Below the Peak (Sola)(22)

“Of what?” She asked. She was not the kind who entertained ignorance. Knowledge was power and useful, especially when in need, even when she would prefer not to know certain things.

“Of how for over the last two centuries Murisa has subjected Kalil to its rule?”

True, although the alliance was formed for a greater cause, it did not escape the challenges that came with it, like who had the authority to make significant decisions which involved the vulnerability and benefits of both kingdoms. In this situation, Murisa had the most authority when it came to political influence.

“You know the reason. The people of Kalil failed to govern themselves and had nearly brought destruction upon us which lead to Einar’s treaty!” she retorted then added with a snarl, “And see what they have done. Apparently, they cannot be trusted to lead themselves.”

“Perhaps they did it to free themselves. You can only subject someone for so long” Barra clipped, a vein twitching on his forehead. He looked angry, and not seemingly for what Kalil had done.

“Why are you defending them?” Nara narrowed her eyes at him, perplexed by his odd behaviour. Barra held her gaze for a moment, noting the way she looked at him. He sighed and unclenched his teeth.

“Maybe we brought this on ourselves. We should have seen this coming when King Lorenz refused king Abasi’s termination of the treaty” He said calmly.

Wait, what? Her brows quirked in confusion. “I did not hear of this. When did these talks happen?”

She would have heard of it if not from her father, then from other members of the royal court who gossiped about everything. She could not have missed King Abasi’s visit.


“Abasi sent his emissary. His Majesty did not want anyone to know of this except for the General and the mage and his trustees.” Barra answered. So, it was kept a secret. She pressed her lips in irritation. If they had not hidden it from people, perhaps they would have been prepared and more cautious, lessening the loss.

Barra expelled a breath and did something utterly strange of character. Knowing he had been aware too and said nothing, angered her even more. She made him understand this by glaring at him in the eyes.

“Does it hurt?” He brought up his free hand and cupped her discoloured cheek. Flinching at the contact, Nara stared at him strangely. What the heck is he doing?

Yeah, a lot, it feels like my jaw is about to drop any moment She winced when his thumb pressed on her cheek lightly.

“A little” she muttered softly, ignoring the warmth his thumb was causing as it gently brushed her cheek. Heat spread over her face and somehow soothing her throbbing jaw. She’d forgotten how possibly she appeared to him. Quite unattractive she must look with small cuts on her bruised face, swollen blue eye with chapped dried lips. The female Kali warrior had roughed her up enough and given her a painful headache.

“I…I’m” Barra cleared the gruffness in his voice and something she couldn’t discern in his gaze. She was getting used of his thumb ministration when his hand dropped back down, wearing a serious face. “Let us go. The rest are waiting for us.”

And just like the giant horned chameleon that dwelled in the woodlands of Ruhig forest never knowing what colour they would change to and made your eyes a sport-was how Barra was. He was back being the hard-pressing captain she had been acquainted with five years ago, a man who had made her recruit days’ ordeal, a man whom many saw and took him at face value and failed to see another softer part of him. Once in a blue moon, she had come to get a glimpse of after joining the Elite and spending many months travelling across the country and taking on secret royal missions with him. His past had a huge role to his complex character, she believed.

Nara watched him as he placed his helmet on his head and stalked away. Not wasting another second, she wore her helmet and followed him behind to where the rest of the warriors waited at the open field, perched high on their horses, expression sullen behind their helmets. She swung up on the horse swiftly, twisted the reins in her hand and jammed the horse with her heels, and off she cantered alongside the others headed for Vessener.

Chapter Eight

The Forod Kingdom,

House of Gwainor


In the grand imperial court were the high lord elves assembled to discuss matters of the kingdom, the youngest of them, prince Calemir son of Gwainor sat among the elders of the High Houses. He listened to lord Ivlisar jabber on about how the absence of the ill king left the throne in danger and vulnerable, and stating it was not good for the houses of Forod nor the entire kingdom. The three houses that acted as pinnacles of the kingdom included the Imperial house of Gwainor, the house of Ontophen and house of Amlug.

Lord Ivlisar was one of the elders representing the house of Ontophen.

“It is only fit for one of the elders to take the throne until his Majesty decides to return to the land of the living” lord Ivlisar zealously pressed on across the table.

Calemir looked at the elder, agitation evident in his eyes. The elder was either imprudent not to care what came forth from his mouth or foolish trying to covet the throne openly.

“The borders are in control. No one would dare set foot inside the kingdom under my watch.” Calemir stated in a matter of fact tone, as he caught the gaze of the high lord with his own. He was the prince of Forod, and on behalf of his father, he had the authority to act as the chief General to command the kingdom’s army. He knew very well his responsibility was to protect his people to his last breath and he performed his duty exceptionally. He had his best of men on watch throughout the kingdom.

Juliet Lili's Books