Burn For Me (Phoenix Fire #1)(70)
His cock pushed between her legs. He didn’t hold back. Couldn’t. He thrust into her as hard and as deep as he could go. He wanted to take everything from her.
Because he was hungry for everything.
Her gasps filled his ears. His body drove into hers. Over and over. The fire filled him, burning him from the inside out. She jerked at the feel of his hands, and he tore them from her. They were too hot—
She can handle the fire. A whisper from inside. An instinctive response. My fire won’t hurt her.
He slammed his fists into the wall behind her head. Rocks and dirt rained onto his shoulders. Fire sputtered from his hands.
And still he took. Too fast. Too hard. She couldn’t match his rhythm. He couldn’t stop.
“Cain.” His name. Breathed this time as she held him close.
His name. His woman.
His thrusts grew even wilder. Her legs were locked around his hips. Holding tight. Her hands braced on his chest as she drove her hips back down against his. Again. Again.
He erupted inside her, driving into her and shuddering with the force of a release that gutted him. A pleasure that ripped past the fire and the hell and touched the man caged inside him.
“Eve.” Her name broke from him.
She came around him, shuddering, her sex gripping him and greedily taking the last of his orgasm.
She was Eve … his Eve. His memories flooded back to him. Vampires had been attacking. They’d been coming for her. Clawing her. Biting him. He’d told her to kill him.
She had.
His fingers rose from the rock wall. Slowly, carefully, he pushed back the curtain of hair that had fallen to conceal her face from his view. His fingers curved under her chin, and he tilted her head back so she had to meet his gaze.
“Eve,” he said her name again, almost tasting it. He could still taste her.
Her lips quivered, then curved into a slow smile. “You’re … coming back to me.”
He was. But he was still fighting the beast inside. A beast that wanted only to destroy. To burn.
Not her.
Even in the midst of his fury, the beast didn’t ever want to hurt her. Neither did the man.
“Yes,” he said slowly and his voice didn’t sound quite right. Too rough. Too raw.
Her legs slid down his body, her smooth skin brushing over him. He pulled out of her, hating to leave her body. He was still aroused. Not close to being satisfied, but …
His sanity was back … for the damn moment. Shame burned through him.
A f*cking tunnel? Against a dirt wall? With dead vamps yards away?
Had he really taken her there? Why the hell wasn’t she attacking him?
“I’m sorry,” she told him. “I didn’t want to shoot you. But they were coming. They were biting you and—”
He saw her eyes close and kissed her. Not with the wild roughness of before … softer. “I know.” He’d already been dying. Slowly. Moment by moment. He’d been watching her suffer. Helpless, his spine broken, he hadn’t been able to fight back against the monsters coming for them. “I was dead anyway.” He’d just lost the memories for a time. Lost everything—to the greedy claws of the fire.
He could never tell how he’d rise. If he’d be sane. If he’d remember …
Or if the fire and beast would strip his memories away.
I remembered her. He had, dammit.
Mine. He’d remembered Eve before, too. Even back at Genesis, when he rose, he’d thought of …
He knew what that meant. Knew how dangerous such a connection was. For him. For her.
Before he could speak, Cain heard the thud of approaching footsteps. He caught the stench of fear and sweat. Humans. Racing through the tunnel.
Coming after them.
He grabbed Eve’s clothes. “Get dressed.” He needed to tell her how sorry he was, but the beast was still too close to the surface. And with those men coming …
He wasn’t exactly battling the most gentle of instincts.
“We just want the woman!” a man’s voice called out. “Send her to us! We want to make sure she’s safe.”
Now they came to save her? Where had the fools been when the vampires were attacking?
When I was attacking?
He couldn’t look in her eyes.
Her hand brushed over his arm. “I wanted you, Cain. I’ve always wanted you.”
His breath was ragged. His chest aching.
Cain pushed her behind him. Heard the rustle of her clothing as she dressed. “Come any closer,” he yelled to the humans, “and you die.” Fair warning. The only warning they’d get before he let his fire end them.
“The tunnel’s already falling in …” a voice shouted back. Not Wyatt. Another male. One with a death wish.
I can grant that wish.
More rocks and rubble fell onto him. Onto Eve.
“It’s not stable. The vampires dug this hole, but it just kept falling on them. With your fire …” The voice was coming closer. So were the footsteps. Six, seven men? Eight. “If you blast again, the whole place will collapse.”
Their shouts weren’t exactly helping to stabilize the tunnel. Did the *s know that? He bet they did—and that they didn’t care.
A light shone in the darkness. A bright light that caught him and Eve in its illumination. “You’ll just die and come back,” the male voice said, “but what about her? You really think she’ll survive a cave-in?”