Best of My Love (Fool's Gold, #20)(27)

“Have you talked to your mom?” Jack McGarry asked. “She might have some insight.”

“It’s not a conversation I want to have with her,” Ford admitted.

“What about talking to Dr. Galloway?” Josh Golden, a former world champion cyclist and current real estate tycoon in town, asked. “I know her from Charity’s pregnancies. She’s down-to-earth. I doubt anything would shock her. Make an appointment and go in to see her. She’ll be straight with you.”

“Trust me,” Kipling said with a grimace. “She won’t hold back.”

Ford picked up his bottle of beer. “Yeah, I should do that. I don’t want Isabel to know I’m worried. She’s got enough on her plate right now with the business and all.”

Shelby glanced at Aidan, who winked at her. She smiled back. Their brief interaction caused a little warm glow in her belly. He was so nice, she thought happily. A really great guy. She hoped he was getting as much out of their relationship as she was. Not only was he fun to be around, she was learning a lot. About how men and women were different. She trusted him more each time she was with him, which was her goal. To know there were good guys out there.

“Aidan, you hear from Del much?” Josh asked.

“He emails every now and then. He and Maya are still in China. They’ve posted some raw footage on their Facebook page. It’s good.”

“Funny how that all worked out,” Ford said. “Del running off and you taking over the business.”

“It turned out in the end,” Aidan admitted. “Of course when Del first left, I wanted to hunt him down.”

Josh glanced toward the open door, then lowered his voice. “Nick still doing his artwork in secret up in the mountains?”

Aidan’s look of surprise told Shelby that that wasn’t supposed to be public information.

“How’d you know?” he asked.

Ford placed the fifth card faceup. Shelby saw it was the king of hearts. It was all she could do not to cheer. She had three of a kind. With the two threes showing, she had a king-high full house. At least she was pretty sure that was what it was called.

“Everybody knows,” Ford said as he looked at his hole cards. “Worst-kept secret in town. I’m in two. Shelby?”

She wanted to push in her entire pile of chips, but knew that would be a mistake. She added her two chips to the pile. The betting went around the table. When it was done, everyone flipped over their hole cards.

Shelby scanned them and saw that no one had more than two pairs. She wasn’t very good with straights or flushes, so held in her whoop of victory until Ford said, “Damn. Beaten by a girl.”

She glanced at Aidan, who grinned and nodded. “Take it. You won it.”

“I like this game,” she murmured, drawing in the pot.

“It seems to like you back,” Josh grumbled good-naturedly.

They played two more hands or rounds or whatever they were called. Shelby didn’t win again, but at least she was able to keep track of what was going on. When they finished for the night, she excused herself to go use the restroom.

When she returned, the card room was empty. She picked up her glass of club soda and walked toward the bar. There were only a few people still there, a couple playing pool and a handful of guys sitting around one of the tables. Aidan was by the bar, talking to Nick. Shelby went to join them.

“What do you mean it came up over cards?” Nick asked, his voice tense. “What did you tell them?”

“Nothing.” Aidan’s tone was hard. “I didn’t have to. They knew, Nick. Everyone knows. I don’t know what’s going on between you and Dad, but it’s not good for you. Hiding your art like that. Is this really what you want to do with your talent? Work in a bar and hide out in the woods?”

Nick glared at his brother. “Get off me.”

“You’re letting Ceallach run things and he doesn’t even know he’s doing it.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Nick’s voice rose to a near shout.

“Dammit, Nick. You’re wasting everything you could be. And for what? He’s just a mean old man.”

Shelby’s chest tightened. She couldn’t seem to catch her breath. As the brothers continued to yell at each other, the edges of the room folded in. She knew what was going to happen. She knew the sound of fists on flesh. She knew how fast it happened and how much it hurt. She knew there was no escape. It was going to get bad and then she would be trapped.

Terror pulled at her, chilling her and making her want to run. Only she couldn’t seem to see an escape. She glanced around, but couldn’t focus enough to move. Panic and fear immobilized her as a scream built up inside her chest.

She had to get out of here. She had do something. Then she felt herself whimper as she couldn’t breathe anymore. Her vision got blurry. She couldn’t pass out. She couldn’t! She would be too vulnerable. But there was no way out, and then he would hit her.


AIDAN SAW MOVEMENT out of the corner of his eye. He turned to find Shelby standing a few feet away. She’d gone completely white. Her pupils were dilated, with what he could only assume was terror, and her breathing was rapid.

“Get me a glass of water,” he told Nick. His brother started to protest, then looked at Shelby and swore.

Susan Mallery's Books