Captured (The Captive #1)(19)

“I’m sorry,” Arianna said softly, knowing that she should retreat. No matter how well the prince treated her, she was a blood slave, she should know her place. And her place was not to interrupt him when he was in the middle of what had appeared to be a very important conversation. The prince seemed to realize this as his mouth was compressed tight, and his knuckles were turning white on his cane. “I didn’t mean too… I’m sorry.”

She stammered the apology out, taking a few steps back; needing to retreat before her presence here was questioned. Instinctively, she knew that she had done something wrong, that her safe position within this household had just been shaken. “Wait.” It was not the prince that had spoken, but she froze anyway, her heart leaping wildly as the strange vampire studied her intently. She wanted to look to the prince for help, for some sign of reassurance, but she didn’t dare let this stranger think that she may trust, or even like, the prince. No, she knew that now was the time to be docile, weary, and beaten. “Come here,” the stranger commanded.

The prince bristled slightly; he took a step forward, placing his cane before him as he folded his hands upon the handle. Arianna hesitated, frightened by the situation she had placed herself in, but knowing that she could not refuse. Her owner may be a prince, but under blood slave rules she was not allowed to disobey any vampire, unless they asked things of her that only her owner was allowed to take. Such as her blood or her body, and neither of those things were being asked for now.

Swallowing heavily, she folded her hands before her and began to move slowly forward. Though she was often defiant, confident and fearless with the prince those three things had no place here. She stopped feet away from them, keeping her eyes downcast, knowing not to look this stranger in the eye.

The stranger approached her, circling her much like she had seen the packs of wild dogs in the woods circle their prey before attacking. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, praying for strength and patience to help her get through this awful, humiliating, experience. She needed to hold her tongue, needed to remain demure if she was to remain safe. She chanced a glance at the prince, but he remained unmoving, leaning back on his heels as he watched the two of them intently. Though he appeared casual, she could see the tension in his shoulders, the tautness of his hard muscles. She didn’t know what was really going on here, but she sensed that it was more than met the eye.

“Not bad brother, not bad.” Aria’s eyes widened, she couldn’t stop her head from snapping up as the stranger stopped before her. His hair was the same dark color as the prince’s, his features similar, though his nose was slightly larger and sharper, and his lips were thinner. His eyes, unhindered by dark shades, were a deep forest green, and surprisingly beautiful. He was shorter than the prince, but his shoulders were broader as he stepped imposingly closer to her. Aria had no choice but to take a step back as he used his height and size to intimidate her. His eyes gleamed with amusement as he stepped closer to her, causing her to retreat another step.

Anger spurted through her, but she swiftly buried it. It did not matter how much she wished to stand up to this imposing, overbearing, pitiless creature, to do so would only cause problems. Especially since, if his looks and words were any indication, he seemed to be a prince in his own right. Aria had heard rumors that there were four brothers, and two sisters. But she had also heard that there were three brothers and no sisters. Or even five brothers and three sisters. The rumors about the royal family had always swirled rapidly, with none of the villages knowing anything for certain, and the rebel outlets knowing even less. Aria supposed that was the way the royal family liked it, where no one knew anything about them for certain, and they could not be completely pinned down.

She wondered which of the brothers was older, which of them would one day rule the kingdom. But she supposed in her situation it didn’t make much of a difference. She was at the mercy of them both.

The prince remained silent, his indifference causing a small pain in her chest.

Had she simply imagined the growing bond between them? Had she simply just wanted to believe that perhaps he may actually be starting to like her, and that was why he had taken her for a walk today, that was why he had been teaching her to read?

Of course she had, she realized, anger at herself springing forth as she forced her head back down. Of course he cared nothing for her, she was nothing here, she never had been, and she never would be. She had known all along that he was only toying with her, stringing her along, just to make it hurt more in the end, and though he probably was not done with his game she was most certainly done playing it.

Her fingers clenched, she closed her eyes as she took a deep breath, trying hard to keep control of her anger. She was not angry at them, she was not even angry at this whole awful situation, but she was infuriated with herself. She had been a fool to let her guard down, a fool to think she was anything more than a backwoods disposable girl to them. Except, she was more than that.

Her father was a leader, a ruler in his own right. In her world, she was an outstanding hunter, and a fierce warrior. She did not have Daniel’s knack for making strategies and creating plans, nor did she have William’s charismatic ability to rouse people to battle, but she was quick and she was strong, and she was adept at using many weapons. She was also good with animals; she tended to the ones that they kept within the caves, nursing and healing them when necessary. She was talented at capturing, and breaking the animals they needed to aid them such as horses, bulls, cows, sheep, and goats. Yes, she may be a nothing in this world, but in her world she had many different talents and abilities that were looked upon highly. In her own world, she was something, and she was admired and loved and respected.

Erica Stevens's Books