Buy Me: The Complete Series (Mistress Auctions #1-3)(79)

She plays the part of a woman who doesn’t really know what she’s doing while a high roller pays for her chips as she starts to rob us. The high roller has no idea what she’s up to. She’s probably charmed him, and he’d eaten up the idea of a night on the town with her. I could understand that, too. There wasn’t much I wouldn’t do to get close to her. For example, that night, and every night since, I made sure she went home alone. Which, oddly enough, was a room at a casino.

I had her followed that first night, and since then all I can tell is she seems to jump from hotel to hotel. I’d finally gotten her to stay here as I had a casino host offer her a suite. I had no idea how long she planned to stay, but I’d already worked out that little kink after the first week of seeing her. She had this habit of ditching her cellphone every forty-eight hours. I’d tracked one only to have it end up in a trash can. I quickly learned where she had been getting new ones. Always the same store.

I own two casinos, seven nightclubs, and God knows how many f*cking restaurants, but this was my first cell store. I bought it, placing one of my own security team members at the counter, and every new phone she got had a little bonus just for me. Like I said, I already knew she was on the casino floor before Dawson walked into my office because I always knew where she was. Always.

The older gentleman on the other side of the table says something to her, making her throw her head back and laugh. Her thick blonde curls bounce with the movement. I’ve lived in Vegas my whole life. Beautiful women are everywhere. You can’t turn around without running into one, even more so when you’re as rich as I am. But now, well into my forties, women don’t seem to hold the same appeal they used to.

She’s different. She doesn’t look like any of them. She has a beauty of her own, and it’s one I’ve never seen before. Her body is lush and full of life just like her. I want to pull her curvy softness to my body and make her give me that big laugh. Feel it run through my body as her warmth molds into me. Everything about her is full. Like you could grab onto any part of her and dig in.

She’s young, too young for me. She’s barely old enough to be in the casino. I’d told myself that was why I should stay away from her. But if she wants to play with the big boys and steal from my casino, she’ll have to deal with me.

It feels like she’s woken me up from a haze I hadn’t realized I’d fallen into. I don’t know what her big plan is, but this time she might have bitten off more than she can chew. She may have been able to ditch other men easily after getting what she wanted from them, but that wouldn’t be the case with me. I’m going to lock myself so deep into her she’ll never escape.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that everyone around me is falling in love. I’d never really thought of having a woman of my own, but now it feels like my whole body needs it. Aches for her.

It’s an ache so deep it’s starting to feel like it has no bottom to it. That all these years I’d spent building this life and working my way to the top would mean nothing if I couldn’t have her.

I stay rooted in my spot as I watch her work. Winning hand after hand after hand.

As if she feels my stare, she turns slightly, her eyes meeting mine. We both just look at one another, neither of us making another move. Her eyes roam over me like she’s sizing me up. I’ve always tried to make sure she never sees me, but time is up. I’m claiming what I want.

She could spend her days counting cards in my casino all she wants. As long as she spends her nights under me as she begs me to take her, begs me to make her mine.

The last thought knocks the air out of my lungs. I want her to be mine. Not just for a night; a night would never be enough. I haven’t even touched her and I know I’ll never get enough. There will be no sating my need for her.

She bites her lip as her eyes meet mine. I bet I was the one thing she didn’t count on.



Stretching the smile bigger, I think about how all those cotillion lessons weren’t a complete waste.

Mary-Grace Parker Livingston Montgomery Keaton would be happy to know that husband number three didn’t squander away the society training she so desperately thought her daughter needed.

I let out a laugh and play the part all the men at this table expect from me. When people first hear me talk, they think it’s charming and polite. The way my southern accent slows things down puts people at ease and eliminates me as a threat. They think talking slow means I’m dumb, and I just let them keep thinking it.

Little do they know that I was raised by a cutthroat southerner who taught me everything I know. Mary-Grace was the kind of mama who knew exactly how to dress and act for every occasion. She went through men like Kleenex, but never once had her reputation questioned. When she wasn’t married, men would fall to their knees to propose to her, but she would only toy with them until the bigger fish she was after came along.

She had me when she was on her first marriage. The one she said was for love. When my daddy died, I think a piece of my mama’s heart turned to stone, and she never let anyone else in after that. I only have one memory of him. I was about three and he was holding me in his lap. There’s a picture of it in the bottom of my suitcase, and I take it with me wherever I go.

My daddy was the one who named me. He said he and my mama fell in love in Georgia, and there wasn’t a prettier place on earth. Mary-Grace, being the true southern belle that she was, agreed.

Alexa Riley's Books