Below the Peak (Sola)(12)

“My father’s name is Jae Thani” she replied. Isabel nodded. “I would remember that.”

A moment pass then Risa frowned in confusion. “How could your father be named Jae Thani. The only ones bearing the name Thani is the king and royal family.”

Isabel's eyebrows narrowed, suspicion and doubt evident in her gaze as she whispered. “Are you a member of the royal family?”

“Yes, I am” Nara admitted flatly. She knew they were going to find out sooner or later. It was better she told them other than other circumstances revealed who she truly was. And besides she did not care if they knew the truth, her identity was no secret to be guarded.

The two girls leant back and gaped at her with their mouth open, not knowing whether to believe her or not. When Nara didn’t say anything, Isabel shook her head, the only word that came out her mouth was “Wow”.

“That explains the way you sit, eat, sometimes talk. The bows you do when greeting. You act dignified. Too proper to be from an ordinary family” Risa said. Nara wore a quizzical expression. What was that supposed to explain?

“And the gold necklace you always were just confirms it. I had thought it was an heirloom or you come from riches” Risa added in a whisper, eyes drifting to her neck. Nara touched her neck. In a few events, she had caught Risa’s eyes on her neck, assessing the thin gold necklace there. Nara had never called her out though she found Risa’s behaviour odd and mildly uncomfortable in the occasions.

“How is your father related to the king?” asked Isabel who had barely finished asking when Risa cut her off with questions of her own, “Do other people know who you are? Or is it a secret? Why have you joined the army?

Her body tensed from the attention and multiple questions tossed, making it hard for her to comprehend, leaving her confused and frustrated.

“Please stop” Nara begged, closing her eyes and taking long breaths. She counted to ten in her head before opening her eyes when they shut up. “To answer you, Isabel, my father is the king’s brother,” she said calmly, though Isabel was looking at her she didn’t directly meet her gaze. Nara was still overwhelmed and meeting her intense eyes would be too much. “I do not know if others know nor would I be bothered if they do” she replied.

“Why join the army then?” Risa asked again, “I find it hard to come with a reason a person of your status would accede to the military” the expression her friend had on said she honestly wanted to know why.

Nara teased her lower lip. She couldn’t say that she was here on impulse, that a particular person had kept the idea in her mind and it never left. She would appear spoiled, an individual who took lightly on this onerous task and that anyone could do it. It would be disrespectful to the warriors, guards and law enforcers who committed their lives to a dangerous job.

“Because I wish to become an honourable soldier” Nara replied, startling herself how honest she meant it. Being true to her heart, she had wanted to be a warrior for so long. From a little girl, Nara had been intrigued with battle stories, growing up she imagined herself in the position of a female soldier going to war. She especially enjoyed the stories of the late female soldiers who fought for the great kingdom Murisa. One story Nara most liked and revered was the wife of late Prince Einnarr, a woman of strength and a great battler. Written records and stories said she fought alongside the prince himself. It wasn’t until Captain Bara’s words made what once only whimsical dreams, something attainable.

The girls stared at her with perplexed faces. They didn’t understand her reasons. Who could leave a lavish comfort for this work?

Her lips parted then pressed them into a line. They wouldn’t understand even if she tried to explain. She couldn’t understand the burning fire in her chest that pushes her to want to be a warrior.

Chapter Four

True to her word, the following day, Lady Astrid had them fashion their own bows and arrows. They started practising archery shortly after. Unlike the relaxed demeanour, Nara had seen of Lady Astrid, the female soldier changed to no-nonsense master. She was strict but patient as she disciplined them in the art. She had them practice shooting on chickens and rabbits which were later served as lunch or dinner after they had fallen under chasing arrows. Days continued to pass at the military base, and the spring rain fell harder than before yet it didn’t discourage the captain from working them hard through it. He had their mind and body wrought through rigorous regimens. She had bruises to prove it. He became even more strict and harsh when he started to teach them sword fight. A small mistake could end you with running laps all day until you are about to faint from a dry spell of the body. However, she had been ready to be taught how to properly wield a sword. In the beginning, they used staffs in place of the sword as they practised, however following days, he gave them swords to use when he saw they were ready. Her swords skills were far more impressive than her archery ones which she didn’t do so well in during training. It had been the goddess doing that first day. She deemed.

That afternoon, with drizzling rain and the sun only cresting behind grey clouds, he made them choose a partner that they would fight against other paired recruits. Nara paired with Hagen who she had become friends over the days. She admired him of how quick he was on his feet. She would like to partner with someone who could dodge an attack first. She could deal with the assault and defend.

Juliet Lili's Books