Best of My Love (Fool's Gold, #20)(72)

They continued to talk about different possibilities. Aidan asked questions. When they were finally finished, he insisted on paying for lunch.

“It’s the least I can do,” he told her friends. “Thank you for taking the time to talk to me.”

He and Shelby walked out of Jo’s Bar. He smiled at her. “I appreciate you setting that up. I have a lot to think about.”

“More ideas than you can use?” Shelby teased.

“Absolutely, but that’s a quality problem. They’re nice women. I like them.”

“I like them, too,” she said. That odd lurching in her stomach returned, but she ignored it. “I like us, as well. What we’ve accomplished.”

His expression turned predatory.

She laughed. “Not just that. Everything else.”

“But that was good.”

“It was. The best ever.”

She thought he might make a joke, but his expression turned serious. He touched the side of her face with his fingers, then lightly kissed her.

“It was,” he agreed.

For a second, she couldn’t breathe. Before she could figure out what was wrong, the feeling passed. But questions lingered. What on earth was wrong with her? This was Aidan. Her friend and now lover. She knew him. She liked him. She was comfortable around him. They were good together and she didn’t want that to change.


“I’M SO HAPPY,” Amber said, brushing away tears. “Ignore the waterworks. These days I cry at everything.” She took Shelby’s hands. “I know selling was the right decision, but if I’d had to sell to anyone but you, I would have had regrets. As it is, I know you’re going to grow the business into something amazing.” Amber laughed. “And change everything. I can’t wait to see where you are in a year.”

Shelby swallowed. “Thank you for everything. I promise that the heart of the business will always be the same. Even if the outsides change.”

They hugged.

Trisha Wynn, the attorney handling the sale, rolled her eyes. “I have to say, this is the first time there’s been hugging at a meeting like this.”

Amber wiped her eyes. “Don’t pretend you aren’t moved.”

“I’m a lawyer. I’m immune to emotion. Now let’s sign our paperwork, ladies.”

They all sat at the large table in Trisha’s conference room. Shelby couldn’t believe how quickly everything had come together. Once the business had been valued, she and Amber had settled on a price. The fact that Shelby was paying with cash rather than a loan helped speed things along. As for the money she’d borrowed from her brother—that had been accomplished with a single page note and even more hugs.

Now she signed her name where Trisha indicated. She was nervous and excited. More happy than scared, she thought, barely able to keep still in her seat. She hadn’t slept in three days and should be exhausted, but she was filled with energy and possibilities.

She’d already signed the lease on the space next to the existing bakery. She had her contractor lined up, along with the building permits she would need. Bailey, Mayor Marsha’s assistant, had walked her through the process and everything had gone smoothly.

She signed three more times. Trisha looked through the paperwork.

“All right, ladies, you’re done. Traditionally we all shake hands, but I suppose you want more?”

Amber laughed. “Of course we do.”

Everyone stood and there was plenty of hugging. Trisha grumbled but Shelby felt her hang on tight, even if it was just for a second. As she and Amber walked outside together, her former business partner handed her a set of keys.

“I won’t be needing these anymore.”

Shelby sighed. “Wow. We really did this. You sure you’re okay with what’s happening?”

“You’re asking me a little late, aren’t you?” her friend teased. Then Amber’s chin began to tremble. “I’ve loved the bakery, Shelby. It’s been so important to me. But having a baby is something I never thought would happen.” She lowered her voice. “We got the amniocentesis results back and everything’s fine. We’re having a boy and he’s healthy.”

Shelby hugged her again. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Thank you. So while I’ll miss the bakery, it’s nothing compared to the joy I’m feeling about my son.” Amber smiled at her. “If you need anything, let me know. You’re going to do great. You’ll see.”


SHELBY WALKED TO the bakery. Her head was spinning. There was so much to do. She had to get her temporary kitchen set up and confirm the kiosk she’d rented for the renovations. There were—

She turned the corner and saw a small crowd in front of the bakery. As she got closer, she realized that she knew everyone. In fact, all her friends were there.

Madeline stood with Destiny and Kipling. Starr chatted with one of her girlfriends. Aidan and Taryn, Larissa, Patience, Ana Raquel. Even Sam Ridge stood on the sidewalk.

Aidan spotted her. “She’s here,” he called.

Everyone turned and started clapping.

“Congratulations!” Madeline yelled. “It’s all yours.”

There were more shouts, then plenty of hugs. Glasses of champagne were passed around. Shelby didn’t know what to think, but before she could ask what was going on, Aidan stepped close to the bakery.

Susan Mallery's Books