whistled. “What are you working on?”

“Let it go,” Landon said. “It’s not what it looks like. She had a run in with Pop and I took care of it. Some motherf*cker from Eight Under stormed me and she smacked the guy in the head with a f*cking pizza tray.”

Everyone laughed and Miller slapped the table. “Get out of here, brother.”

“Swear on it. Then she saw me gut the * so I made her come with me so I can feel her out. She’s not from around here and it bothers me.”

“Jesus Christ,” Shay said. “She saw you murder someone?”

“That’s rough shit,” Blaine said. “She needs a real man to take that memory away.”

“Fuck off,” Landon said. “You’re not getting into her pants.”

“Man, those ripped jeans and innocent eyes,” Blaine said. “She just needs her face covered in-”

“Okay,” Miller cut in. “So back to the point here. We’re low on cash and we need some. Who’s getting the action then?”

“I’m always in,” Blaine said.

“I want it,” Landon said. “I’m in.”

“That’s a brother,” Shay said. “Get those fists bloodied.”

“I can take one too,” Gaige offered.

“No,” Miller said. “You fought last time. I need you with me. I want to check out the crowd and see if anything looks different. We have so many goddamn targets on our backs right now…”

“So we’ve got Landon and Blaine down for some action,” Griffin said. “I’ll make the call and set it up.”

“I’ll go until I can’t f*cking stand,” Landon said. “Whatever it takes to get the money.”

“Relax now,” Shay said.

“I’m serious,” Landon said. “Put me down for a triple threat.”

“Fucking right,” Blaine said. “We’ll get you nice and f*cked up.”

“I’ll do three rounds,” Landon said. “I don’t give a f*ck.”

Landon stared at Miller, waiting for the approval. Griffin did the same, his hands open.

Miller stared back at Landon. Slowly, he started to nod. “Okay. Get it all set up, Griffin. Landon represents us. Only him fighting. We bet all we can on it, take some outside action, and keep a cut. Whatever we need to do to keep the money collecting. The last thing I want is to call in any favors on this with Jonsey, got it?”

“Yeah,” Gaige said.

“I’ll take care of myself tonight,” Landon said.

“I don’t doubt it,” Blaine said. “Now, go get your cock taken care of so you can focus on these fights.”

“He’s right,” Miller said. “Everyone out.”

Everyone stood except for Griffin. He had papers to review with Miller. As the guys lined up at the door, Blaine put up his fists and took some air shots around Landon’s head.

“Come on,” Blaine said. “Give me your best shot.”

Landon wasn’t in the mood so he punched Blaine in the gut. Blaine toppled over and reached for Shay as he gasped for air.

“Fuck,” Blaine whispered in a hoarse voice. “Nice shot.”

London Casey & Karol's Books