Buy Me: The Complete Series (Mistress Auctions #1-3)(25)

A blonde woman stands extremely close to him, and I feel my gut clench. She looks familiar, but I can’t place her. Aaron’s eyes follow mine, and I feel him still next to me. I watch as Justin leans into the woman and whispers in her ear.

“Who is she?” I ask, hoping for an answer that will help ease the heavy weight in my stomach.

“No one,” Aaron says, pushing me into the elevator, the door closing behind him. He slides his key in, giving him access to hit the button that goes to our room.

“Where was I?” he says, turning back to me again. “That’s right, kissing my woman.” He’s on me once again, kissing me, demanding entry to my mouth. I moan against his lips.

“Fuck, you taste good, and you smell like roses.” He buries his face in my neck, biting and kissing me there. Who knew you could get turned on by someone kissing your neck.

“The spa, they rubbed me down with all kinds of oils and lotions.”

He bites my neck in response, making me squeak a little.

“Male or female?”

“Male or female?” I repeat, not understanding what he’s asking. It’s hard to think with him doing that to my neck.

“Was it a male or female who rubbed you down?” I hear the jealousy in his voice, and I smile.


“They took our smell off you. We worked hard to put that all over you. I better check to see if it’s really gone,” he says, dropping to his knees in front of me.

‘What are you doing?” I try to halt him from lifting my dress. “There are cameras in here.” I nod towards the black ball in the ceiling of the elevator.

“I’ll have them wiped.” He gives me a cocky grin. “And I won’t let them see anything.”

Before I can respond, his head is under my dress and my leg is over his shoulder. I should stop him, but all rational thought leaves my head when his mouth touches my *.

“You went out without panties. You’ll pay for that later.” I barely understand his muffled words from under my skirt. I want to tell him to shut up, that the panties they gave me aren’t even panties, but the only thing that pours from my mouth are moans of pleasure.

Using the flat of his tongue, Aaron licks me back and forth, as far as he can reach, before focusing on my clit. He torments the bundle of nerves, making me cry out for more. I jerk against him, but his hands on my hips hold me in place, his fingers digging into my curves. His lips lock around my clit, sucking it softly into his mouth, sending me over the edge.

The orgasm shoots through me, all the way to my toes. It’s so intense it forces my eyes closed. When I finally open them, I’m no longer in the elevator. I’m lying on the sofa, Aaron looming over me beside it. His lips touch mine, softly this time.

“I’m going to run back downstairs, sweetheart, I’ll be back in a few. Then it's just you, Justin and me for the night.

“Mmky,” is all I can say. His lips touch mine again, but he pulls away before I can try to deepen the kiss. I can tell it takes everything in him to leave me, and the feeling of power I had this morning comes back full force.

I watch him leave, excited for his return with Justin.

I wonder about the blonde woman again. Maybe it was nothing. They could be close friends like they are with Mandy.

Going to the entryway, I grab the phone off the table and call Tim. I should have done this hours ago.

“Hello,” Tim answers on the third ring.

“Hey, it’s Stella,”

“Hey Stella, I was starting to worry.” I feel guilty at his words. I’ve been lying like crazy to him. I made up a story about there being a farmers’ convention out in Los Angeles that I was going to this weekend. I told him I was going with the hope of meeting some investors who might help pull us out of the hole we were in. Tim is still kind of stuck in the old ways and barely uses a computer unless it’s to order something we need, so he didn't really question me much.

“Sorry, I got caught up but I’ve got news. I got an investor, so anything you need for the farm right now you go ahead and get. The money should have been deposited, so just charge whatever to the company card that’s in my desk top drawer.” I tell him this knowing the first five million should have been deposited this morning.

“That’s great.” His tone might seem low and flat to anyone else, but I’ve known Tim since I was little. I can hear the relief in his voice.

“If you need any help tending to the extra work, go ahead and bring some people on. I’m going to be gone for a little longer but everything is fine now.”

“Sounds good. I’ll hire the Wilks boys to come over and help. They are always looking for extra work,” he says, talking about the family that lives down the road from the farm.

“They do pretty good work. And Dad?”

Tim goes silent, and I know he is thinking of a way of telling me something, a way to phrase something without lying, but without telling me the honest truth either. This is something he never does. He’s always honest with me. Guilt weighs a little heavily on me for the lies I’ve been telling him.

“He was home last night. He’s just still sleeping it off.” I glance over at the clock and see it’s already three in the afternoon. Jesus.

“All right.” What else can I really say? “You can reach me at this number if you need me.” We say our goodbyes, and I feel a little bit calmer. Almost like something has been lifted off my shoulders.

Alexa Riley's Books