Blood to Dust(99)

The dust has settled over the blood we’ve shed. Our previous lives are behind us.

The future is bright.

And clean.

And most importantly—it is ours.


A wise, vile dead man once told me that it moves differently according to circumstances. Sometimes it’s slow. But sometimes. . .it moves exactly as it should.

I don’t want to pause, and definitely not to rewind. If anything, a part of me wants to press fast forward.

To life without stress balls.

To domestic bliss.

To babies.

To growing old next to this man who occupies every inch of my soul.

All you need to know about life is that it’s just like an hourglass. Sometimes you’re down, and sometimes, up.

And right now, I’m up, baby. So. Flipping. High.

Hello, acknowledgements. We meet again.

For those of you who aren’t aware, this is the part where I forget all the cool people then beat myself about it for the rest of my life. So here’s a massive shout out to the people who keep me (relatively) sane. Bear in mind that I probably forgot a few of you. Sowwie with a side of oh-you-know-how-bad-I-am-at-these-things:

Special thanks to Mr. Shen and Baby Shen, who always put up with my crazy mood swings, weird schedule, sugary cravings and overall awful behavior (remember, you cannot leave me. I’m the only one who knows where we hide the Oreos in the house.)

A huge thank you to Vanessa, my amazing editor, who has taught me so much (including the fact that ‘alright’ is not an actual word. That was earth-shattering news right there.) I’m your number one fan, and working with you is always a pleasure.

To my street team – you’re THE SHIT. It’s pointless to try and explain how grateful I am. Amanda Farmer, Paro Madhur, Ilor Tsabar, Paige Jennifer and Lin Tahel Cohen – you girls are my anchor. You keep everything together. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Also, thanks to Erika, Alexandra, Avivit, Sabrina, Hen, Liran, Lisa, Tanaka, Denise, Erika, Donna, Cristina and Kerissa (see? I know I’m forgetting a bunch of people.)

To my beta readers – Author RB Hilliard, Amy Halter, Sunny Borek, Julie Kitzmiller and Sabrina Shalalashvili. Thank you for being patient and reading the earlier drafts of my work. For the helpful suggestions and ruthless advice. You rock.

To MY MAIN GIRL, my PA, rock star, soulmate and sister-from-another-mister, Amy Halter. Baby, you make me feel like I can climb Mount Everest when you’re around (don’t get any ideas, though. And this is DEFINITELY not turning into a bet). Thank you for everything. I couldn’t have done it without you. To my PR manager/Mama Bear Neda Amini. Love, love, love you. Thank you for taking the not-so-fun-stuff out of the way and leaving me to do what I enjoy, writing and mingling with my readers.

Thank you Sunny Borek, Lin Tahel Cohen and Bree Shalalashvili for the moral support. I have no idea why you put up with my nagging questions and insecurities. But you do. And I’m so grateful. To the Beat Museum in San Francisco for the muse and to the cool guys there for humoring the little weirdo girl with the muscle tees.

To Letitia of R.B.A Designs for this beautiful cover and for being so attentive and supportive, even when I clearly had no idea what I was doing or what I was saying.

Thank you, awesome bloggers who signed up for my release, reviewed, talked and shared my book. Where would I have been without you? Probably exactly where I am right now, sitting on my couch sipping light beer, only, you know, without nurturing a career from the comfort of my living room. You took a chance on me even though you didn’t have to. I’m forever in your debt.

One last thank you is to you, my readers. My main fear when releasing a book is that no one will read it. Ever. When that doesn’t happen, I get giddy and thrilled and all kinds of weird. I said it in Sparrow and I will say it again – you make my dream come true. You’re my heroes.

Thank you!

After I wrote Sparrow, I told everyone who’d listen that I’m taking a break to try and spend more time with my family and friends. Enjoy my sweet son, catch up on Veep, Game of Thrones, Silicon Valley and wine. But after I finished writing Sparrow, they came to me.

Nate and Prescott. Those sneaky bastards.

I wanted to fight it, but found myself binge-writing into the night. Again. Those hours of sleep I promised myself when I was editing Sparrow? Yeah, I never got them. I wanted to give you a totally different experience than the one you had in Sparrow, someone who is still badass, but not as cold and distant as Troy, and another strong woman – but in very different ways to Sparrow.

Again, I am asking you to put me out of my misery and leave an honest review. I want to know what you felt and thought when reading Blood to Dust, what you liked and disliked. Writing is a lonely job, and editing is the reason they invented beer. You guys are the fun part.

So be fun, okay?

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L.J. Shen's Books