Clean Sweep (Innkeeper Chronicles #1)(39)
A vampire had once described a caffeine headache as the worst pain she had endured, even counting childbirth. So far Arland was doing his best to be heroically stoic about it.
The coffee maker finished purring. I took the cup, added a teaspoon of sugar, crouched by Arland, and lifted the corner of the towel. He looked at me. "What is this?"
"Peppermint tea. It will help with the headache. No side effects, I promise."
He took the cup from my hands. "Thank you. While I was... drunk, did I happen to mention my cousin?"
"Several times," Sean said.
Arland groaned. "My apologies."
"It's not a big deal," I told him.
"Did I say anything else?"
"What, about a blood debt, killing the dahaka, and how your House honor was involved?" Sean asked. "Nope, didn't mention it."
Arland dragged his hand across his face.
"You don't have to be an ass about it," I said.
Sean shrugged. "How am I an ass? I live here. This is my neighborhood. I'm protecting it and I'm protecting you." His voice slid into a calm, methodical tone. "Let's review: first, this guy's uncle shows up, threatens you, ignores your warning, goes out to hunt dahaka, gets his people killed, and nearly dies. I rescue him, you keep him alive, and then Prince Rapunzel appears in a flash of red lightning, forces you to protect him, putting you and the entire neighborhood at risk, and explains nothing."
Those were the facts, yes.
Sean kept going. "The dahaka is here because of the vampires. They're obviously trying to capture it or kill it, and so far they've screwed this up royally in every way possible. The least your guest can do is to explain why. For all we know, the vampires could've triggered this entire situation. Maybe they bombed the dahaka's planet into the Stone Age or killed his sensei or whatever, and now he's looking for justified revenge while you're wiping sweat off Arland's brow and fetching him tea."
Arland stood up. It was an instant movement. One second he was sitting on the floor, and the next he was on his feet, shoulders squared, fangs bared. "So you gave me coffee to get me to talk."
Sean faced him. "No, I didn't. I gave you coffee because I thought you were a grown-up who could handle a grown-up drink."
"Did you know what effect it would have?"
"I didn't know vampires existed until your uncle showed up here, snarling and puffing out his chest."
"My uncle is a veteran of seven wars, father to two knights, and a man of honor," Arland squeezed through his teeth. "You're not fit to step on his shadow."
Sean crossed his arms. "I don't care who your uncle is or what he's done. So far I'm not impressed. The sooner your armored fun brigade gets off our planet and out of our hair, the better."
"Your planet. Funny, when I looked at it from space, I didn't see your name on it." Arland leaned forward. "Your planet is a trail of dead rocks in the empty blackness. You have no sense of home, House, or honor. You're an outcast."
"Enough," I said. If I didn't stop this now, in a minute they'd be rolling around my kitchen punching each other.
"I was born here." Sean pointed to the ground. "On this planet. This is my home. I don't know where you're from, but if you have trouble finding your way back, I can help you with that."
"You're trying to impress the girl," Arland said. "I understand, but you will fail. Don't trouble yourself --I will take care of my House's debt. Had I known that a mangy dog would get in my way, I would've made sure to mark higher on the apple trees."
Apparently Sean's creative urinating hadn't gone unnoticed. It didn't surprise me --vampires were a predatory species and all the senses that helped them track prey were highly developed.
Sean bared his teeth. The violence shivered in his eyes, ready to be unleashed.
"Enough!" I set the broom on the floor, sending a magic ripple through the inn. The house rocked.
The vampire and the werewolf shut up.
"I will not have fighting in my inn." I turned to Arland. "My lord, your room is down the hall. Withdraw."
He opened his mouth.
"Withdraw or I will revoke your welcome, sanctuary or not."
Arland turned and walked away stiffly, the cup of peppermint tea still in his hand.
I turned to Sean.
The werewolf shook his head. "You know what, I'm done. I'll show myself out."
He spun on his heel and strode out.
I shrugged my shoulders. Every innkeeper faced this, most sooner rather than later. When you play host to guests from across the universe, personalities clashed, and if you weren't careful, they would run rampant all over you. Being an innkeeper meant walking a fine line between courtesy and tyranny.
But Sean was right. Arland and his House had put all of us at risk and it wasn't clear why. The fact that they weren't forthcoming with information was hardly surprising, but it didn't make my life any easier. Most innkeepers in my position would've left his uncle to die on the street. We didn't get involved unless something directly threatened the inn itself.
Sean had even less obligation to get involved than I did. He had coped with shocking information well --even if it made him grumpy --but he kept trying to get a grip on the situation by taking charge, and it kept sliding through his fingers. I sympathized, but last time I checked I didn't answer to werewolves. Or to vampires.
Ilona Andrews's Books
- One Fell Sweep (Innkeeper Chronicles #3)
- Magic Stars (Grey Wolf #1)
- Diamond Fire (Hidden Legacy, #3.5)
- Iron and Magic (The Iron Covenant #1)
- Ilona Andrews
- White Hot (Hidden Legacy #2)
- Wildfire (Hidden Legacy #3)
- Magic Steals (Kate Daniels #6.5)
- Magic Binds (Kate Daniels #9)
- Clean Sweep (Innkeeper Chronicles, #1)