Below the Peak (Sola)(68)

“Please it’s too stifling” Nara added, her voice a plea.

Calemir remained unmoved by her words. Instead, he looked over at one of the elves that had joined their once team of four who had ridden from Vessener and spoke to the elf in his tongue. The elf sharply dismounted off his horse and made his way into the carriage.

“He’s yours” Calemir clipped and stalked to his own horse. Taking his cue, Leena, Finn and the other elf saddled up.

Awkwardly, Nara made her way to the horse. She kept her head down, avoiding the accusing stares she got from the nameless coachman and the elf peeking at her through the carriage window. Leena gave her hard stare from the corner of her eyes as she swung on the horse. Nara kept her eyes forward, body stiff. Nevertheless, with the first burst of her horse, she cared less of whatever the elves thought of her. The muscle of her thighs tightened readily, feeling the strength and power of the steed. A thrilling rush shot down her spine as the wind whipping her face had her heart thumping with excitement. Her mouth split into a smile, and it stayed there even when the prince looked at her briefly over his shoulder.


Chapter Twenty-Nine


Exhausting it had been, they had arrived in Uruloki on the eve of the fourth day. The prince’s home stood atop of a hill, overlooking the houses down the slopes. The locals here were mostly garbed in military uniform and simple clothes unlike the people in the city of Elloveben. The ones who had noticed their arrival smiled and murmured welcome to the prince and his crew. They hadn’t disappointed sending stares Nara’s way either when they had seen her riding beside Calemir. As soon as they reached his home and the two elves who rode the carriage carried her trunk inside the house, the four elves disappeared into the town, living Calemir and Nara alone, standing in the entrance hall.

“Follow me” he ordered, already stalking up the stairs. Nara tailed him behind quietly as they climbed the stairs and moved passed the closed rooms. They halted in front of a room that was second to last at the end of the dim lit corridor.

“This is your room, you will find everything to your liking. Izza will show you around the house” he told her, his eyes resting on hers briefly as she listened, then motioned to the last room. “That is my room. Call me if you need anything,” he began to leave then stopped when she asked, “Who is Izza?”

“She cleans the house, she will be here tomorrow morning” Calemir replied. “Anymore, questions?” he sounded almost impatient as if he couldn’t wait to leave her presence.

“I have none,” was Nara’s reply.

Nara watched him leave, listening to his steps as he descended the stairs and the shut of the entrance door. He was gone, out of the house. Nara stepped into the room. The room was large enough to make a person comfortable with simple furnishings, a large bed, a reading table and chair, and a mirror. The room felt unused despite it looking clean. Eyes narrowing, Nara spotted collected dust on the top of the shelves and the large closet. There were no signs a person used it. She inhaled and her nose crinkled. The room felt stuffy, the air stagnant and old. Hmm... why have a room neatly furnished when there was no one sleeping in? She mused as she walked toward the window and opened it. The cool air breezed in and washed the musty atmosphere of the room. She stood and peered outside. Her room was on the other side of the house, facing the edge of the hill. A large red tree rooted itself just near the tip of the hill. It stood proudly under the blinking stars, its shed leaves glinting white under the moonlight.

Alone and a little restless, Nara made it her mission to explore the house. She peeked into the other closed room that wasn’t Calemir’s bedroom and found it was a study room. Descending downstairs, Nara found the living area, kitchen and a storage room and an armory. She decided it was best not to venture outside, so she crept back to the living room and plopped down on the couch. It was little cozy in this room despite the chilling darkness. The winds from the surrounding mountains were a bit colder in the night. Nara stared into nothing as her thoughts travelled back to her family. Where they alright? Her heart silently hoped no harm had been done to her and the crazed king was holding the end of his promise… Kalil, her body, tensed, fear to creep down her spine. She pensively wondered what the situation has become with them. She prayed the three elves Calemir had commanded to remain had installed fear in Abasi. Surely, Abasi wouldn’t dare to strike war with Murisa knowing fully well the elves have now become their allies.

She sat on the couch for an hour her mind drifting from thought to thought, and she became tired. Calemir still hadn’t returned home. She worried a little of his whereabouts only because she didn’t want to be alone in the strange empty house.

Sighing she dragged herself back to her room and shut the door tightly. She plopped on the bed and worked on getting off her boots. She then untucked her tunic and pulled the sheathed dagger she had been hiding and crawled with it under the blankets. She slept lightly that night again with the weapon close to her.

Chapter Thirty

A loud yelp had Nara waking up and jumping from the bed with the dagger unsheathed and pointed to the frightened female elf. The cold from the mahogany floor slinked into her bare feet, waking her up even more. The elf shrilled again, shouting in elvish quickly.

“Don’t move” Nara spoke keeping the dagger aimed at the elf when she took a step back. The elf froze.

Juliet Lili's Books