Cold Justice (Willis/Carter #4)(9)

‘Do you have any idea how long the Royal Observatory will remain closed? Is it considered one of the most important sites?’

‘I can’t tell you how long it will remain closed. It is of interest to us, that’s all.’

‘Have you any suspects in custody?’


‘Any recent incidents that are similar?’

‘No one has come forward with any information as yet, no.’

‘Any paedophiles operating in the area?’

‘A thorough investigation is taking place into anyone known to the police. We are committing huge resources to enable us to put as many feet on the ground as necessary.’

‘What about Jeremy Forbes-Wright? Could it be connected to his suicide?’

Carter watched Bowie preparing for the question. That was the only reason Bowie was up there now. He wasn’t the Senior Investigating Officer on the abduction case – Carter was – but he was giving the press what they expected when such a high-profile family hit the news. Bowie’s job was as a spokesman.

‘We do not know what the motive was for taking Samuel. We are urging whoever has him to release him safely now. We need the public’s help to find him. Look in your garden sheds, look in any outbuildings, get outside today and search for us. I will bring in Mr and Mrs Forbes-Wright to make a personal appeal now, thank you.’

Jeanie led Toby and Lauren into the room. She showed them to their seats centre stage and sat down on the far side of Lauren. The room filled with camera flashes and the sound of digital shutters clicking furiously.

Jeanie leaned across to adjust Lauren’s microphone. Before turning it on, she whispered: ‘I will draw back from you and Toby when they start asking questions. It’s going to be a mass of flashes and noise, don’t let it get to you. Remember – when you read your statement, make sure you look at the cameras.’

Lauren nodded. Toby Forbes-Wright sat, head bowed.

Willis stayed at the back of the room and watched them. Lauren didn’t seem to want to offer any comfort to her husband, thought Willis. She wasn’t leaning towards him, or including him. She looked like she was dealing with it on her own. Lauren turned back towards Jeanie.

‘Are you ready, Lauren?’ asked Carter.

She nodded.

‘Lauren Forbes-Wright will read a statement,’ Carter said. The room went quiet.

Lauren took a deep breath. She had her statement on a sheet of paper in front of her but she didn’t read from it. She looked around the room helplessly.

‘When did you first notice that Samuel was missing, Mrs Forbes-Wright?’ asked one of the broadsheet journalists.

Jeanie looked at Carter and he nodded that they should run with it.

‘I was finishing off some work . . .’ She stopped and fought back the tears. ‘I was waiting for them to come back. Toby had taken him for a walk.’ She looked across at Jeanie. Willis wondered why she didn’t look at her husband. She was alienating him. He sat with his head bowed. They did not look like a united couple. The press had already picked up on it. The cameras clicked continually in his direction. ‘I met them downstairs. I was going to open the door for him, to help with the buggy. Then I saw that Samuel was gone.’ Lauren turned to Jeanie.

Jeanie gave her a smile that said: Let’s go back to the script.

‘Toby.’ A journalist at the front addressed him directly: ‘Was your father, Jeremy Forbes-Wright, close to Samuel?’

Toby looked around the room as if seeking help from anyone who might give it. He opened his mouth but nothing came out.

Jeanie intervened. She picked up the statement in front of Lauren. ‘Lauren and Toby are finding it difficult to cope with the events that happened yesterday. They are living through a nightmare. They have no idea who would want to do this to their son, to themselves or to anyone connected with their family. Lauren and Toby want to appeal to everyone out there to look for Toby.’ Jeanie turned to Lauren.

Lauren nodded in response. She lifted her head up and fought back tears. ‘Please don’t hurt him. Please tell us what you want and give me my little boy back. Samuel . . . Mommy and Daddy love you very, very much.’

Chapter 5

Carter came to find Willis at her desk after the press conference. She looked up from studying the CCTV footage of Toby walking past the Cutty Sark. ‘Jeanie’s still here, she says the Forbes-Wrights want to be on their own for a while,’ she said.

‘I bet they do. They were pretty convincing, I thought.’

Willis nodded warily. ‘They looked numb.’

‘I thought Lauren would manage better than that,’ Carter said as he pulled up a chair beside Willis. ‘She seemed to crumble, didn’t she? You never know how you’re going to react, I suppose. Must be a living hell.’

‘She blames him. That’s why she can’t bear to look at him,’ said Willis. ‘The press picked up on it.’

‘Samuel is the same age as Archie. I can imagine that Cabrina would be the first to blame me if it happened to us,’ replied Carter.

‘It wouldn’t.’

‘It can happen to anyone.’

‘No, guv, it wouldn’t happen to you. You constantly check on Archie. You would have noticed anyone coming too near him. I feel sorry for Toby – he’s not a natural dad. I don’t think they are a united couple in any way. They should be clinging to one another right now, not pushing one another away. This isn’t just to do with Samuel’s disappearance. I don’t think they have a strong marriage,’ said Willis.

Lee Weeks's Books